The farmer has a mall

Chapter 110 I heard that your family has a mine

Chapter 110 I heard that your family has a mine
"What conditions?" Guan Hanfei asked.

Anyang Kingdom has always been famous for its rich products, which is also the main reason why their ability overwhelms Jianan Kingdom.

Therefore, he is bound to win the melons and fruits sold by Fumanlou.

Gu Nanyan got up, strolled up to Fang Junhe with her hands behind her back, raised her head and sighed.

"Although in the eyes of Prime Minister Fang, what I took out were just some seeds, but in my heart, they are worth tens of millions of taels of silver."

There was an uproar in the hall, obviously feeling that Gu Nanyan's words were too exaggerated.

You must know that the tax revenue of the entire Jianan Kingdom is only a few million taels per year, and tens of millions is a tax revenue of hundreds of years!

Even Li Mi looked at her without words.

Although he was looking forward to this stinky girl being able to congratulate Fang Jun with a huge sum of money, this statement was too exaggerated.

Fang Junhe sneered even more.

"Could Miss Gu not wake up yet? It's just a few carts of broken seeds, even if it can grow gold, it's not worth tens of millions!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials laughed and said: "Miss Gu doesn't want to take out the seeds and just say it, so why make such a lame excuse."

He looked in Gu Yao's direction, unable to hide his disappointment.

"General Gu has made illustrious military exploits for our country all his life, but he did not expect his descendants to be so selfish. I really regret it."

Seeing his granddaughter being bullied, Gu Yao was already very angry, but he knew that if he spoke for his granddaughter in his own capacity, things would be more complicated.

So I kept silent.

At this time, seeing someone burning himself on fire, he finally couldn't help it, and sarcastically hummed at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"You should take care of your children and grandchildren first."

Gu Yao's voice is like a bell, and the whole hall can hear it when he speaks.

"I heard that your youngest son was jealous of others in the building, and was thrown out. He was naked at the time, and everyone knows about it. Are you still in the mood to point fingers at other people's children?"

Gu Qing, who was at the same table with him, also agreed with a dull face: "Your son's matter is indeed not good, Mr. Shang Shu must educate him well when he goes back. This matter is not only a matter of Shang Shu's mansion. I am afraid that it will spoil other people's children. .”

Gu Yao nodded approvingly.

"What my son said is, when you look back, remember to tell Ge'er and Ze'er to be a warning. Even if I, Gu Jiaerlang, cannot serve the country, I should not do such humiliating things."

The two sang together, until the old face of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was flushed red, and they sat there and did not dare to make a sound.

Gu Nanyan said with a serious face: "My seed is worth much more than gold."

She glanced at everyone and counted with her fingers.

"It takes only two months for a seed to germinate and bear fruit."

"Seeds can produce fruit, and fruit can naturally produce seeds. These seeds can produce fruit again after two months, and fruit can produce seeds again."

"If the cycle goes on like this, the fruit will be planted, and the fruit will bear seeds, and it will be endless. Let alone tens of millions of taels, it is no exaggeration to say that it is worth hundreds of thousands of taels."

She looked at Fang Jun and congratulated, "So, Prime Minister Fang still thinks I'm exaggerating?"

Fang Junhe was stunned: Is that so?
The reasoning was this way, but he felt that something was wrong.

But let him refute, and he couldn't find a reason.

There was silence in the hall. Although everyone felt that something was wrong, they still nodded in agreement when they thought of the empress' protection of her.

Even Li Mi, who knew that Gu Nanyan was congratulating Fang Fang, looked confused.

Only Li Yi looked at her with a doting look on his face, with a half smile but not a smile.

No matter what this girl does, she looks indifferent, only talking nonsense is serious.

Seeing that there was no one to refute, Gu Nanyan changed her voice and curled her lips at Fang Junhe.

"Every time Prime Minister Fang opens and closes his mouth, I will spend tens of thousands of taels of silver. Wouldn't it be too shameless?"


Fang Junhe gritted his teeth, but he didn't know how to refute.

Concubine Cui covered her mouth and laughed coquettishly: "Sister Nan is right, so this matter is indeed inappropriate."

Li Mi: "It's indeed a bit embarrassing."

Queen: "I also think it's inappropriate."

