The farmer has a mall

Chapter 108 Dare to miss my things

Chapter 108 Dare to miss my things

The peace envoy of Anyang Kingdom is their young master Guan Hanfei.

Ten years ago, the first emperor personally marched, and it was Guan Ji, the young master's father, who came to fight.

Afterwards, Guan Ji died in battle, leaving only his son Guan Hanfei. Emperor Anyang thought that he was young, and personally ordered him to inherit the Marquis.

So Guan Hanfei, who was only nine years old, became the youngest Marquis in the history of Anyang Kingdom.

At this moment, Guan Hanfei was lying on his side on the arhat couch of the capital postman, with his head propped on his elbow and one leg bent.

He was only wearing a red robe, and the placket slid down to his shoulders, exposing a large area of ​​skin.

He squinted his eyes and let the maid kneeling on the couch stuff a strawberry into his mouth.

"Reporting to Lord Hou, the carriage is ready and you can enter the palace at any time."

A man dressed as a guard came in at the door, but he was very tall, about two meters tall.

Muscles all over his body bulged, and the guard uniform was tightly wrapped around his body, which obviously didn't fit well.

Guan Hanfei hummed lightly, swallowed the strawberry in his mouth, and glanced at him.

"Master Lauto is here."

He looked at the fruit plate in the hand of the maidservant.

"Can you find out who opened Fumanlou?"

Totem clasped his fists and said: "The subordinates have asked people to inquire, and the shopkeeper of Fumanlou belongs to King Sheng, presumably it is the property of King Sheng."

Guan Hanfei narrowed his peach blossom eyes when he heard the words.

It's no secret that King Sheng often asks people to buy crop seeds from their Anyang merchants.

It's just that he has never seen these kinds of fruits in front of him.

He waved his hand at the maidservant, who immediately retreated to the bed and stood aside with her head bowed.

Guan Hanfei stood up, pulled up the skirt that had slipped off, and said, "I heard that King Sheng contributed a lot to Jianan's victory this time. He turned the tide of the battle by himself. The Marquis is very curious about him."

The national power of Anyang is stronger than that of Jianan, if it is not because of King Sheng this time, it will not retreat.

"I think this Marquis will be able to see King Sheng's demeanor well today." Guan Hanfei pursed his lips and said.

The palace banquet was at noon, and around the same time, Gu Nanyan left Changchun Palace with everyone.

She refused Concubine Cui's request to let her sit with her, and went with Guo to the Hall of Supreme Harmony where the banquet was held.

Gu Yao's status is not low, and the Gu family was placed in the first row.

"Sister Lan is not feeling well, I have sent her back to the mansion." Guo Shi said.

Gu Nanyan nodded, but said nothing.

Gu Peilan guessed that something must have happened.

It's just that she wasn't interested in exploring it.

There were not many female relatives in the General's Mansion, and once Gu Peilan left, there were only Guo Shi and Gu Nanyan left, and the maid who served behind him.

Not long after they sat down, Li Mi arrived with the Queen and Concubine Cui.

The banquet started, and Li Mi sat at the head with a smile on his face.

Following the shouts of the eunuch who informed, Guan Hanfei walked into the hall with several other envoys.

"Marquis Yongle of Anyang Kingdom pays homage to the Emperor of Jianan Kingdom."

Guan Hanfei bowed deeply.

Li Mi cheerfully let him flatten.

"Marquis Yongle and all the envoys came from afar. I am very happy. Today, I hold a special banquet to welcome them. I hope that Anyang and Jianan can have more exchanges and peaceful coexistence in the future."

"Yes." Guan Hanfei said.

"His Majesty the emperor of our country also thinks the same way. He is very sorry for the conflict that happened in the border town before, so he specially ordered this Marquis to present a heavy gift."

Guan Hanfei rushed behind and waved, and a guard stepped forward with a tray in his hand.

"Emperor Anyang is too polite. I have always heard that Anyang is rich in products and talented people come forth in large numbers. The things I want to give away must be extraordinary."

Although Li Mi was curious, he still sat steadily, looking calm.

In fact, I was very happy.

You must know that as the largest country, Anyang has always been the recipient of gifts, but I have never heard of their emperor giving gifts to anyone.

Li Mi stared closely at the one-foot-long tray, wishing he could lift the red cloth on it with his own hands.

