The farmer has a mall

Chapter 101 I don't need an apology

Chapter 101 I don't need an apology
Her voice was very calm, and the air around her seemed to be condensed, causing a chill for no reason.

Gu Shen, who had been on the battlefield, felt a murderous aura from his daughter.

He swallowed, not knowing how to answer the question.

Sister Nan was obviously very angry at this time. If he answered wrongly, would the girl ignore her?
Gu Shen thought for a moment, then tentatively said: "This servant girl has a vicious mind, why don't you ask someone to beat her ten times for my father, and then drive her out of the house?"

Seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't say a word, Gu Shen paused and looked at Ge Shi.

"Your mother...Ge's lack of discipline is also at fault, why don't you ask her to apologize to you..."

Ge Shi's face changed slightly, and the hands in his sleeves were clenched tightly.

The master always protects this little slut, and actually asked her, the mistress of the house, to apologize to the child.

If she really did this, once word spread, how would she manage her servants!

Before Ge Shigang could refuse, Gu Nanyan sneered.


She looked at Ge Shi faintly.

"I never need an apology from others!"

After finishing speaking, she walked to Gu Shen's table, picked up the teapot on the table, and walked over to Ge Shi's side.

Ge Shi only felt a figure flash in front of her, and Gu Nanyan stood in front of her in the blink of an eye.

She took two steps back in panic, her intuition was bad, she turned around and wanted to run, but Gu Nanyan grabbed her right hand.

Gu Nanyan bared her teeth viciously at her, picked up the teapot and poured it into Ge Shi's hand.

Ge Shi's face turned pale with fright, and a scream escaped from her throat.

Hongmei, who was lying on the ground, struggled to get up, shouting loudly.

"Come on, come on!"

"Missy is crazy, she wants to kill her aunt!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Shen kicked him hard and fell to the ground again.

"Baby maid, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Gu Shen was furious at this moment.

This person is the servant girl next to Ge Shi, but she has no respect for Nan Jie'er, the master. It can be seen how Ge Shi treats Nan Jie'er on weekdays.

Gu Shen is a martial arts practitioner, this kick was not light, and Hongmei was in cold sweat from the pain.

Regardless of her injury, she kowtowed to Gu Shen non-stop.

"Master, please save Madam, the Eldest Miss is insane, she will really kill Madam, the Young Master is still young, so I can't lose my mother!"

Hongmei burst into tears, the voice was so loud that even the servants outside the door could hear it.

Gu Shen frowned tightly, the veins on his forehead twitched.

"Fart! Sister Nan is just joking, the pot of tea in her hand has long been cold!"

Gu Shen is a general with a bad temper, so his inner fire is extremely high, and he never likes to drink hot tea.

Therefore, the servants serve him every time after it cools down.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips, let go of Ge Shi's hand, and rolled her eyes at Gu Shen.

The old hag obviously provoked trouble deliberately, presumably because she didn't want to return her mother's Zhuangzi to him.

She is not stupid, so she will not be fooled by this.

If she burns her hand, how can she accept her mother's inheritance!
Gu Nanyan took the handkerchief that Bai Zhi handed over, and glanced at her in disgust.

"Next time you encounter this kind of thing, I will beat you back severely, and stand there motionless as a stake for others?"

Bai Zhi's eyes were red.

She knew that the young lady was venting her anger just now, and she was just afraid of causing trouble for the young lady, after all, that person was the young lady's mother in name.

"Your servant understands." Bai Zhi nodded heavily.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied, glanced at Ge Shi who was sitting on the ground, who was already stunned by fright, and clicked twice.

"You still want to fight Lao Tzu with this little combat power, you weakling."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and sat down on the main seat in a leisurely manner.

Gu Shen: "..."

Although I have never heard the word weak chicken before, I somehow understood the meaning.


I always feel that my daughter is more powerful and domineering than this father. Should he cry or laugh?
Ge Shi was very embarrassed at this time, tea was splashed on his body while he was struggling, his hair was messed up, and he was sitting on the ground and his whole body was shaking.

I don't know whether to be scared or angry.

Hongmei hurriedly helped her master up and sat on the chair, and pulled her to the place where Gu Nanyan kicked her as she walked, not daring to breathe in the pain.

