Chapter 234 Welcome to Star Dou Forest

Tang San's temperament and appearance had changed too much now, Hu Liena couldn't recognize him back then, and neither could Xie Yue and Yan now.

With Hu Liena appearing, Yueguan and Guimei no longer plan to do anything.

In any case, Hu Liena is the heir of the next pope, and Bibi Dong's direct disciple, so I still have to give some face.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Tang San said lightly.

Hu Liena smiled slightly, a pair of big eyes full of tenderness stared at the coldness in Tang San's eyes without blinking, and couldn't help fiddled with the broken hair by her ears.

"I didn't expect to meet you either. Are you here to hunt soul beasts?"

Tang San nodded silently, "I'll be level sixty soon."

Hu Liena seemed a little shy, "Why are you hunting soul beasts alone?"

"I don't come here alone, can I still ask someone to help me?" Tang San asked back.

"You still have me!" Hu Liena said anxiously, and realized something was wrong after she finished speaking, "Well, I mean, we are friends."

In other words, I can help you.

Yan couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Hu Liena,
"Nana, who is he? Why haven't we met before?"

He grew up with Hu Liena, practiced together, and spent most of the time together in the past twenty years, but he didn't know anyone Hu Liena knew, which was also an important reason why he was full of hostility towards Tang San.

Yan has always felt that only he is worthy of Hu Liena, after all, he is extremely talented.

Now it seems that this is not the case. The man in front of him is obviously much younger than him, but his soul power is close to level sixty, which is really too much of a threat.

"He's my friend." Hu Liena said lightly, then looked at Tang San again, "Tang Yin, it was a misunderstanding just now, don't mind. Our camp is not far ahead, you and I can go and have a seat. "

Tang San shook his head, "No need, I was guarded before I went in, if I go in, I'm afraid I will be suspected of stealing information."

After speaking, Tang San was about to leave here, but was entangled by Yan.

When the two fought against each other, Yan immediately lost the upper hand.

"Yan, what are you doing?"

Hu Liena's body turned sideways, and she was already in front of Tang San.

"Nana, this person behaves very suspiciously. If he leaves and disturbs our mission target, His Excellency the Pope will be angry." Yan couldn't believe that Hu Liena would treat him with such an attitude.

"I said before that he is my friend. Yan, because of our friendship for many years, I will let you go this time. Next time, don't blame me for being rude to you! Is the sneak attack from behind a real man?" Hu Liena said sharply.

Yan never thought that Hu Liena would say such words to herself, grievance, unwillingness, anger, pain, all kinds of emotions kept stirring in her heart.

Finally, with a cold snort, he left alone.

Xie Yue was also curious about Tang San, so Hu Liena told about Tang San saving her in the capital of killing gods.

Tang San looked indifferent, "Now, can I go?"

"You can't go yet."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Tang San only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the next moment, there was already a shadow in front of him.

Of course he recognized that it was Ghost Douluo Ghost.

The two discussed it, Tang San acted together with them, and Ghost Douluo caught Tang San a suitable spirit beast.

Hearing this, Tang San was of course very happy, but he didn't say anything or show it.

In this way, Tang San can be regarded as breaking into the enemy's interior.

Next, Tang San acted together with the people from Spirit Hall.

After rushing for a while, everyone sat down to rest, Tang San also began to sense the surrounding situation at this time, and the Blue Silver Domain was released directly.

When Tang San's spiritual power was about to extend to the edge, two extremely domineering auras appeared within the range of his Blue Silver Domain's perception.

The moment these two auras appeared, Tang San felt as if his brain had been hit by a heavy hammer, his whole body trembled violently, and his eyes opened.


Tang San spat out a mouthful of blood, his face became pale, and his spirit became much weaker.

"what happened?"

Hu Liena was the first to react, and quickly supported Tang San when he was about to fall.

He was still alive and well before, so why did he suddenly seem to have been severely injured in an instant?
Shocked, Hu Liena hurriedly put her soul power into Tang San's body as softly as possible, but she found that the soul power in Tang San's body was very full and not consumed.

But his breath was very weak, and he fell into Hu Liena's soft embrace like a wisp of breath.

Ghost immediately rushed to Tang San's side, injecting his soul power into Tang San's body, making Tang San couldn't help shivering.

"This kid is very good. We just released his mental power, but we didn't notice it. It's just that his mental power was backlashed by other powers, so he was injured. It seems that the other party is a very powerful soul beast, maybe 10 Year-old soul beast." Ghost said.

Tang San let out a mouthful of turbid air, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Tang Yin, what happened?"

Seeing that Tang San had recovered, Hu Liena felt relieved, so she asked him.

"Just now I used my mental power to check around to see if there is a suitable soul beast, but I met a particularly powerful existence. It was able to capture my spiritual power, and even sent a mental shock to me. If It's not that I reacted quickly, I was killed just now." Tang San replied.

Yue Guan was overjoyed, "What kind of powerful soul beast is that?"

Tang San frowned and thought for a while, "It should be a spirit beast of the Contra level. My spiritual power is already comparable to a strong person of the Contra level. Unless it is a Contra level, it is impossible to hurt me."

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, and Ghost Douluo spoke after pondering for a moment.

"No matter what, we have to go and have a look. The target should be nearby. I would rather kill by mistake than let it go. Let's go."

A group of people walked towards the direction Tang San pointed, everyone planned to meet that spirit beast.

At this moment, a clear female voice suddenly came.

"Welcome to the Star Dou Great Forest. Haven't you been looking for me for a long time? Now that I have found it, why don't you dare to come here?"

This voice is Xiao Wu!
Everyone followed the voice and continued to move forward, their target was Xiao Wu who spoke.

When everyone arrived, they found the titan great ape.

Even Yueguan and Guimei felt very overwhelmed at this moment.

Because, among all the titled Douluo, only Tang Hao was the one who defeated the Titan Giant Ape.

And on the shoulders of the titan great ape, stood a beautiful figure.

That was Xiao Wu!
Tang San looked around, he had already seen Xiao Wu, but the little girl hadn't arrived yet.

It doesn't matter, then take Xiao Wu to find her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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