With the flick of Guan Hanfei's slender fingers, a crossbow with an iron head and a wooden body was exposed in front of everyone.

"This is a crossbow newly developed by our country in recent years. It can shoot through targets 250 steps away, and can shoot two arrows at the same time, which is nearly double the distance of the previous crossbow."

Guan Hanfei looked calm, but what he said shocked everyone.

Li Mi was even more pleasantly surprised, and quickly asked Eunuch Zhao to present it to him.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips.

250 steps is more than 100 meters. Although two crossbow bolts can be fired at the same time, they are not continuous shooting crossbows. There is a fart!

This piece of crap is fooling Li Mi, that idiot.

She looked up, and sure enough, she saw Li Mi's expression was agitated, and her buttocks were lifted from the seat.

"Does your country want to dedicate this thing to the emperor?"

Li Yi's expression was indifferent, and there was no movement in his eyes.

Guan Hanfei looked at him and raised his eyebrows when he saw him sitting under the emperor's head.

"I think this is King Sheng."

Guan Hanfei stared at him for a moment, seeing that the other party didn't seem to notice his gaze, he took a sip of his wine calmly, and couldn't help but smile.

"Since the Marquis took it out in this palace, it is naturally intended to be given to the Emperor Jianan, so there is no need for King Sheng to doubt it."

Li Yi was not annoyed when he heard the words, and looked at the crossbow expressionlessly.

"Things are good things, but your emperor has always been stingy, and has always only entered and exited. He is a Pixiu."

He ignored Guan Hanfei's surprised eyes, and continued: "I'm afraid it's not that simple to present such a big gift this time."

"Is there any condition?"

Li Yi's poisonous mouth was known to everyone in the court, and almost everyone had been bullied by him.

So everyone didn't have much reaction when they heard him scolding Pixiu in front of his courtiers.

Guan Hanfei's mouth twitched.

He had also heard that King Sheng was not easy to mess with, so he thought it was just a bit domineering, but he didn't expect that he would not even spare his words.

He regained his composure, smiled at Li Yi and said, "King Cheng is really good at predicting things, the emperor of our country does have a small request."

Hearing this, Li Yi twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly.

"What the emperor means is that since it is rare for our country to send envoys to communicate, it cannot be as simple as just eating and drinking."

He looked at Li Mi and said.

"It's better to use it as a bet. Jianan Kingdom sent people to compete with my people. If you win, Ben Hou will not only present this crossbow, but also present it together with the blueprint."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately.

Jianan Kingdom also has bows and crossbows, but let alone only one bow and arrow can be fired at a time, the shooting ranges are very different.

Hearing this, Li Mi calmed down the excitement in his heart and hesitated.

Since it was a competition, and since Anyang State had a bet, they had to too.

And what he took out couldn't be much worse than this crossbow.

And Guan Hanfei's expression on his face was too calm, obviously he had been prepared for a long time, and if he went wrong, he would lose his wife and lose his army.

"I don't know what Yonglehou wants to compare, how to compare?"

Seeing that the master was silent, Eunuch Zhao asked quickly.

"It's very simple. Both of us have two competition questions, and whoever wins in the end will win the lottery."

Li Mi was right, Guan Hanfei did come prepared.

And he is very sure about the test questions he posed, as long as he wins Jianan Kingdom one more time, he will win.

Even if they lose the question given by the other party, they are just a tie, and there is no loss.

Li Mi was a little embarrassed, and looked at Li Yi who was drinking leisurely.

Li Yi nodded towards him.

Li Mi said: "The competition is not a problem, but this crossbow is too precious, I really don't know what to use as a bet."

Guan Hanfei saw that the goal was achieved, his eyes flashed and he lowered his head and said: "This is just a friendly exchange between the two countries, the bet is as you like, but..."

Guan Hanfei looked at Li Yi again, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"I heard that there is a property called Fumanlou under the name of the prince. I was lucky enough to taste it. I like the fruit platter very much. I have to buy some every day."

"It's just a few kinds of fruits in it. I've never seen them in Anyang. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to eat them after returning to China."

"How about the emperor bet on the seeds of this thing?"

Before the others responded, Gu Nanyan frowned.

You dog, how dare you think about my things!
(End of this chapter)

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