The farmer has a mall

Chapter 109 Did I Be Provoked?

Chapter 109 Did I Be Provoked?

Gu Nanyan stared straight at Guan Hanfei, thinking about how to strangle this man in his cradle.

Guan Hanfei couldn't help but look at her with his burning eyes.

Seeing that it was a little girl staring at him, Guan Hanfei couldn't help being slightly startled.

Then it became clear.

He is known as the most beautiful man in Anyang and has fascinated many women.

At this moment, he thought that Gu Nanyan was also fascinated by his face, so he hooked the corners of his mouth and showed her a bright smile.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Has Lao Tzu been provoked!
She also hooked her lips towards the other party, showing a row of big white teeth, and bared viciously.

Guan Hanfei: "..."

The way this girl expresses her liking seems to be a bit unique.

Feeling that Gu Nanyan's eyes were a bit cold, as if he would pounce on him and bite him at any time, he quickly turned his gaze back.

Obediently, this girl wants to eat people!
Civil and military officials were whispering to each other, most of them had eaten the fruit platter served by Fumanlou, but very few of them knew that it was King Sheng's property.

They didn't know the origin of those fruits, so they all looked at Li Yi.

Seeing Gu Nanyan's vicious look, Li Yi wanted to laugh, so he covered his mouth with his hands and coughed lightly.

"Fumanlou is only responsible for selling, and does not have seeds. Young Master, let's change the bet."

Guan Hanfei heard the words, but did not give up.

"This Marquis knows, but I think the prince must know who has it. Since it is a product of Jianan Kingdom, it's okay to take out some as a bet."

Li Yi didn't say a word, his rejection was obvious.

Guan Hanfei turned his head and asked Li Mi again: "I don't know what the emperor wants?"

Li Mi frowned, looked at Gu Nanyan, and happened to see her squinting at him.

Li Mi: "..."

"I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult to handle." Li Mi hurriedly said.

"Although these fruits are sold in our country, they do not belong to the royal family. Even though I am the king of a country, I can't bet on the things that others depend on for survival."

The Queen also said: "Jianan Kingdom has never used imperial power to oppress people, this is inappropriate."

"Exactly, our emperor is not a bandit, so how can he rob others at will." Concubine Cui followed, looking at Guan Hanfei with dissatisfaction.

"That's not what it says."

Prime Minister Fang who was sitting in front suddenly spoke.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, not to mention that this is a major event in the relationship between the two countries. As a general of the Jianan Kingdom, General Gu, as his granddaughter, will also put the overall situation first."

Fang Junhe looked at Gu Nanyan, and said with a half-smile: "Miss Gu, do you think what the old man said is right?"

Since his son's accident, he has checked Gu Nanyan, and naturally knows that the fruity fragrance belongs to her.

I also know that this fruit was first made by her.

Although he helped King Ning a lot before, he was not present when King Ning entered the palace, and after that he only came up with ideas and did not personally send anyone to do anything.

Therefore, Li Mi, who has no evidence, has nothing to do with him and can only let him sit in the position of prime minister.

Guan Hanfei was still frowning and thinking about countermeasures, but when he heard this sentence, he followed his gaze.

He saw the girl who was staring at him just now, who was stuffing snacks into her mouth leisurely.

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes at Fang Junhe, and simply spit out two words.


Fang Junhe was not surprised, he snorted coldly.

"Miss Gu is also a member of Jianan Kingdom. Your planting base is within the territory of Jianan Kingdom. Shouldn't you contribute to the country?"

He looked at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials beside him.

The other party received his gaze, and immediately smiled and said: "The prime minister is not unreasonable. Since I am blessed by Jianan, I have to make contributions when needed, and they are just some seeds. They are all things outside the body. Take them out again What's the matter?"

Fang Junhe nodded in satisfaction, wanting to hear what Gu Nanyan had to say.

Unexpectedly, before Gu Nanyan could respond, Concubine Cui Gui, who was sitting next to the emperor, quit.

"It's just a small competition. You can't bet on anything. If you insist on staring at a girl's things, you are ashamed."

She rolled her eyes at Fang Junhe: "I heard that Prime Minister Fang's family has a lot of assets. Since you say that, as the prime minister of a country, why not put all your wealth as a gamble."

Fang Junhe frowned, and said dissatisfiedly to Concubine Cui: "The important affairs of the country, Qi Rong women interfere, don't you know that the imperial concubine is not allowed to do politics in the harem?!"

