The farmer has a mall

Chapter 105 Taking Miss Gu into the Palace

Chapter 105 Taking Miss Gu into the Palace
Gong Jingshu looked savage, and yelled at Gu Nanyan arrogantly.

Gu Nanyan sneered when he heard this.

She looked at Gu Peilan who kept her head down all the time: "You see, someone is backing you up, why don't you hurry up?"

This girl looked honest and honest, but she turned out to be a fool!
Every sentence is sowing discord.

Gong Jingshu didn't understand the sarcasm in her words, and smiled smugly upon hearing this.

Gu Peilan looked up at Gu Nanyan.Seeing her looking at him with a half-smile, but her eyes were a little cold, my heart couldn't help but tremble.

The original owner didn't like to go out when he was in the General's Mansion, so he had never seen this Miss Gong.

But the original owner knew there was such a person.

The reason is simple, Mr. Gong has a concubine who is very favored, and he often vents his anger on her and his original wife.

Once, I even had the idea of ​​raising the concubine as a flat wife.

His original wife refused, so Lord Gong threatened her to divorce his wife.

Unexpectedly, the main wife was not easy to provoke, she cried, made trouble, hanged herself and made a fuss about it, and finally reported it to the first emperor.

The first emperor didn't like women who were obsessed with women the most, so he severely reprimanded him, and never promoted him again.

As a result, the reputation of this servant minister doting on his concubine and destroying his wife spread throughout the government and the public.

As for Mr. Gong's position of assistant minister, he also sat on it for more than ten years.

It has simply become a joke in the court.

This Miss Gong was born of that extremely favored concubine, Aunt Xu.

Seeing that Gu Peilan was silent, Gu Nanyan squinted at Gong Jingshu.

"It seems that my concubine sister is a little timid. Ms. Gong, do you want to do it yourself?"

Gong Jingshu's words were just words, but when she saw Gu Nanyan's reluctance, she couldn't get off the stage.

"Miss Ben beats you with dirty hands. Who knows where you have been in the past three years since you disappeared, maybe you have been touched by countless men and lost your innocence...Ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she felt a sharp pain hit her mouth, she couldn't help screaming, and subconsciously covered her mouth.

Feeling the wetness on her hands, Gong Jingshu looked down and saw the blood on her hands, which instantly hurt her eyes.


The ladies beside her exclaimed in unison, attracting many people to look back.

Gu Nanyan was holding a few pieces of silver in his hands, and the old god was watching the people in a hurry.

Gu Peilan was the most flustered.

Her father's position is not high, and he is an unfavorable concubine, so many official ladies will not invite her to a banquet.

But now that she has reached the age to talk about marriage, if she continues to be unknown like this, in her capacity, she might be betrothed to a small Juren like a sister.

Although my grandfather said that Juren was good in character and knowledge, it would be no problem to be a Jinshi.

However, there are many Jinshi in Jianan Kingdom, but there are very few promising ones.

She can't gamble with her life's happiness!
So she tried her best, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze into Gong Jingshu's circle.

However, today Gu Nanyan shot and injured Gong Jingshu!
If she was angered afterwards, with Gong Jingshu's temper, she might never talk to her again.

Thinking of this, Gu Peilan's heart was full of anger, and she yelled at Gu Nanyan before everyone else.

"Jingshu is just a joke, why should Big Sister hurt someone!"

"What's more, it is a fact that you disappeared for three years. After you came back, you only lived in the general's mansion for one night and then moved out."

A dark light flashed in Gu Peilan's eyes, and then she continued to point at Gu Nanyan angrily.

"Although I don't know what happened, my grandfather has always cared for the younger generation. As long as it's not about the reputation of the general's mansion, my sister will go and explain to my grandfather. If you want to come to him, the old man will not care about you. Why do you vent your anger on Gong?" Miss!"

The words seemed to tell everyone that Gu Nanyan was kicked out by Gu Yao because of something that affected the reputation of the General's Mansion.

Upon hearing Gu Peilan's words, the few people who were watching from a distance widened their eyes in surprise.

Although they also thought that something bad might happen to Gu Nanyan, but because they heard that the General's Mansion loved her very much, they didn't dare to gossip about her outside.

But now, according to this meaning, Gu Nanyan was kicked out of the General's Mansion by Gu Yao?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, waiting and watching for a while.

After all, the people queuing up here are all female family members with low official positions or concubines.

Those first- and second-rank ministers had already entered the palace with their wives and legitimate sons.

Gong Jingshu was scared out of her wits at this time, she was afraid that she would disfigure herself, and she didn't have time to pursue Gu Nanyan, so she brought her servants back to the manor to ask for a doctor.