Ministers: Second.

Fang Junhe: "..."

Guan Hanfei could also see at this time that this thin and small girl was not as weak as she looked on the outside, and she was probably not a good person.

He put away the contempt just now, and solemnly bowed to Gu Nanyan.

"Since that's the case, girl, you might as well talk about your conditions. If the Marquis can do it, I will never refuse."

"My condition is very simple." Gu Nanyan said.

"Since Prime Minister Fang understands righteousness so well, how about taking some things out as a lottery?"

Fang Jun He Wenyan snorted coldly: "Why not."

He simply took out a few banknotes from his sleeve and put them on the table.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to speak, he heard Gu Nanyan's devilish voice sounding again.

"Prime Minister Fang just opened his mouth and asked me to spend tens of millions of money. Thinking about your turn, you should be very generous."

Fang Junhe paused his hand on the bank note, and said angrily, "I'm not as rich as Miss Gu, even if I sell the Prime Minister's Mansion, it's not worth tens of thousands of taels!"

Gu Nanyan nodded: "Indeed, your ruined Prime Minister's Mansion is indeed worthless."

Fang Junhe: "..."

"But..." Gu Nanyan changed the topic.

"I heard that your family has a mine. Although it's not worth tens of thousands of taels, I'm not the kind of person who cares about it. You can use the mine as a bonus."

Fang Junhe stood up instantly when he heard this, his heart was shocked, and he looked at Gu Nanyan in disbelief.

King Ning, as a prince, of course has a fief.

And his fief is still relatively rich, the biggest reason is that a large iron mine was discovered there.

The control of iron in Jianan Kingdom is not strict, so as long as half of the income from mining is handed over to the imperial court every year, ordinary people also have mining rights.

It's just that King Ning's identity is sensitive, and he didn't want people to discover the iron mine, so he transferred it to Fang Junhe's name and asked him to help manage it.

This is also an expression of trust in him.

After Fang Junhe took over, he was very careful to hide the matter of the iron mine. In order to prevent others from finding out, he never even asked about the mining progress.

Therefore, he was naturally shocked by being lit by Gu Nanyan at this time.

He knew very well that although Gu Nanyan was a bit evil, but when he first arrived in the capital, he didn't have the ability to find out about it.

"The old man doesn't know what you're going to say."

He lowered his eyes, quickly thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

Gu Nanyan had expected that he would say this, and curled his lips and said: "Prime Minister, this is meaningless, if you have a mine under your name, you can go to the local government to find out, if you don't admit it today, wouldn't it be embarrassing to find out later? "

Fang Junhe clenched his fists, wishing he could strangle Gu Nanyan to death immediately.

"Wen Jingming, the magistrate of Yuzhou, submitted a memorial the day before yesterday. Last year, it rained continuously in Yuzhou, which led to signs of a landslide in the mine."

Li Yi looked at Fang Junhe with cold eyes.

"At that time, Wen Jingming had summoned the manager in charge of mining many times, but he insisted on starting work, so many absentees were trapped in it. By the time they were rescued, seven people had died of freezing and starvation."

"Prime Minister Fang is pretending to be stupid, but he wants to shirk responsibility?!"

Li Yi's eyes sharpened, and Fang Jun He Wenyan's eyes widened.

He never asked about the mining matter, so naturally he didn't know about it, and he couldn't believe that the manager dared to hide it from him and not report it when such a big thing happened!

There is also that Wen Jingming, who usually looks like he knows his duty, but he never thought that he would dare to fight against him just after King Ning died!
Fang Junhe stabilized his mind, stepped forward and knelt down.

"Your Majesty, I don't know about the iron mine. Yuzhou is the fiefdom of King Ning, maybe..."

He squinted his eyes and looked calm: "Perhaps King Ning transferred the iron ore to Wei Chen's name in order to get rid of the crime."

Not to mention that Li Mi didn't believe it, even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty didn't believe it.

Li Mi really wanted to punish him, but he had never had any contact with Yuzhou, and all matters were handled by the manager.

He also thought that the old fox would shirk, but he was still blocked.

At the same time, I also lamented that this person is meticulous in his actions and does not leak anything. If he can be loyal to the country, he may become a famous figure of a generation.

(End of this chapter)

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