Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 236 We want to be together forever

Chapter 236 We Want To Be Together Forever

The moment Tang San closed his eyes, he exhausted the last bit of strength, the insinuation on his chest touched, and countless needles shot towards the agility attack system soul master who was not far away from him.

Even at this last moment, Tang San would try his best to help Xiao Wu delay the enemy, to ensure her safety.

"Tang Yin, he actually stripped his soul bone by committing suicide."

Hu Liena couldn't cry, her feelings for Tang Yin were also very complicated at this moment.

Tang Yin is Tang San, she already knew it, but she still wanted to call him this name in her private heart, because this name only represented the encounter between him and Tang San in the Slaughter City, and it was also her relationship.

Xiao Wu's eyes had turned blood red, just like when Tang San couldn't find her back then.

Looking at Tang San's broken body that was about to be devoured, she suddenly raised her head in mid-air,

An incomparably sharp mournful cry suddenly erupted from Xiao Wu's mouth, that sharp sound seemed to make the entire Star Dou Forest tremble,

The dazzling red light suddenly spread from the center of Xiao Wu's eyebrows, turning into a circle of red light and spreading instantly.

Where the red light passes, everything is rendered bloody.

Everything is still at this moment.

Amidst the muffled groans, Yueguan and Ghost spewed blood and separated at the same time, and fell heavily to the shore.

At this time, if the titan giant ape and the sky blue bull python wanted to kill them, it would be a matter of little effort.

However, neither of the two forest kings did this. They rushed towards the same direction at the same time with howls like landslides and tsunami.

Wherever it passed, all the vegetation turned into dust.

The people in Wuhundian were puzzled, and were suddenly pushed back by a powerful force.

"What happened just now?" Yan asked.

Xie Yue frowned, "I also heard that when a 10-year-old soul beast dies, it will generate a strong magnetic field."

The Azure Bull Python, the Titan Giant Ape, and the two Soul Douluo from the Wuhun Temple all arrived.

All they were given was Xiao Wu's back and a big red mask.

"No, 10 year spirit ring!" Yue Guan yelled.

"No chance." Ghost sighed.

Xie Yue didn't quite understand, "Could it be that she intends to sacrifice herself? It is said that Tang San's mother did the same."

"It's not the same." Yueguan immediately shook his head, "This soft bone rabbit sacrificed in a more domineering way. Not only sacrificed his own life, but also sacrificed his own soul."

Hu Liena suddenly opened her eyes wide, "What, sacrifice, soul?"

"She integrated her soul into the spirit ring, and gave herself completely to Tang San. In this kind of sacrifice, no matter how strong Tang San is, no matter whether he has reached the level that requires a spirit ring. The 10 The fusion of the Nian soul ring and him will be absolutely successful." Yue Guan sighed straight, "Hey, Tang San is not Tang Hao back then, and he is not close to Title Douluo, so it is impossible to absorb the 10-year soul ring with his own ability."

With so many preparations, in the end it was cheaper for Tang San, that is a 10-year spirit ring!
"Then, where's Xiao Wu?" Hu Liena still couldn't help asking.

"Her result will be that she will not be reborn forever." Ghost replied.

Everyone turned away, and there was no point in staying now.

Hu Liena was in terribly painful pain, and her heart was like a knife.

For her, he could give his life, commit suicide and take the bones.

For him, she could burn her life and sacrifice her soul ring.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San tenderly, "Brother, you are so stupid, can I live alone if you die? I don't want you to die, I want you to live, and live well. I really hope that you can Live with you, just like before. But, no. I'm gone, you have to take care of yourself, or I will be sad. "

Around the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Ah Yin and Tang Hao opened their eyes at the same time.

"Ayin, you feel it too? No, it's impossible, Xiaosan will be fine." Tears fell from Ah Yin's eyes.

Tang Hao also shook his head, "Yes, no, nothing will happen to Xiaosan, how could he encounter a life crisis?"

The feeling that the two are connected by blood makes them clearly feel the breath of life that is constantly disappearing in the distance.


Suddenly, Tang Hao's expression changed, and he stared into the distance with wide eyes.

Tang Hao's lips were trembling, maybe his son didn't have to die.

However, the feeling that life is worse than death that once appeared on him, will it also appear on him?

It became absolutely still in the red light, even the soul power attack released by the soul sage in the air has stagnated in midair.

Xiao Wu's whole body has turned red, it is a crystal clear dark red.

The people of Wuhundian left, but they didn't notice a smaller figure rushing over.

Tang Pixiu appeared, surrounded by golden light from her body, which directly broke the magnetic field generated when the 10-year soul beast died.

"Papa, Mama!"

The little girl looked anxious, seeing that Xiao Wu had already embarked on a road paved with flowers.

That's a dead end!
However, due to Tang Pixiu's strong intrusion, the magnetic field was shattered, and Xiao Wu's figure also stopped. Of course, she did not stop actively, but passively.

But the sacrifice has already begun, and it still needs to continue.

Tang Pixiu made a move with his right hand to Tang San's body, and multicolored lights flashed from Tang San's 24 bridges in the moonlit night.

Immediately, the five-colored stone returned to Tang Pixiu's hand, and she took another one.

The golden light on Tang Pixiu's body was shining brightly, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and fell on the five-colored stone, and the five-colored stone emitted a dazzling light.

But this mouthful of blood is light golden blood, not red.

No one knew that this was her heart's blood, and it was not much different from the divine blood of life, the only difference was that the divine blood of life was reddish gold.

If Tang Pixiu hadn't considered that Tang San's body couldn't bear it, Tang Pixiu would probably have used his natal blood directly.

Xiao Wu's sacrifice has already started, and if she wants to stop it, she must use a more domineering method.

After Tang Pixiu spit out pale golden blood, her aura also gradually weakened.

"Ma Ma, Papa, we want to be together forever."

After finishing speaking, Tang Pixiu closed his eyes and read a few words silently.

The five-colored stone spun quickly, instantly covering Xiao Wu, then the five-colored stone turned dark red, left Xiao Wu's face, and sank into Tang San's body.

The surrounding magnetic field completely disappeared, and Xiao Wu found that all her strength had returned. At this time, she even had a breakthrough, and she had already reached the sixtieth level of soul power, and even the ears on her head disappeared.

Xiao Wu was shocked, her sacrifice just now was stopped by Tang Pixiu's stronger and more domineering power.


Xiao Wu hurriedly shouted, but at this moment Tang Pixiu couldn't hear her voice at all.

The little girl was shrouded in golden light, and those light gathered into the red light around Tang San little by little.

Her breath continued to weaken.

(End of this chapter)

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