She looked like she was attending a palace banquet, her mouth hurt even when she moved, and her teeth were a little loose.

He hated Gu Nanyan so much in his heart that he gave Gu Nanyan a vicious look before leaving.

Gu Nanyan never cared about what others said, so although she disdained the deep meaning in their words, she didn't bother to refute.

But she didn't care, but Bai Zhi couldn't stand it anymore.

"Third Miss, be careful!" Bai Zhi looked angry.

"You slander our lady like this, if the general finds out, have you thought about the consequences?"

She has always been calm, this is the first time Gu Nanyan saw her get angry, she was quite surprised.

The hand that was about to put down the car curtain was immediately retracted.

When Gu Peilan heard Bai Zhi mentioning her grandfather, panic flashed across her face, and then she calmed down instantly.

"I'm just telling the truth, even if my grandfather knows, he won't say anything about me."

She looked at Gu Nanyan pretending to be calm: "Big sister, I know you have suffered a lot in the past three years, but the general's mansion was brought back by my grandfather, I hope you don't destroy it."

"Today is a palace banquet, big sister should not go in, so as not to lose face of the general's mansion in front of the envoys."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

She glanced behind Gu Peilan and curled her lips.

"Don't let me enter the palace, for fear that I will lose the face of the general's mansion..."

"Did you say that or did your grandfather mean it?"

"Of course it's what my grandfather meant. His old man has always loved the younger generation, but it's not easy to say it face to face, for fear that he won't be able to step down from the stage."

Gu Peilan lowered her eyelids and clenched her hands tightly.

Now that things have happened, she can only insist that her grandfather doesn't like Gu Nanyan, anyway, it is a fact that she moved out of the General's Mansion.

Even if the news of Gu Nanyan's bad reputation reached her grandfather's ears, she could still say that she didn't know it. Grandpa couldn't send someone to investigate such a trivial matter.

But if she doesn't accuse Gu Nanyan of the crime, people present today will spread gossip about her framed sister-in-law.

Wouldn't her marriage be more difficult?

"Before my young lady returned to the mansion, she told the old man that she would live outside so that she could take care of Mrs. Liu. The old man agreed to this."

"Now the third lady says that my lady did something to destroy the lintel, and also said that the old man kicked the lady out, the slaves really don't know."

Bai Zhi took a deep breath, and continued: "Who did the third miss take advantage of, to slander the sisters of the same family like this!"

Although Gu Peilan felt that something was wrong when she heard the words, she didn't think much about it.

She squeezed out two tears, and just about to put on a cute and pitiful appearance, she saw Bai Zhi bent her legs and knelt on the ground, and knocked hard twice.

"I beg the master to make the decision for my young lady!"

When Gu Peilan saw her looking behind her, her heart skipped a beat.

She turned around slowly, and saw Gu Shen looking at her with serious eyes.

Gu Peilan's face turned pale, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

"Second, Second Uncle."

Gu Shen ignored her, and walked straight past her towards Gu Nanyan.

"You haven't entered the palace for many years. Your grandfather was afraid that you would get lost, so he specially asked Weifu to pick you up. Your eldest aunt didn't enter the palace and is still waiting for you. You go first."

His voice was not low, and the people around could clearly hear what he said, and immediately looked meaningfully at Gu Peilan who was sitting on the ground.

She said that Gu Nanyan was disgusted by Gu Yao, but Gu Shen, who had already entered the palace, came out to pick up her daughter.

Even Guo Shi, who was supposed to be with Gu Yao, was still waiting for her.

This is not disgusting, it's clear that she loves her very much.

Everyone showed disdain.

At this time, Gu Peilan's face was even paler, her head was lowered and her whole body was trembling.

Gu Nanyan nodded to the gloomy Gu Shen, without even looking at the people on the ground.

She got out of the car and helped Bai Zhi up, and then went to the palace gate.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion ahead.

A bright yellow chariot is gradually approaching.

At the same time, there was an incomparably gorgeous red sedan chair carried by eight people.

And the sedan chair, which was also bright yellow and slightly smaller, but carried by four imperial guards, followed closely behind.

A little eunuch was following the chariot, and before he got close, he shouted in a panic: "Miss Gu, who is Miss Gu, this servant is ordering you to enter the palace by the empress's order!"

That eager look seemed to be chasing after a dog.

The eight people in the sedan chair at the back shouted not to be outdone: "The slave is here to pick Miss Gu into the palace by the order of the imperial concubine, please get on the sedan chair!"

Seeing this, the four imperial guards sneered at them, and followed behind in a calm manner.

"The subordinates are ordered by the emperor to take Miss Gu into the palace, and the people in front of them all give way, so don't delay the errands of our brothers!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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