Chapter 227
All the students are full of energy and are very much looking forward to the arrival of the exhibition competition.

You know, five years later, five of the Seven Monsters will return, and among them, Tang San, whom the students are most looking forward to, is also among them.

Back then Tang San gained a lot of fanboys and girls, it can be said that one-third of them all came for Tang San.

The other third was directed at Tang Pixiu, the little Shrek princess. Her strength should be higher than Tang San's. Wuhundian lost all face.

However, everyone didn't dare to think too much about the little princess, and didn't dare to ask if she came back. The main reason was that such an existence was too heaven-defying, unlike a human being, so everyone focused on Tang San.

Now the two principals are both Contras above level [-], so naturally they can see extremely gorgeous super soul skills displayed in this kind of competition.

Such a lineup for an exhibition match is what low-level soul masters dream of watching.

The students were excitedly guessing the results of the exhibition competition, recalling the deeds of the Shrek Seven Monsters told by the teachers.

The college side is also making intensive preparations.

The location of the exhibition match was right in the center of the large forest behind the academy, this place was requested by Tang San and the others.

At this time, outside the small house in the forest, Liu Erlong was humming a song, watering the flowers with a kettle in his hand.

At this moment, Flender's exclamation suddenly came.

"Erlong, Erlong!" The voice approached from far away, and Flender had already run in front of Liu Erlong, "I asked you to arrange an exhibition match, and that's how you arranged it? You really killed me, those little boys Don’t you know how perverted this guy is? Besides, how can I, the dean of the dignified academy, make a move so easily?”

Flender panted heavily, feeling even more helpless.

Even with that, the eyes were a little sad.

Liu Erlong snorted, "Why don't you handle the college's affairs from now on, and I'll be in the exhibition match today, how about it?"

"Uh, this..." Flender was speechless for a moment.

Liu Erlong didn't look back, and the movement of watering the flowers didn't stop.

"Now you are like a master every day. You don't have to do anything, and you should contribute to the academy. Perform in front of the students to show your strength and let the students get to know their dean. "

Flender smiled wryly, "Mubai and Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills alone are enough for me to drink a pot, not to mention, there are three other little guys around. Embarrassed."

"Heh, didn't I arrange you and Zhao Wuji? I didn't let you go alone." Liu Erlong chuckled.

Flender was stunned for a moment, "Didn't your arrangement let the two of us take turns?"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong looked at Flender unhappily.

"Of course not. I arranged for the two of you to go up together. Don't I know how powerful Tang San and the others are? After all, you are also my boss, so I can't let you embarrass yourself."

Flender pushed up his glasses, "Hey, you really are my good sister, I am very satisfied with this arrangement. How about the two of you, even if those five little monsters are amazingly powerful, they can't get out of the old man's palm. "

"Hey? Boss, don't be careless and underestimate the enemy. These little monsters cannot be judged by common sense. When I told them yesterday, they agreed without hesitation. They just chose the place for the exhibition match." Liu Er Long said frankly.

Even if Liu Erlong said so, Flender still didn't take it seriously.

"Hehe, although these little monsters cannot be calculated with common sense and are geniuses among geniuses, you can't underestimate your big brother. If neither of us can beat the five of them, we don't have to mess around. Flender whispered.

"Really?" Liu Erlong obviously didn't like him.

Suddenly remembering another purpose of coming here, Flender felt a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands and looked at Liu Erlong.

"Well, Erlong, have you charged the students an entrance fee?"

"I said boss, are you short of money?" Liu Erlong couldn't help complaining, "I remember the empire just gave you a batch of funds, right?"

Flender chuckled, "Aren't you used to it? Forget it, let's forget it, it seems that there is no shortage of money now. Okay, just according to what you mean, we are not short of money now."

Liu Erlong looked at the sky outside, "It's almost time, you should get ready."

Just hope, don't be ashamed.

After five years of transformation, the forest of Shrek Academy is no longer what it used to be.

Today's Shrek has not only divided many mimicry training areas, but also re-planned them.

In the middle of the forest, a huge circular playground was built, surrounded by green trees, and the playground was covered with turf formed by blue silver grass.

Because of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, Emperor Xue Ye can be said to be willing to part with Shrek.

At this time, the playground was already full of people, almost on the third floor, without any gaps. The students all wanted to watch the exhibition match between their most praised idol and the dean and vice dean.

Tang Pixiu was hugged by Qin Ming, staring around with big eyes blinking.

Anyway, everyone has never seen Tang Pixiu in the academy, so they don't even know that she is Shrek's little princess.

No one would have thought that the little Shrek princess who was three years old five years ago is still three years old now.

Seeing the current scene, everyone was a little excited, and the voices of discussion also rang out.

"Hey? Are you talking about the seniors and sisters winning, or the dean?"

"I don't know, hey, it's really hard to choose."

"It's really a rare competition. We must take a closer look later to see where the gap between us and our seniors lies."

Liu Erlong had already arrived, and when he heard the discussions around him, he directly stopped it.

"Teachers, please manage the students in your class well, and don't enter the performance area, otherwise you will be implicated by soul skills, and you will be responsible for the consequences. Another point, be careful to keep quiet."

On the other side, the master led the Five Shrek Monsters to the playground.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Tang San.

"Little San, find something to cover your face."

Tang San was taken aback, "Why, teacher?"

The master smiled slightly, "At the beginning you left a deep impression on Wuhundian. Your appearance and temperament have completely changed now, which is very beneficial to your own safety. Therefore, it is better not to expose it as much as possible. In this way, even Wuhun It's not easy for the people in Soul Palace to find you. And Xiuxiu still hasn't changed, and it's not like you're holding on to the past, and probably no one would think that in five years, Xiuxiu still hasn't grown up."

"Okay." Tang San nodded.

Immediately, the master asked others to bring it too, it's better to keep it a little mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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