Chapter 106

Several people chased each other while shouting, the four guards saw Gu Shen from a long distance, relying on their martial arts skills, they ran to the front with a few jumps.

"General Gu!"

The leader with a long face clasped his fists at Gu Shen, and looked at Gu Peilan who was sitting on the ground and Gu Nanyan who was behind Gu Shen.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was dressed in a black tunic with only a jade crown on her head, no matter how you looked at it, she didn't look like the eldest lady of the General's Mansion.

He hesitated for a moment, then set his eyes on Gu Peilan again.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Gu?"

Gu Yao often took his family members to attend palace banquets. Rong Changlian had met Gu Peilan a few times, so he was quite familiar with her.

He heard that there were only two young ladies in the General's Mansion.

Although the emperor didn't tell him which one he was going to pick up, the older one was already engaged, so he would definitely not come to this kind of occasion to show his face.

That can only be this small one.

Gu Peilan looked at him in a daze, and nodded in a daze.

A flattering smile appeared on Rong Chang's face immediately.

Facing Gu Peilan who was still sitting on the ground, she said: "Miss Gu is overjoyed, the emperor specially ordered my servants to come and welcome Miss Gu to the palace for a banquet. This is an unprecedented honor."

He secretly looked at Gu Peilan, although she was not as dignified as the empress, nor as glamorous as the imperial concubine, but she had the delicacy of Xiaojiabiyu.

Although the emperor does not have three thousand beauties in the harem, he has seen many beauties, and it is not impossible to suddenly want to try porridge and side dishes.

Seeing a man staring at her, Gu Peilan felt ashamed.

But remembering what he said, he was instantly pleasantly surprised.

"The emperor asked you to pick up... me?" Gu Peilan asked in disbelief.

Seeing her happy expression on Rong Chang's face, he felt disdainful, but it didn't show on his face.

"Miss Gu is the granddaughter of General Gu?"

Gu Peilan nodded nervously.

"That's it." He smiled obsequiously.

"Aside from you, is there any other lady named Gu here?"

Gu Peilan subconsciously looked at Gu Nanyan.

Seeing her looking over, Gu Nanyan didn't say a word, and looked at the surrounding scenery leisurely.

Seeing her complacent look, Gu Peilan curled her lips in disdain.

That's right, Gu Nanyan has just come back and is unknown in Beijing, so how could the emperor notice her?
So she was even more certain in her heart that these people were here to pick her up.

She thought of the meaningful eyes of the imperial guard, and a thought came to her heart that made her heart beat faster.

Could it be... the emperor is interested in her?
Gu Peilan bit her lip and blushed instantly.

If this is the case, she is not unacceptable.

She only met the emperor a few times from a distance, although he was a bit older than her, but mother said that older men know how to cherish others.

What's more, that is the emperor, there is no man in this world with a higher status than him.

If she can enter the palace, relying on her grandfather's status and her methods, she might be able to become a queen one day!

Gu Peilan fell into a beautiful fantasy with shyness on her face.

Seeing her standing there in a daze with a smirk on his long face, Rong Chang was a little impatient.

He cleared his throat and said, "Miss Gu, the emperor is still waiting."

Gu Peilan's fantasy was interrupted, and she gave him a dissatisfied look.

He also thought that he was someone close to the emperor anyway, and he might have to mention something in the future, and the displeasure on his face instantly turned into a shy smile.

"Thank you, big brother, for reminding me that the courtier is a little nervous when she learns that she is going to see the emperor, and I hope you will not be offended."

She quickly stood up from the ground and patted the dust off her body.

The originally timid eyes facing Gu Shen were calm now, even showing a little arrogance.

She held her head up and looked down at Gu Nanyan.

"Eldest sister should hurry up and find the eldest aunt, the younger sister will go first."

After saying that, he got into the sedan chair with a mocking expression on his face.

As for the queens and concubines, she didn't bother to care about them.

They are all her competitors. This time, they may have heard some rumors and specially sent someone to make trouble, and they don't want her to see the emperor.

Gu Shen's expression at this time could no longer be described as ugly.

He already suspected that Aunt Qiu had poisoned his mother, so he was very disliked and wary of that room.

