Chapter 215 Soul Hunting Action

Pope Bibi Dong sat on the first seat alone, and Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, stood quietly behind her.

Five years ago, the golden generation was dominated by evil moons.

Five years later, Hu Liena's achievements have surpassed her brother's.

On the huge oval conference table, from the Pope down, there are nearly 20 people sitting upright, each of whom is gorgeously dressed and dignified.

It can be seen from the clothes on their bodies that these people are all important figures in the Wuhun Hall, at least they are also the masters of one of the main Wuhun Halls.

If there are people who understand here, they know that something big is going to happen in Wuhundian next.

Bibi Dong is the most outstanding Pope in the past, and even under her leadership, the current Spirit Hall has faintly surpassed the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, even the elders will not easily question Bibi Dong's decision.

But I have to say that this woman's iron-blooded wrist and her hard work in the past have indeed brought Wuhundian to an unprecedented height.

Bibi Dong put the scepter on the ground and tapped lightly, "The first thing, as the Pope, I have determined my successor, and it has been reviewed and approved by the Hall of Elders. Starting from today's announcement, Hu Liena canonized as the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall , the pope's first successor."

This decision was expected by everyone, even Xie Yue and Yan hid their jealousy very well.

After all, a year ago when Hu Liena came out of the Slaughter Capital, a small number of high-level officials already knew that Hu Liena had obtained the Death God Domain and was about to break through the [-]th level.

With such a cultivated talent, even the golden generation of the Wuhun Temple is a leader. You must know that Hu Liena is not yet 26 years old, so it is not an exaggeration to describe her talent as a monster.

However, there is another little girl whose whereabouts are unknown, who is actually even more evil.

It's just that the little girl is too young, and she is Tang Hao's granddaughter, otherwise, if she is cultivated into a new generation of golden generation, then she will be the real strong.

It's a pity that it's a matter of status, even if she dares to come, the Wuhun Palace may not dare to accept her.

Bibi Dong's majestic eyes swept over the faces of all the people participating in the meeting. Although her eyes were calm, but all the high-ranking officials of the Spirit Hall were present, they naturally understood what His Majesty the Pope was observing.

Those who were sensible immediately nodded in approval, and even those who reacted slower did not show any dissatisfaction. Everyone knew what Bibi Dong's methods were, and they would not seek their own death when she made a decision.

Pope Bibidong nodded in satisfaction, "Nana is my direct disciple, but she is able to achieve today's glory because of her own hard work. I believe everyone has heard about it, and here I can tell you with certainty that she is indeed Walk out of the capital of killing, and get the killing god domain."

There was an irrepressible sound of admiration, and everyone praised Hu Liena.

Rumors are one thing, confirmation by the Pope himself is another.

It can be seen that Bibi Dong really loves Hu Liena, and she has spent a lot of effort in order to build momentum for this disciple.

Even though Bibi Dong is not too old now, she can still sit in the Pope's position for a long time, but she still needs to further establish her own authority in the Pope's Palace.

"The second thing, according to our repeated investigations, five years ago, the ten thousand-year-old soul beast that appeared in the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy has basically been found out. Not long ago , our search team once found her in the Star Dou Forest. It is almost certain that she is hidden there, that is, in the Star Dou Forest. 10-year-old soul beasts are hard to come by, and this one The 10-year-old soul beast is still in its infancy, and its own strength is not strong. This time, it is absolutely not allowed to miss again. Therefore, I decided to send Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo to lead the team. Twenty cardinals above level [-], Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan went to the Star Dou Forest to search together, and they must find his whereabouts, capture him alive, and hand him over to me personally." Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

That 10-year-old soul beast was rescued by Tang Hao from the front of the Pope's Palace, and the Pope's Palace was destroyed by Tang Hao and that little girl, all of which were thorns in Bibi Dong's heart.

What's more, that damned soul beast made the master turn against her directly, of course she has hatred in her heart.

When the soul beast is caught, let's see how she handles her!
Yueguan and Ghost, who were sitting under the Pope, stood up at the same time and bowed to accept the order.

Standing behind the Pope, Hu Liena showed uncontrollable excitement on her face, and her breathing became a lot faster, quite excited. Of course, she knew that the teacher wanted to capture this 10-year-old soul beast in order to obtain her soul ring.

But she is also very clear that the teacher's spirit bone is full, there is no need to add more spirit bones, and as the saint of Wuhun Temple, the next Pope, the 10-year-old spirit bone must belong to her.

Even without considering the factor of this soul bone, just being able to avenge the humiliation of the Shrek Seven Monsters back then is enough to make her excited.

It's just that she doesn't know where that Tang San is, if she meets him, she will definitely beat him up.

Tang San, you'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands, or I will definitely kill you!

At the beginning, Wuhundian lost three soul bones, which really made Wuhundian heartbroken, but Wuhundian still could afford to lose it.

Fortunately, Hu Liena did not disappoint Bibi Dong, and used the pain of failure as motivation to go to the Capital of Slaughter and get the Death God Domain.

Bibi Dong didn't finish what she said, today she specially asked all the senior management to come over, and there is one more important thing.

"With the passage of time, the strength of our Wuhun Hall has become more and more powerful. There are new and excellent soul masters joining, but there are also soul masters who are losing. Although we have the largest group of soul masters, not all of them The soul masters obey our instructions, and there are still some soul masters who don't pay attention to us at all. Therefore, I decided to start the soul hunting operation, to give a good look to those sects who are obsessed with the Wuhun Palace. In addition, the Seven Great Sects The door should also be adjusted." Bibi Dong said.

With these words, it was as if a thunder was thrown from the ground. No one expected that the most important thing in Bibi Dong's meeting today would be this!
For a while, there were discussions everywhere, and the meeting room was noisy and chaotic.

Bibi Dong's scepter shook violently to the ground, "Quiet! I asked you to come here today, not to discuss, but to announce an order. The soul hunting operation will officially start in a month, and I will personally participate in the execution. If there is a mistake in any link, don't blame me for being ruthless."

At the end of the meeting, many people broke out in cold sweat.

It seems that the sky of Douluo Continent is really about to change, and the desired tranquility may not exist in the short term.

(End of this chapter)

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