Chapter 102
Three to forty thousand taels of silver is a huge sum of money even for the General's Mansion.

Although Gu Nanyan didn't know why Ning's ordinary orphan girl had so much dowry, it didn't affect her to settle the score with Ge's in the slightest.

"I don't care what excuses you have, you are limited to pay me 5 taels of silver within three days, otherwise..."

Gu Nanyan gritted her teeth: "If I ask for it at Ge's house in person, it's not as simple as just asking for money."

Ge's natal family has relied on the General's Mansion for the past few years, but they have reaped a lot of benefits.

From the family of a little rich before to now one of the rich merchants in the capital, the family must have a lot of wealth.

Think about the money-losing mall, and then think about those special forces equipment.

Gu Nanyan felt that it would be best for Ge Shi to renege on the debt, then the equipment of the five Xihu people in her family would be secured!

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan's eyes glowed green, looking at Ge's eyes was like looking at a golden mountain.

"What? 5 million taels!"

As if wanting to eat people, Ge stared at Gu Nanyan fiercely.

"Why don't you go grab it?!"

Gu Nanyan chuckled, and looked at Ge Shi meaningfully.

What do you think I am doing now?
"5 taels is not much." Gu Shen said.

If the shop is profitable, there should be a lot of money in the past ten years, and the sum is definitely more than 5 taels.

Take Nan Jieer's fruity and heavenly fragrance as an example, she can earn 800 taels a day.

Thinking of this, Gu Shen frowned, feeling that his daughter was at a disadvantage.

"5 taels is too little, add another [-] to round up, and you can hand it over to Sister Nan within three days."

Gu Shen made a final decision.

Ge Shi was struck by lightning.

"Master!" Geshi screamed.

"How can I have so much money in my body!"

Gu Shen plucked his ears, feeling that the girl's voice was a bit harsh.

"If you don't have it, ask your father. How much money he has earned from the General's Mansion these years, don't you know if you are an old man?!"

"Your storeroom is almost full, and now you are asked to take some out to compensate my daughter, you are not happy, are you?"

Gu Shen patted the table, his eyes stared like copper bells.

Seeing that he was angry, Ge Shi dodged his eyes a little.

"What did the master say? My father already knew how to make money, so he made his business bigger. Why did he rely on the general's mansion to make money?"

Gu Shen sneered, and he didn't argue with Ge Shi: "I'll ask you again, will you pay or not?"

Seeing his calm expression, Ge Shi felt a little uneasy.

"I really don't have that much money."

She paused, knowing that if there was no explanation today, she might not be able to justify it.

So he took out a bank note from his sleeve, and smiled at Gu Nanyan distressedly.

"Sister Nan, mother still has 200 taels of silver here, you spend it first, and let me know if it's not enough."

Gu Nanyan was almost laughed out of anger.

This Ge family didn't know if he was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, he wanted to get rid of her for tens of thousands of taels with 200 taels, did he think she was easy to bully?
Gu Shen couldn't explain it even more, he couldn't figure out what kind of cramp he had at that time, so that he let this woman sit in the position of mistress.

Gu Shen, who felt that he was blind, turned from embarrassment into anger when he saw the half-smile in his daughter's eyes.

So he said to Ge's angrily: "Since that's the case, I will release the word tomorrow, and the General's Mansion will not care about the Ge family's business in the future!"

"Thinking about relying on Master Ge's ability, without my General's Mansion, I can use my hands and feet even more!"

Gu Shen originally wanted to frighten Ge Shi, but suddenly thinking about the things Ge's family did, he felt that it was a good idea for them to draw a clear line.

Don't worry, they will cause a catastrophe one day and bring down the general's mansion.

Ge Shi was shocked when he heard this.

There are countless merchants in the capital, and the Ge family has come to this point because each family wants to get on the big ship of the General's Mansion and deliberately give up profits.

If Gu Shen really spread this word, not to mention anything else, but those who have conflicts of interest with the Ge family, I am afraid that they will eat up the Ge family.

"Absolutely not!" Ge Shi said urgently.

Her natal family is not as good as her sister-in-law, and she often feels ashamed in front of her in-laws.

Thanks to her father's ability to collect money, she has a lot of money in her hands, and the servants are respectful to her.

But if the Ge family collapsed, she might have a hard time in the general's mansion.

Seeing that Gu Shen was silent, Ge Shi knew that he might not be able to fool him today.