Now that his daughter is being bullied by Gu Peilan, as the uncle in the next room, it is not easy for him to pester her at the gate of the palace, and he is very depressed in his heart.

"Why is the emperor so nice to Miss Lan?" Gu Shen was puzzled.

It stands to reason that the two should have no intersection.

He looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

Sister Nan is also the lady of the General's Mansion, and she saved the emperor before.

Could it be...

"Miss Gu, the Empress invites you to Changchun Palace."

The fat little eunuch in front of the chariot confirmed Gu Shen's thoughts and said respectfully.

At the same time, he looked meaningfully at the four imperial guards walking away, secretly proud in his heart.

Should!Let you all be stunned, and see how you will explain to the emperor when you go back.

Another little eunuch with a tear mole on his face was not to be outdone and said: "Miss Gu, the imperial concubine has been waiting for you early in the morning, why don't you go to Zhongcui Palace with the slaves first, and talk to the empress."

When the fat eunuch beside him heard this, he was instantly unhappy.

Why is this still a robbery?

"Our empress has been waiting since early in the morning, Miss Gu should follow me to Changchun Palace!"

The tear mole eunuch covered his lips and smiled lowly, the sharp laughter made Gu Nanyan stand up with goosebumps.

"Eunuch Feng really likes to joke. The empress is entertaining the female relatives of the courtier's family at this time. Where is the time to wait for Miss Gu?"

"It's not like our imperial concubine, who asked Shi Chen more than a dozen times early in the morning. Even the slaves feel sad when they look at her eagerly looking forward to it."

After finishing speaking, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it on the corner of his eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Shut up if you don't know how to speak, and if you don't know, I'm your mistress' concubine!
Eunuch Feng pouted.

"Don't do this to me. Anyway, our family must take Miss Gu away today. They are all working in the palace. Eunuch Du, don't make things difficult for me."


The two of them refused to give in to the other, arguing like a cockfight.

Gu Nanyan looked at the sky and felt that it would be dark if they continued to groan, so he spared the two of them and walked towards the palace gate.

Gu Shen was pulled by Gu Nanyan for a while before he came back to his senses, and followed behind Gu Nanyan with complicated eyes.

The two young eunuchs were arguing, and when they turned around, they saw that Gu Nanyan had gone far away, and hurriedly called for someone to follow, but Gu Nanyan was determined not to sit in their sedan chair.

Eunuch Feng and the two had no choice but to let the people behind them slow down to follow.

Anyway, the queen (noble concubine) only said to let them take the person there, but she didn't say that she wouldn't let them go.

Then a strange scene appeared in the palace.

A little girl in black walked in front, while the queen's phoenix chariot followed slowly behind.

Besides, when Gu Peilan was carried all the way into the imperial study, Li Mi was very surprised to hear that Miss Gu had come.

Didn't the queen get someone to pick her up? Why are you here?

He thought that Gu Nanyan was looking for him for something, so he asked the guards at the gate to let him in.

Unexpectedly, he saw a strange face.

Li Mi asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Gu Peilan looked shy.

Secretly resenting the emperor for knowingly asking the question, she lowered her head and replied softly: "My daughter, Gu Peilan, has met the emperor."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and looked at Li Mi with full eyes.

Li Mi: "..."

It was the first time that Gu Peilan was so close to the emperor, she tried her best to suppress the joy in her heart, and secretly looked at Li Mi.

Although he is already 30 years old, Li Mi has taken good care of himself. Coupled with his good genes, he looks like a young man in his 20s.

Gu Peilan blushed after just one glance, and didn't see Li Mi's weird eyes at all.

Eunuch Zhao had met Gu Peilan, and at this moment he also knew that the Imperial Guard had found the wrong person, so he whispered something in Li Mi's ear.

Li Mi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

After all, she is Gu Yao's own granddaughter, at least she has to save some face, she can't say that the group of trash under him recognized the wrong person, let her go directly.

So he said awkwardly: "I often hear General Gu mentioning you, you... are fine."

When Gu Peilan heard this, she thought that Li Mi was praising her, and her cheeks couldn't help but blush.

 Queuing up for nucleic acid testing, Chapter 2 will be released later.

  By the way, I was a little scared, I got up early today and sneezed several times

(End of this chapter)

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