The farmer has a mall

Chapter 107 Gu Nanyan is a Cactus

Chapter 107 Gu Nanyan is a Cactus

Gu Peilan had the courage to look at Li Mi, and asked with a calm mind, "I don't know why the emperor is looking for a courtier's daughter?"

Li Mi twitched the corners of his mouth: "Actually, there's nothing wrong..."

He paused, thinking of Gu Nanyan, he asked again: "I heard that your sister has returned to the General's Mansion, did you come with her today?"

Gu Peilan was stunned for a moment, and when she realized who Li Mi was asking, her expression turned a little dark.

The way of life of the rich and powerful is to hide their emotions.

It's a pity that her mother Niu's status is not high, and she didn't teach her these things, so the emotions in Gu Peilan's heart are all displayed on her face at this time.

She pressed her lips tightly, thinking about what happened at the gate of the palace just now, she became even more unhappy.

"Did the emperor call the courtier's daughter here just to inquire about the eldest sister?"

With some complaints on her face, she stared at Li Mi in a daze, and immediately didn't know what to say, she was stunned on the spot in embarrassment.

What's the matter with this girl?

He just mentioned Gu Nanyan, why did he just look at him with the expression of looking at a heartbroken person?
After all, Li Mi is also a majestic emperor, although he would not care about a little girl, but he was really upset, so he immediately pulled his face down.

Gu Peilan felt that since the emperor liked her, he should not mention other women at this time.

What's more, she still hates Gu Nanyan.

And she has shown her unhappiness so clearly, why doesn't the emperor speak out to comfort her?

Gu Peilan felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Seeing that Li Mi didn't speak, but just looked down at the memorial, she bit her lip, feeling a little angry.

It's all because of that broom star Gu Nanyan!
If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't make the emperor unhappy.

Gu Peilan held a breath in her heart, then thought of her own plan, and swallowed the breath forcefully.

Just as she was about to say a few good words to ease the atmosphere, she saw Li Mi raised her head and said in a flat tone: "I still have things to deal with, you can step back."

Gu Peilan:? ? ?

She widened her eyes in disbelief, staring blankly at Li Mi who was sitting in front of the imperial case.

Seeing that things were completely different from what he had imagined, Li Mi had an impatient expression at this moment, as if a thorn was stuck in Gu Peilan's heart.

She was a little annoyed.

"Is the emperor playing tricks on his courtiers?!"

Gu Peilan said angrily, with tears in her eyes.

Li Mi frowned, and asked a little puzzled: "When did I play tricks on you?"

At this moment, Gu Peilan's body was trembling, she didn't understand why Li Mi, who was so pleasant just a moment ago, suddenly treated her so seriously.

"If it's not a joke, why do you have to guard so many people to bring the courtier's daughter to the imperial study, but then dismiss the matter with a few words?"

Seeing Li Mi frowning at her, Gu Peilan felt even more annoyed.

She never had extravagant expectations before, so she felt that if she could marry a third- and fourth-rank official, she would be satisfied.

But now that she had this extravagant hope in her heart, Li Mi turned her face and refused to recognize anyone, which was completely different from the pampering she imagined.

How could Gu Peilan be reconciled.

Without waiting for Li Mi to explain, she held her head up again and said: "Although my father is a bastard, he is also a blood relative of my grandfather. If you treat me like this, won't you be afraid that my grandfather will be disappointed?"

She remembered that her mother had told her that all forces in the palace were checks and balances, and the emperor would not easily offend any minister.

Now that she has moved her grandfather out, she doesn't believe that the emperor will show her face.

However, it turns out that Li Mi will not only show his face to her, but also get angry with her.


Li Mi's expression was gloomy.

What the emperor hates the most is being threatened by others. Although he knows that Gu Yao's family are all loyal ministers, but letting a little girl move out of the general's mansion to suppress him still makes him feel furious.

Gu Peilan was so alerted by his yelling that her mind cleared up for a moment, and then she picked up the IQ that had fallen all over the floor.

Suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not an ordinary man, but the king of a country!
Seeing that Li Mi was really angry, panic flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty.

"May the emperor make amends. The courtiers, the courtiers are just talking for a while, and have no other intentions. They just, just feel a little wronged, so they don't choose what to say."

Gu Peilan wanted to cry a little, for fear that Li Mi would hit her in a fit of anger, or expel her from the palace.

Then what face will she have to show people in the future!
Seeing her trembling into a ball, Li Mi thought that this was Gu Nanyan's younger sister, if he scared her to death, then the girl might want to settle accounts with him!

Thinking of this, he calmed down, but his expression was not very good.

