Chapter 235 It's Too Late
Seeing Xiao Wu standing with the Titan Great Ape, Tang San wasn't worried, he had already heard Tang Pixiu say that he was Xiao Wu's younger brother.

Xiao Wu felt cold, "Wuhundian, let's make a break today."

The giant ape titan roared loudly, and the powerful aura made everyone a little bit blindsided.

Ghost looked at Yueguan, "Juhuaguan, block this big guy for a while, I'll catch that rabbit first. Once you succeed, run away immediately!"

"Yeah." Yueguan nodded quickly.

After finishing speaking, he rushed directly towards the Titan giant ape.

Who would have thought that after just one meeting, the ghost would be beaten out by the titan great ape.

Yueguan was about to deal with the Titan giant ape, but unexpectedly a huge monster appeared in the water, and its tail swept Yueguan, and he was also thrown out.

This colossal monster is the Sky Blue Bull Python, and it is also the Daming in Xiao Wu's mouth.

When they were young, Yueguan and Ghost used the martial soul fusion technique.

Even the Azure Bull Boa and the Titan Giant Ape were trapped in the two-pole static domain and could not move. The martial soul fusion skill of the two of them is also a secret of the Spirit Hall.

When chasing and killing Tang San back then, the two of them originally wanted to use the bipolar static domain, but they were interrupted by Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi at that time.

Although the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python are strong, facing such a dual-attribute field with super controlling power, even they can only end up being temporarily controlled.

"We can only trap these two soul beasts for a while, you grab that rabbit and get out of here immediately, hurry up!" Yue Guan yelled.

Of course, in order to display this ability, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo have put all their energy into it. When their soul power can't support it, this domain will naturally be released accordingly.

Therefore, the most important thing is to catch Xiao Wu now.

Following Ghost Douluo's order, the first person to react was not the people in the Spirit Hall, but Tang San.

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo's calculations were good, and the two spirit beasts were also trapped because they underestimated them, but they missed Tang San's variable.

The moment Ghost Douluo gave the order, Tang San started to act, plotting against Xie Yue.

Hu Liena and Yan turned their heads at the same time, they didn't understand why Tang San would attack Xie Yue, they didn't know that he was Tang San until they found out that he had cast the Blue Silver Grass.

Yes, Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, if not Tang San with twin spirits, who else?

At this moment the Soul Sages had already restrained Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu had already recognized Tang San when she saw the Flying God Claw and the Mother and Child Chasing Soul.

Even though her body was surrounded by blue silver grass, she didn't struggle at all.

Tang San revealed the eight spider spirit bones, and flew into the sky, the blue silver grass entangled Xiao Wu, and the two embraced.

Seeing this scene, Hu Liena was heartbroken.

"Why is this, he is actually Tang San!"

Yue Guan was also half-dead from anger, "Damn it, Tang San made a move."

Xiao Wu didn't care about her surroundings, even in the face of the threat from the Spirit Hall, she was still extremely happy.

"elder brother."

With a call, the lovers who had been apart for five years finally met at this moment.

The two didn't have time to talk about the past, and immediately started to flee.

Anyway, there are many people in Wuhundian, and the two of them are still in a dangerous state.

At the same time, a chubby little figure had arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

Tang Pixiu touched his belly, feeling a sense of hunger, really wanting to eat chicken legs.

Yes, you can eat it when you find Baba and Mama.

"Papa, Mama, wait for Xiuxiu, Xiuxiu is here."

With the five-colored stone as a positioning, Tang Pixiu naturally flew towards the center of the Star Dou Forest.

However, the little girl quickly discovered something was wrong.

"Strange, why is Papa running all the time? Could it be that Ma Ma is playing games with him?"

Of course, it is also possible that Papa was being chased.

Thinking of this, Tang Pixiu didn't care whether he was hungry or not, and hurried to Tang San's direction.

And Tang San here was already in a hard fight, his own spirit power was running low.

He was injured one after another. If it wasn't for his extremely tough body, he would have been unable to stand up after constantly facing such shocks beyond his own strength.

"Run! Why don't you run away?"

Yan stared fiercely at Tang San's face, he crushed the roses at his feet in the forest.

He also recognized the identity of the Blue Silver Emperor and the hidden weapon Tang San attacked, but it was precisely because of this that he hated Tang San even more in his heart.

Five years have passed, and the boy who had brought him shame at the beginning has turned into a young man, and the original gap in soul power has actually narrowed a lot.

"It's still too late." Tang San sighed.

Yan snorted coldly, "At the end of the battle, why bother to struggle needlessly, do it!"

For a moment, seven extremely powerful soul powers shot up into the sky at the same time, directly attacking Tang San.

The remaining seven soul saints are all of the attack type, and their strongest characteristic is attack, so they concentrate the power of the seven martial soul avatars to launch an attack on one opponent.

Even if it is Titled Douluo to resist, it is not so easy.Not to mention Tang San who had consumed a lot of spirit power.

"No, brother!" Xiao Wu shouted,
Tang San's reaction can be said to have reached the extreme, in the face of the deadly threat, he finally broke through.

The soul power in his body increased instantly, and the bottleneck between level 59 and level [-] was defeated in one fell swoop. This sudden increase in soul power undoubtedly became the weight for his survival.

It's a pity that he is still not the opponent of the other party.

At this moment Tang San had already made a decision, using the opponent's weapon, chopped off the right leg bone and handed it to Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, the spirit bone skill is flying, hurry up and go."

After speaking, Tang San jumped up, using himself as Xiao Wu's shield, throwing her out.

When the opponent's attack was unable to resist, he blocked it at the expense of his right leg, and at the same time forcibly stripped the connection between the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone and himself with the method Tang Hao used back then.

Tang San wasn't a titled Douluo, so naturally he didn't have the price to strip off his spirit bones.

At this moment, what he paid was his own life.

At the same time his right hand was caught in the blood mist, his left hand was already holding a fragment of the Eight Spider Lances, which was fiercely inserted into his left chest heart.

Only at the cost of his life could he forcefully strip the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone from his body.

The last vitality was to throw out that piece of Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, and when he yelled that sentence, purple-black blood gushed out from Tang San's mouth.

But he was smiling, and all he had on his face was a smile.

Xiao Wu, I can finally protect you.

I don't want to die in the hands of the enemy, so I choose to die in my own hands.

Xiuxiu, don't be sad, Papa is very happy to have a daughter like you.

You follow everyone in the future, be careful.

Tang San's body was in severe pain, and he slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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