Chapter 104

Hearing that Li Mi was going to reward her with a thousand taels of gold, Gu Nanyan counted with her fingers, and happily agreed to enter the palace for the banquet.

Of course, the requirement to dress up is automatically ignored in the past.

So early in the morning of the second day, Bai Shao sent Gu Nanyan, who was dressed in black with only a hair crown on her head, to the carriage with a look of despair.

Gu Nanyan came to the capital by herself.Haven't had a chance to walk around yet.

So I asked the driver to slow down, play and walk along the way, and occasionally buy some roadside snacks.

The original journey of less than half an hour took more than an hour.

When she arrived, there was already a long queue at the gate of the palace.

These people were all female family members, Gu Nanyan didn't know any of them, she sat in the carriage bored, opened the curtain and looked around.

Being able to participate in the palace banquet is a rare opportunity for the lady in the boudoir who usually does not leave the door and does not leave the door.

Every girl can't wait to pile all the good things at the bottom of the box on her body, and Gu Nanyan is particularly conspicuous among them.

Several gorgeously dressed women were talking and laughing together. One of the round-faced girls saw her when she looked up. She was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled at her.

A tall woman beside her looked along her line of sight, and curled her lips in disdain when she saw Gu Nanyan's face.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the eldest lady that your general's mansion has lost for three years."

Hearing the obviously mocking tone, Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows.

Did you meet an acquaintance?
The round-faced woman smiled, lowered her head and said, "Big sister just returned to the general's mansion the day before yesterday, and grandfather was very happy."

"It's just a pity that I haven't seen my eldest sister until now."

The tall slender woman rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "The third room of yours lives in a corner, separated from the main room by a hundred and eight thousand miles, so you can only see ghosts if you can see it."

These words were just stating the facts, and had no other meaning. The round-faced woman's face was not very good-looking when she heard the words.

But she just lowered her head and smiled.

While talking, they arrived at Gu Nanyan's carriage.

Gu Nanyan stared at the round-faced woman for a while before remembering who this person was.

Gu Yao's concubine, Aunt Qiu, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and her son Gu Zhengkang found a post as a school lieutenant in the army.

Although the grade is a bit low, as Gu Yao's son, he is barely qualified to participate in the palace banquet.

This girl with a round face is Gu Peilan, the youngest daughter of Gu Zhengkang.

Gu Peilan walked to the front of the car with ringing rings.

"Sister, why did you come here alone? This morning, my grandfather asked the big guy to wait for someone to pick you up from Mianliu Lane. But when the coachman arrived, you had already left."

Gu Peilan smiled gently, like gossip between sisters.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her indifferently.

The original owner was not familiar with Aunt Qiu's house, and was rarely seen.

In addition, they usually come in and out through the side door, so the chances of encountering them are even less.

It was really hard for the girl to recognize herself.

Before Gu Nanyan could reply, the tall slender woman standing next to Gu Peilan pouted again.

"Knowing that I'm going to attend a palace banquet today, I didn't stay at home and ran around, which caused Pei Lan to wait for so long."

Gu Peilan was quite injustice in his words.

The rest of them looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

Although they are on good terms with Gu Peilan, Gu Nanyan is the eldest daughter of the direct branch after all, and their identities are not comparable to tall slender women, so it is not easy to blatantly sneer.

Gu Nanyan looked at the woman, raised her eyebrows and said, "Wherever I like to go, it's none of your business."

If she just sits here, disaster can happen.

She didn't even know who this woman was, so she made fun of it when she came up, she was just looking for scolding.


The woman's eyes widened in disbelief, obviously she didn't expect Gu Nanyan to speak so impolitely.

"Eldest sister, this is sister Jingshu from the family of the Minister of Rites, Mr. Gong, please don't..."

Gu Peilan bit her lip and lowered her head before she finished speaking, as if she was very afraid of her.

Although Gong Jingshu was a concubine, she was pampered since she was a child. She had never been treated like this before, her face flushed red.

"Your father is just an ordinary citizen without official position, how dare you talk to Miss Ben like that!"

Although Gu Yao was a great general, Gong Jingshu didn't feel that she was inferior to Gu Nanyan.