"It's really not my fault."

He knew it would be impossible if he didn't explain clearly about today's matter.

Then he said slowly: "It's not you who I asked them to bring into the palace today, it's just that the people below did not do their job well and recognized the wrong person, so they brought Miss Gu to the imperial study."

Gu Peilan heard him admit his mistake, and thought he was really afraid of his grandfather.

After all, my grandfather is in charge of the Northern Army of Hundred Thousand Towns.

Although she lives in the boudoir, she also knows that now that the palace is in chaos, the emperor must be very cautious no matter what he does, let alone offending a great general who has made great contributions to saving him.

Gu Peilan felt that she had grasped the weakness of the emperor, and she was very proud of herself.

Thinking that this person is someone who is going to be with him for the rest of his life after all, it's not good to offend him too hard, so he was about to say a few soft words to coax him.

But Li Mi's faint voice came again.

"I originally asked them to bring your eldest sister into the palace, but I forgot that General Gu is not just her granddaughter. This caused an oolong, and I didn't intend to play on you."

Besides, he is a majestic emperor, what can he do with a little girl, and she is not such a good-looking little girl.

Only then did Li Mi take a closer look at her, and suddenly found that she had nothing in common with Gu Nanyan.

The temperament of the two is also very different.

Gu Peilan is like a delicate flower, any wind and rain will blow her down.

And Gu Nanyan...

Li Mi pondered for a moment, and finally thought of a plant that fit her image very well.

As long as anyone dares to touch her finger, she can rip that person's blood dripping and ruthlessly tear off a piece of flesh!
Li Mi couldn't help but think of his past days, and subconsciously trembled.

Can't think can't think.

If you think about it, you will have nightmares at night!

Not to mention how Gu Peilan walked out of the imperial study in a trance.

On the other side of Changchun Palace, Concubine Cui Gui was holding Gu Nanyan to look at the gift she had chosen for her.

She knew that Gu Nanyan didn't like wearing jewelry, so all the gifts she gave her were practical things.

"Look at this calligraphy and painting. This is the only posthumous work left by the first painter of the previous dynasty. He traveled all over the country and drew countless landscape pictures, but he burned them immediately after each painting."

"This one was his only apprentice. He secretly rescued him from the fire while he was drunk, and then it was passed into the hands of the royal family. It is very precious. Now the folks have no market for it. It is impossible to exchange a city with it. No exaggeration."

Concubine Cui stuffed the burnt scroll beyond recognition into her arms.

"This thing was rewarded by the emperor. I don't know how to appreciate it, so I might as well give it to you. If there is no money to spend, I can exchange it for money."

After that, she took out a bead the size of a baby's fist from the box in front of her.

"This is the luminous stone, which was brought as a tribute by the foreign countries a few years ago. It is said that there is only such a stone in the world."

"You can inlay her on the head of the bed, and you don't need to turn on the lamp when you wake up at night."

She gave Gu Nanyan the luminous stone again, and continued to take things out of the box.

Gu Nanyan stared at the torn paper and stone in his arms without saying a word, complaining in his heart that the aesthetics of the ancients is really strange.

Seeing her picking up another porcelain bottle, he hurriedly pressed her hand.

"I appreciate your kindness. I will store these things with you first, and I will ask you for them when I leave the palace."

Gu Nanyan looked at the porcelain bottle in her hand with a serious face.

I have no energy to complain, and I don't want to hold a spittoon to attend the palace banquet!
The queen watched from the sidelines with a smile, seeing Concubine Cui Gui stopped and glanced at the maid behind her.

The maid immediately held a small box and placed it in front of Gu Nanyan.

She opened the box, and Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up instantly.

"Bengong and Xu'er are often taken care of by you when they are outside the palace, so I don't know what to give you, so I might as well give you some vulgar things, and you can buy what you like, I hope you don't dislike it."

Gu Nanyan quickly shook her head, tried her best to suppress the curvature of her lips, and smiled at the queen.

Although she didn't speak, anyone could see that she liked this gift.

Concubine Cui Gui gave Gu Nanyan a blank look.

"My things are much more valuable than my sister's. Why don't you smile at me?"

His tone was visibly sour.

Gu Nanyan also rolled his eyes at her.

"Are you stupid? You said that this thing can be exchanged for a city. Who will I sell it to? Are you a man?"

She didn't care, but she was afraid that Li Mi's blood vessels would explode in minutes if he bought his own things with money!
Concubine Cui Gui also thought about it, and couldn't help laughing.

He talked and laughed with Gu Nanyan again.

Didn't notice at all that the wives below all opened their mouths wide at the moment, looking at the two of them in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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