Concubine Cui Gui glared angrily at the words, rolled up her sleeves and was about to get up to reason with him.

Li Mi grabbed her quickly with his eyes and hands, facing her angry eyes, Li Mi wiped his sweat quietly.

Since she was in Shangshan Village, Concubine Cui Gui's temper obviously began to move closer to Gu Nanyan, she dared to point her nose and scold even him, the emperor.

There are still envoys here today, if Concubine Cui Gui reveals her true colors, I am afraid that her fierce reputation will spread to Anyang Kingdom.

Wouldn't he be very shameless as the majestic king of a country!
But he stopped Concubine Cui...

But there was no time to stop the queen.

"This is just a banquet. Everyone talks and expresses their opinions casually. What does it have to do with the government?"

She glanced at Fang Junhe, although there was no expression on her face, her tone was not very good.

"What's more, since women are not allowed to participate in politics, then this is your man's business. You just asked a little girl why she asked for something?"

"Or do you have to rely on women to support the prime minister's mansion?"

The always gentle queen was already a blockbuster when she didn't sing. Fang Junhe's old face turned red in an instant.

However, this was not over yet, the queen looked down at the wives indifferently.

"I don't think it's appropriate for women to participate in this banquet. After all, you still have to discuss government affairs. Why don't you leave with all the female relatives?"

The women of the official's family didn't think much about it, and they felt a little uncomfortable when they heard what the queen said, and they all expressed that they wanted to avoid it.

The faces of all the officials turned blue and purple, and they were all comforting the female relatives around them, and it took a long time for them to calm down.

But he broke out in a cold sweat.

Thinking of the instigator, everyone looked at Prime Minister Fang with dissatisfaction.

"Although women are not allowed to participate in politics, this is not in the courtroom. Everyone is discussing the competition. What is Prime Minister Fang talking about?"

"That's right, Prime Minister, don't be too strict with women. It's not in the previous dynasty. Women still wear veils when they go out."

Everyone expressed their dissatisfaction.

Cui Yanping grinned coldly.

"Not to mention anything else, as a noble concubine, Cui Guifei is a noble concubine, and even if she makes mistakes, she can only be taught by the emperor. How dare you, a foreign minister, replace the emperor, is simply treasonous!"

Although he was asked to choose between his family and his younger sister, he would definitely choose the former, after all, hundreds of lives were at stake.

But he still protects Concubine Cui very much.

So when he heard Fang Junhe reprimanding Concubine Cui Gui, he put a hat on him without even thinking about it.

Fang Jun broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

Hastily said: "General Cui, don't talk nonsense, I'm just talking about the facts, when did I act in place of the emperor!"

The dog emperor was thinking of the law and wanted to kick him out of the court, and Cui Yanping, the idiot, was the one who handed the emperor the knife.

"It's fine if you don't have one," Li Yi said.

"Prince Ning is quite lonely in the ground, thinking about it, I really want someone to go down to keep him company."

Li Yi had no scruples in speaking, and directly pointed out his relationship with King Ning.

Fang Junhe's face turned blue, red and purple, like a palette.

What kind of enchantment did this Gu Nanyan use? There are so many people helping her!
Concubine Cui Gui was very unhappy after being held back by the emperor, and stared at Li Mi resentfully.

Li Mi rubbed his forehead tiredly, there was nothing he could do with her and the queen.

He thought of what Li Yi had said to him, his heart moved, and he whispered a few words to Concubine Cui.

Concubine Cui Gui's eyes lit up immediately, and then she waved to the maidservant behind her.

Gu Nanyan was eating snacks and watching the excitement when suddenly a palace lady came from behind.

What did the court lady say to Bai Zhi, Bai Zhi nodded, and then moved closer to Gu Nanyan's ear.

After Gu Nanyan finished listening, her eyes were astonishingly bright, and she cast an appreciative look at Concubine Cui Gui.

Concubine Cui proudly raised her head.

Guan Hanfei saw that things went wrong, and wanted to bring everyone's topic back to the bet.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard an excited female voice.

"It's not impossible to take out the seeds."

Gu Nanyan looked in Fang Junhe's direction, with a green light in his eyes.

"But I have a condition."

 The second round of testing tonight, the update time is late, I apologize to the cuties

(End of this chapter)

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