Chapter 228

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing understood that this was also caused by the master to protect them, after all their identities are not ordinary, one is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xing Luo Kingdom, the other is the future Crown Princess.

The mask was still taken out from Tang San's 24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night, and it was also the mask used by the Shrek Seven Devils back then, which is an important souvenir for them.

Everyone kept it, and took it one by one at the moment, covering the original face.

Seeing that the five Shrek monsters also put on masks, the master smiled with satisfaction.

At this very moment, they are about to work together again as a team to play an exhibition match against Flender and Zao Wou-ki.

The master felt a little emotional, and felt that he seemed to have returned to five years ago. At that time, he was the one who took everyone to participate in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. It was also at that time that Shrek Academy became famous.

When they came to the playground, Liu Erlong was already standing in the middle of the playground, giving lectures loudly.

As the deputy dean, Liu Erlong has always been known for being strict, and of course it has something to do with her temper. Not to mention the academy, even the teachers are afraid of her.

Hearing her lecturing at this time, everyone quickly acted according to her request.

The teachers managed the students in their classes well, and the students quickly backed away, even breathing lightly.

At this moment, everyone also saw the master bringing five young men in masks, who were obviously the Five Shrek Monsters.

Grandmaster looked at Liu Erlong and nodded slightly.

Liu Erlong also understood that the competition can begin.

"Hello, senior."

The surrounding area was originally very quiet, but after the Shrek Five Monsters appeared, everyone spontaneously yelled.

That's right, the Shrek Seven Devils are their belief and their idol.

Now that the idol is back, everyone is happy and happy.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were also taken aback by this scene, the five quickly bowed slightly, returning the salute to these juniors and girls.

Seeing this scene, the voices of the colleges became even louder.

Immediately, five people came to the stage, clasping fists in unison.

He saluted Zao Wou-ki and Flender, expressing his respect for the two principals.

Seeing this scene, Tang Pixiu couldn't stay in Qin Ming's arms.

"Xiuxiu really wants to compete with Papa and the others."

The little girl's soft milk sounded, and she was still holding the snowflake cake in her hand, and stuffed it into her mouth bit by bit.

The crumbs of the pastry accidentally fell on Qin Ming's clothes, but he didn't care.

Hearing the little girl's emotion, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly, and whispered in Tang Pixiu's ear.

"Xiuxiu, you are so powerful. If you go up, Dean Flender and Vice-President Zao Wou-ki will be ashamed. So, you give your uncle, aunt and father a chance to fight against the two How about a dean competition?"

The little girl immediately showed a smile, and now she was very happy to be Shun by Qin Ming.

"Teacher Qin is right, Xiuxiu is so powerful." Tang Pixiu also lowered his voice.

That's right, Xiuxiu is so powerful, they are no match.

"Everything is quiet!"

At this time, Flender shouted loudly, but it made them fully feel the strength of the dean.

Flender glanced around in satisfaction, and he saw fanaticism in the eyes of the students, which was what he most hoped to see.

Even the students after the academy don't have the monstrous talents like Shrek Strange back then, but they still have to be useful people.

The love and enthusiasm for the profession of soul master is the basic element for everyone's progress.

"Five years ago, Shrek Academy created brilliance. On behalf of the academy, the Shrek Seven Monsters and other eleven students defeated all the advanced soul master academies and won us the honor of being the championship of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. Without their existence, our Shrek Academy would not have the current scale. Today, five years later, five people from that team returned to the academy. They have all grown up and become stronger. Today This exhibition game is not for you to watch the excitement, but to let you know what the ultimate can be achieved at the same age."

Having said that, Flender paused for a moment and looked at the expressions on the faces of the students.

After seeing everyone's expressions, he nodded with great satisfaction.

"For a soul master, talent is extremely important. I believe all adults have always told you this. However, I believe you also know that among the Shrek Seven Monsters, Tang San, who is known as the soul of the Seven Monsters, has a martial soul. It's just a small blue silver grass. But relying on this blue silver grass, he led the team to defeat powerful enemies repeatedly. Why? Do you know?" Flender continued to be impassioned.

Don Pixiu really wanted to interrupt Flender, but what he said was wrong.

Papa's Blue Silver Grass is not ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but Blue Silver Emperor.

Otherwise, when she fell into the God Realm back then, she wouldn't recover from the injuries in her body because of Tang San's approach.

Even if it was very slow, it was because of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Qin Ming naturally knew what Tang Pixiu was thinking, and also knew that the little girl was rubbing her body upwards to explain what the dean said was wrong.

However, Qin Ming pressed the little girl's small body upwards.

"Xiuxiu, just listen to what the dean said. He is helping everyone improve their confidence." Qin Ming whispered.

Hearing what Qin Ming said, the little girl gave up.

"Because of his hard work, his struggle! Your martial spirit is no worse than the Blue Silver Grass, so as long as you work hard, you can also reach the height you want." Here Flender continued, "Continue Come down and let you see what strength the people who graduated from our Shrek Academy are now. Little monsters, report your grades."

Next, the Shrek Seven Monsters began to activate their martial souls.

"Dai Mubai, Level 63 Assault Department Battle Soul Emperor."

"Tang San, level 59 control system battle spirit king."

"Ma Hongjun, Level 57 Assault Department Soul King."

"Ning Rongrong, the battle soul emperor of the sixtieth auxiliary system."

"Zhu Zhuqing, the battle soul emperor of the [-]th level agility attack system."

Seeing that the martial souls of the five people had been activated, all the students cheered again and shouted Shrek.

Flender took a step forward, "Okay, everyone be quiet. In the next competition, as long as the Shrek Five Monsters persist for three incense sticks under the joint attack of me and Dean Zhao, they will win. In fact, I also want to know how they have improved in the past five years. Dean Liu, get ready for the competition, the competition is about to begin."

Liu Erlong made a ready gesture, and Flender nodded.

Zhao Wou-ki suddenly leaned close to Flender's ear, and asked in a weak voice.

"Boss, should we show mercy?"

(End of this chapter)

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