Gu Shen picked up the box on the table and handed it to Gu Nanyan.

"There should be a land deed and an account book here. If you think you need it, take it."

"In addition, although the father's salary has been handed over to the public, in the past few years, he has also saved some private money. You should need a lot of money to do business."

He took out a few bank notes from his pocket and placed them in front of Gu Nanyan.

"You take these and use them first. If they are not enough, I will find a way."

Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows, picked up the banknote and looked at it.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Good guy, there are as many as 2 taels!
She looked at Gu Shen meaningfully.

I didn't expect this fellow to be a corrupt official!

Gu Shen was puzzled by his daughter.

There is an unwritten rule in the army that the generals can get [-]% of the loot looted on the battlefield.

Most of this silver was exchanged for spoils of war, and a small part was rewarded by the emperor.

Gu Nanyan rubbed his chin, and put the banknote into his pocket without any politeness.

"Thank you."

The silver is regarded as his forgiveness for his daughter-in-law.

At that time, she can consider leaving the whole body of one of Ge Shi's fingers!
Seeing that she was very happy to accept the bank note, Gu Shen grinned cheerfully twice.

Gu Nanyan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and opened the box to have a look.

There were several booklets inside, and several deed papers were pressed under the booklets.

Gu Nanyan had a feeling that he was about to get rich overnight, and he was so excited that he picked up the things inside and looked at it.

Half an hour later, she looked at Ge Shi with a dark face and unfriendly eyes.

At this time, Ge Shi had already been groomed by Hongmei.

Originally, she wanted to take advantage of this incident and lie that she was not feeling well and go back to her yard, but Gu Shen flatly rejected her.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at her at this time, his eyes could not help but flicker.

Gu Shen saw that her daughter's expression was not good, and looked at her suspiciously.

Gu Nanyan didn't talk too much, and just threw those brochures to him to read.

"Your wife is really capable. After a few years of hard work, she lost even half of the five shops and three Zhuangzi left by my mother."

"The remaining Zhuangzi can't make ends meet, and the two shops are losing money every year."

She smiled mockingly.

"I'm afraid that in the entire capital, there is no mistress who is more prodigal than your daughter-in-law."

When Gu Shen heard his daughter say "your daughter-in-law", he was embarrassed for a moment, and then he turned his attention to the account book in his hand.

After a while, he frowned and asked Ge Shi: "Didn't you keep telling me that the business is good, why do you have to pay more than 100 taels every month?!"

The corners of Ge's mouth moved, and he said with a melancholy expression: "Master, I don't know, business has not been doing well in recent years, even my own shop is losing money."

After what happened just now, Gu Shen has already alienated Ge Shi, so he half-believes her words.

"Then why are there only these three land deeds, what about the other shops? Don't tell me I lost all of them!"

Gu Shen was very depressed, this was left by Ning Shi to Sister Nan, he agreed with Ge Shi to take care of it, and also wanted his daughter to have more dowry when she married in the future.

But not to mention Ge's loss of the shop, and the accounts are not clear, it's hard for people not to suspect that there is something tricky in it.

But he, a big man, doesn't understand these things, and he can't see anything after turning over and over again.

At this moment, Ge Shi's heart was beating wildly, but there was an expression of being wronged on his face.

"Is the master suspecting that the concubine is filling her own pocket?"

Ge Shi seemed to have been greatly wronged, and his whole body was trembling.

"Although the locations of the shops left by my sister are not bad, there is also a lot of competition, and they often fail to open for months."

"I can't do anything about it myself, thinking that I can save one or the other, so I sold a few shops to fill the holes."

After saying that, he began to cry, and peeked at Gu Shen from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

To her, if robbing people of money is like killing their parents, then the Ge family is tantamount to slaughtering her entire family!
The expression on her face was a little hideous.

Those three shops can at least sell for more than [-] taels, not to mention there are two big villages.

These add up to 4 to [-] taels.

How big of a hole did she have to poke before she needed so much money to fill it.

Does this old hag think of herself as a nuwa who mends the sky!
 Thank you for your rewards, for voting monthly, and for those cuties who commented. Your support is the source of motivation for the author.

  It is said that there have been no fighting scenes recently, and the author's violence factor is just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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