Even because of Gu Shen, he felt that Gu Nanyan should please her like everyone else when he saw her.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, not wanting to talk to this spoiled idiot.

She waved Gu Peilan away.

"Hurry up and get out, what are you pretending to be a cabbage with me, and be careful if I beat you again."

Gu Nanyan's patience was extremely low at this time. Seeing that the carriages lined up ahead were still tens of meters long, she instantly had the urge to turn around and go back.

Gu Nanyan ground her molars.

That guy Li Mi actually found something for her, and the reward and the imperial decree were sent to her, so she had to go for a trip, could it be that she was itchy and wanted to be beaten? !

Li Mi, who was in the imperial study room, suddenly had a chill on his back and gave a severe shudder.

This familiar feeling gave him a bad feeling.

He hurriedly asked Eunuch Zhao: "Have you sent someone to pick up Nanyatou?"

Horse-drawn carriages are not allowed in the palace, and everyone has to walk to the banquet hall, which is not a short distance during this period.

Eunuch Zhao said with a smile: "Don't worry, the emperor, the servant has already ordered someone to pick it up, but the empress and the noble concubine have already sent people, and we may not be able to get anyone here."

Li Mi was not surprised, and waved at him.

"Someone will pick it up."

He was also going to take people in and send them to the queen.

In the Changchun Palace, the empress sat on the top in a phoenix robe, and below sat several court ladies.

Concubine Cui Gui sat down first, with an unhappy expression on her face.

Everyone looked at each other.

Since returning to the palace a few days ago, the two who used to fight to the death seemed to have changed their temper. Not only did they no longer confront each other, but they also got closer in conversation.

Let the big guys scratch their heads.

What happened today?
"Sister, it's true. The concubines have already sent people to pick up Sister Nan. What are you sending people there for?"

Concubine Cui Gui was very depressed, she hadn't seen that girl for a long time, it was rare for her to enter the palace, she wanted to call her to have a chat in her own palace, but the queen even robbed her.

The White Queen was not annoyed when she heard the words, and said with a smile: "It's still cold outside now, your sedan chair is leaking everywhere, and it will be frozen by Miss Nan. There is a brazier on the phoenix chariot in my palace, so it can be warmer at least."

She lowered her head and took a sip of tea, then said: "Besides, it doesn't matter who picks it up. After all, you're here too, so it's not like you won't miss it."

Having said that, Concubine Cui Gui was still a little depressed.

At the beginning, in order to compete with the queen, she changed her sedan chair to be extravagant and gorgeous.

The car curtains are hung layer by layer with the best silk in the palace.

Good-looking is good-looking, but it does not block the wind.

"Then when the banquet is over, the concubine will follow Sister Nan back to Zhongcui Palace. My sister can't compete with me."

The Queen smiled and said nothing, Concubine Cui immediately understood what she meant and couldn't help but snort softly.

It's just that there were other people in the palace, and she couldn't help but give the queen face, so she didn't say anything.

Anyway, who can abduct Gu Nanyan back, it's up to everyone!
The wives below exchanged glances with each other, a little confused about who this sister Nan was talking about.

It's just that no matter who this person is, they have to deal with it carefully.

Now the empress and the imperial concubine have cleared up their suspicions for some reason, and the two seem to have plans to join forces.

If this is the case, no matter whether it is the front court or the harem, no one can beat it!
If their husbands want to board this big ship, they have to do what they like.

And the sister Nan that the queen spoke of just now is obviously a breakthrough.

The women present gave their daughter winks one after another.

Sister Nan sounds young, so it would be best if her children can get along well with her.

At this time, Gu Nanyan, who was being missed by everyone, was looking at the few people opposite with a dark face.

It is obvious that his patience with them has been exhausted.

"Peilan, don't be afraid of her. You and her are both Miss General's Mansion. What's the difference? She was just born a few days earlier than you. With Miss Ben here, even if you slap her a few times today, she will suffer." !"

 Chapter 215 minutes or so.

  It is said that the author has a confirmed case here, and the community across the street is closed, so I am afraid.

  At the same time, remind the little cuties that you must wear a mask when going out during extraordinary times! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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