Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 237 Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring

Chapter 237: The 10 Year Spirit Ring

Tang Pixiu's five-colored stone just now was to forcibly prevent Xiao Wu from offering sacrifices, and then he used his own efforts to copy everything Xiao Wu sacrificed.

After the sacrifice started, it could only end if it was equal to the other party's sacrifice, so Tang Pixiu copied Xiao Wu's spirit ring and spirit bone to Tang San.

In other words, Xiao Wu's 10-year-old spirit beast's spirit ring and spirit bone were copied into the colorful stone and injected into Tang San's body.

But even so, Tang San still couldn't absorb the energy of the colorful stone.

It was also for this reason that Tang Pixiu needed to control his divine power to induce Tang San to absorb the five-colored stone, and she was almost unable to hold on now.

She hadn't recovered her divine power in the previous battle, and now she is constantly expending her divine power to save Tang San, which is very difficult for her.

But no matter how difficult it is, she has to persevere.

A circle of jumping blood flames moved quietly around Tang San's body, as golden and red light poured into Tang San's body, the soul power in his body was recovering and improving at an extremely terrifying speed.

On the surface of the skin, the blue, gold, and blood three-color rays of light continuously and alternately shone, and Tang San was surrounded by powerful forces.

The eight spider spirit bones on his back grew out bit by bit, just like his reshaped right leg, even the fatal wound on his chest was completely healed at this time, Tang San's heart began to beat vigorously .

The ring of surging blood flames suddenly retracted, and in an instant, a series of explosions erupted around Tang San's body, and the original five spirit rings on his body appeared one by one.

And the bloody sixth ring was condensed around his body, it was indeed a 10 year soul ring.

At the same time, a bloody light suddenly shone on his left arm, and a red arm bone flashed and disappeared.

At the same time Tang San opened his eyes, Tang Pixiu's body also changed back to Pixiu's appearance, and quickly fell from midair.

Even, it was more than half the size of the little girl when Xiao Wu saw her for the first time.

How could this be?
Tang San also fell to the ground, he jumped up from the ground suddenly, suddenly found that his body was a little uncontrollable, and he bounced seven or eight meters high.

Fortunately, his control was amazing, so he carefully held Tang Pixiu to stabilize his body and landed on the ground.

"elder brother."

Xiao Wu stepped forward, with tears in her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, you are so stupid, why do you do this, I just hope you live. I am useless, I can't protect you, let you sacrifice for me, and I can't protect Xiuxiu, she looks very bad now." Tang San also had tears in his eyes.

On Tang Pixiu's wrist, two solitary five-colored stones are still slowly infusing her with five-colored light invisible to the naked eye.

However, the little girl's injury this time is unprecedented.

"I don't regret it, but brother, how is Xiuxiu now? I can feel that her aura is very weak. She spurted a mouthful of blood before, and it was golden." Xiao Wu said with a heartbroken face, "The sacrifice was originally It was my decision, but Xiuxiu took it for me."

"Forget about these things, I want to know how to help Xiuxiu, her body is getting smaller." Tang San felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, he didn't care about his body's spirit bone and spirit ring anymore, it was Tang Pixiu who mattered.

Although now Tang San could already feel that all attributes of his body had been improved, even mental strength.

However, what worries him the most is Tang Pixiu.

"Brother, Xiuxiu said before that she is by your side because your Blue Silver Emperor healed her wounds. So, is she by your side, or if you release the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit, she will be better?" Xiao Wu guessed.

Hearing this, Tang San also thought of something, immediately took out the dagger, slashed his wrist heavily, and gently opened her mouth, letting blood flow into Tang Pixiu's mouth.

But Tang Pixiu still didn't respond, and Tang San was a little discouraged.

He didn't know that his blood was actually useful, but the effect was not obvious.

Losing his heart and soul is definitely a serious injury for Tang Pixiu.

Therefore, she couldn't maintain her human form, and even her original form shrunk.

"Xiao Wu, let's go back first."

Since the soul power in the center of the Star Dou Great Forest is relatively strong, it should be beneficial to bring her there.

Moreover, since Tang Pixiu was able to recover from his injuries under his Blue Silver Emperor, the little girl would surely recover faster if he practiced by her side.

Although Tang Pixiu's aura was weak, Tang San had a very strong feeling that the little girl would not die.

Perhaps this is also related to the multicolored stone in his body, which seems to be related to Tang Pixiu.

He could still feel it, despite being fully absorbed with her help.

While taking care of Tang Pixiu, Tang San killed and absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider who had tripped them before, and now his eight spider spirit bones have also changed.

"Brother, Xiuxiu still hasn't changed."

Xiao Wu hugged Tang Pixiu, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

If it was her who sacrificed, Xiuxiu would not be like this.

Tang San stepped forward to hug his daughter, "Xiao Wu, let's go back to Shrek Academy first, Xiuxiu will be fine, I believe her. No matter what method I use, I will make her recover."

Xiao Wu nodded, she may not have seen everyone for a long time, now his soul power has broken through to level [-], and his ears are gone.

Now, she is an adult 10-year-old soul beast, no different from a human being.

Even if she appears in front of everyone now, no one will find out that she is a soul beast, not even Title Douluo.


In Shrek Academy, there was also a sense of sadness.

Liu Erlong was standing in front of Flender's desk, looking at him pleadingly.

Flender smiled wryly, Erlong, I can't help it, don't you know Xiaogang's temper?You can't talk to him, so what's the use of me going?You also know that Xiaogang's biggest dream back then was to be recognized by the Zongmen one day, which is also the biggest reason why he has been devoting himself to the study of martial arts for many years.The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect was bloodbathed, even his father was not spared, the blow to Xiao Gang was too great, what he is doing now is completely a form of venting.If you really let him calm down, I'm afraid he will feel even more uncomfortable and unbearable. "

"But he is like this now, I am afraid that his body will collapse soon. Either he trains those soul masters without sleep every day, or he forgets to eat and sleep to study martial arts. Even I can only persuade him to eat something occasionally. , rest for a while. I can't hold it anymore, Xiaogang is like this, I feel very uncomfortable." Liu Erlong cried.

Flender sighed, "Perhaps, only when Xiao San comes back can he be a little happier."

This statement is true, after all the master has always treated Tang San as his own son.

Perhaps only seeing Tang San would make him feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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