So he bit his lips and said, "I'll go back to my mother's house tomorrow and discuss it with my father."

She really doesn't have 10 taels of silver, so she can only delay for now.

Gu Nanyan said everything she had to say, and didn't want to see Ge Shi again, so she patted her butt and went back to the East Courtyard.

She was worried that Mrs. Liu was at home alone, and planned to go back today.

Mrs. Gu was still awake, Gu Nanyan saw that her pulse had calmed down a lot, so she asked Bai Zhi to go back to her room to pack her luggage.

When Nanny Sheng heard that Gu Nanyan was leaving, she was worried that her master's illness would come back again.

"Miss, you might as well stay for two more days. The old lady has been looking forward to your return for so many years. I'm afraid she will be sad to know that you are gone."

Gu Nanyan shook her head: "There are still some things to deal with at home, so it's inconvenient to stay longer."

"However, I live not far from here, and I come here every day to give my grandmother an injection. If there is something urgent, you can send someone to find me."

Seeing her expression of having made up her mind, Grandma Sheng knew she couldn't be persuaded, so she sighed helplessly.

Gu Nanyan didn't inform the others, and went home with Bai Zhi.

Mrs. Liu was playing with the flowers and plants in her yard, when she heard that Gu Nanyan was back, she hurried out to meet her.

"Is your grandmother okay?"

Gu Nanyan nodded: "It's much better."

In a few days, I will be able to get out of bed and walk around.

Liu Shi breathed a sigh of relief. She had heard a lot about the past of the General's Mansion from her servants in the past few days, so she was very concerned about the old lady who always loved Gu Nanyan.

"It's okay for you to go to the General's Mansion to walk around more. It doesn't matter if you stay for a few more days. You don't have to worry about Grandma, there are so many people with you."

Gu Nanyan understood.

It was almost time for dinner, Mrs. Liu chatted with her a few more words, and then asked her to go back to the room to rest.

On the other hand, I went to the kitchen, intending to cook some of my granddaughter's favorite dishes.

Gu Nanyan had nothing to do, she thought of those Xihu people, so she recruited them.

The five of them are from the same tribe, so they take good care of each other.

Among them, the oldest one is Hou Gu Ashlan.

He is the son of the tribal chief. He is 23 years old this year. He is a very tall and strong man. The remaining four people are headed by him.

The youngest one is named Suhe Baru, with short yellowish curly hair and a small braid at the back of his head.

He was the same age as Gu Nanyan, but he was a whole head taller. Although he had lost some weight, his muscles were extremely firm.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking over, he felt a little uneasy.

"I think you already know the purpose of my buying you. I called you here today because I want to ask you something."

Gu Nanyan took out the deeds of selling their lives and a bank note, and handed them to Bai Shao.

Bai Shao didn't go to the General's Mansion with her, it was because Gu Nanyan knew that she was familiar with these people and specially asked her to stay.

"Being Gu Nanyan's guard may be a little different from other places, not only do you have to do high-load training every day."

"You have to obey absolutely, you can't have the slightest doubt about my orders, and more importantly, you must be loyal."

Gu Nanyan glanced around, and continued: "I know that you all sold yourself as slaves for the sake of your family, so I won't make things difficult for you."

She pointed to Bai Shao: "Here are 50 taels of silver and your deed of sale. If anyone doesn't want to stay, you can leave now with ten taels of silver and your deed of sale. I will not make it difficult."

Several people looked at each other in dismay when they heard the words, at the same time they were overwhelmed and a little happy.

Fifty taels of silver was not a small sum for them. If all of them were replaced with rice, it would be enough to ensure that the people in the tribe would not go hungry for a year.

It's just that seeing Gu Nanyan being so straightforward, they were really uneasy.

Han people have always been insidious, and they often say one thing and do another, and they can't tell whether the little girl in front of them is testing them.

If they reported to the officials after they left, as fugitive slaves, one can imagine their fate.

So several people looked at Hou Gu Ashlan together.

Hou Gu Ashlan looked at Gu Nanyan with scrutiny in his eyes.

Bai Shao often talks about Miss, so he is the one who knows Gu Nanyan best among the five.

Seeing Gu Nanyan staring at him without avoiding it, Hou Gu Ashlan opened his mouth.

"Miss is really willing to return the deed of sale to us and give us money?"

 Chapter 209:30 or so.

  In addition, I wish the little cuties a happy Goddess' Day

(End of this chapter)

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