The farmer has a mall

Chapter 111 How do you want to compare

Chapter 111 How do you want to compare

Li Yi had expected it a long time ago, after all, a person who climbed up step by step from a white body, how could he be knocked down so easily.

Moreover, there is still the young master of Anyang here today, so it is not a good time to pursue it.

"So, Prime Minister Fang admits that the iron mine is under your name?"

"Since the emperor has found out, it must be right." Fang Junhe sighed.

"Weichen has always trusted King Ning very much, and married his daughter to him. I didn't expect that he not only wanted to usurp the throne, but also wanted to put this old man to death!"

Fang Junhe's eyes were red, and he seemed very angry.

Gu Nanyan has long been impatient to see, she doesn't care how the old thief got his mine, she only cares how the mine doesn't exist!

"In that case, can Prime Minister Fang agree to Miss Gu's proposal?" Li Yi asked.

"This..." Fang Junhe made things difficult.

"This iron ore does not belong to the old minister. How to deal with it is entirely up to the emperor."

Li Mi nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, looked at the crowd and said: "In this case, I will make the decision and use this iron ore as a lottery. Whoever wins the competition, the iron ore will belong to him!"

Li Mi was a little excited in his heart.

Although he didn't know what competition questions the Anyang National Assembly would ask, his intuition told him that if he could attract Gu Nanyan to play, the chance of winning would be much higher.

After all, although this girl's brain is not good, but since he realized it, he has never seen her suffer a disadvantage!

Now that such a big pie is hanging in front of her eyes, why does she have to rush forward desperately?

At this time, Gu Nanyan didn't know that Li Mi was plotting against her secretly.

She has space in her hands, and iron ore, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive to dig, is naturally not rare for her.


She can be sold to Li Mi!
Just looking at the glittering golden hall, one can tell that the dog emperor must be very rich.

Gu Nanyan's eyes glowed, and he looked at Guan Hanfei faintly.

Guan Hanfei didn't realize at all that he was being targeted by Gu Nanyan. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he signed the bet contract in a very happy mood.

"Hou Yongle is a guest from Yuanyuan, so for the first two competitions, I'll leave it to you to come up with the questions." Li Mi said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Guan Hanfei cupped his hands.

"I have heard of the bravery of your country's soldiers, and this Marquis admires it very much. Since I am lucky enough to be here today, I might as well fight in the first round, so that I can open my eyes."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him, and everyone saw a burly man with a height of nine feet coming out from behind him.

"This is Mr. Tu, the No. [-] Lishitu in my Anyang Kingdom, and he will fight in today's competition."

Totem was full of beards and couldn't see any expression, but when he stood there like a hill, the people sitting in the first row felt a sense of oppression.

"This is the totem, please enlighten me from your country!"

Cui Yanping frowned: "Hou Yongle came all the way from afar, originally for the purpose of peace talks, if there is a fight, I'm afraid it will hurt peace."

Everyone nodded in agreement. There is only such a big place in the hall. If someone is injured in a fight, it will hurt the peace.

Guan Hanfei shook his head, "Everyone misunderstood, the martial arts that the Marquis is talking about is not a contest."

He looked at Totem and pursed his lips and said, "Master Tu is known as the number one strongman in Anyang because he can lift a weight of several hundred catties with one hand. Since our country set the question for this first match, it is naturally a competition of strength."

The ministers were in an uproar.

They can lift hundreds of catties with one hand, how can this be compared, they have never heard of anyone with such great strength!
"I don't know who your country will send to the field?"

There was no sound in the hall, and they all looked at Li Mi.

Although Li Mi knew that Gu Nanyan was strong, but he had never seen her lift hundreds of catties with one hand, so he was a little hesitant.

However, Fang Junhe's eyes flashed, and he seemed to say unintentionally: "In terms of strength, there is no one in the world who can compare to Old General Gu."

He looked at Gu Yao and said with a chuckle, "I heard that when General Gu was young, he used his bare hands to twist off the head of an enemy general. I wonder if the general is still as brave as before?"

Gu Yao snorted coldly, knowing that Fang Junhe was trying to provoke him, but the court really couldn't find a second suitable candidate.

Although he is old now and his strength is not as good as back then, if he shrinks back at this time, won't it make Yong Lehou a joke?
He stood up, ignoring Lu Qing's obstruction, and prepared to volunteer, but he heard his granddaughter's impatient voice.

"Shut up, you're the only one who can beep." Gu Nanyan said irritably.

"It's so noisy, why are you everywhere, you are so capable and capable of doing it yourself, if you are not capable, let me hold it back!"

The crisp voice spread throughout the hall, and the disgust in the words was not concealed.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then someone couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, followed by suffocated laughter from time to time.

Li Mi smiled and shivered all over his body, as if stepping on a switch, he raised his sleeves to cover it up with trembling hands.

Even Guan Hanfei couldn't help laughing.

Fang Junhe blushed, pointed at Gu Nanyan, and was so angry that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Fang Junhe: "Shuzi is shapeless!"

Gu Nanyan: "The idiot is sick!"

Gu Nanyan ignored Fang Junhe who was about to gasp behind him, strolled up to the totem, and looked up at him.

"How do you want to compare?"


He looked at the short Gu Nanyan in front of him and frowned.

"You want to compare with me?"

Gu Nanyan nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely show mercy."


"Sister Nan, stop messing around!"

Gu Yao was quite frightened when he saw this, the totem was big and thick, standing next to his petite granddaughter, just looking at it made him tremble with fear.

I'm afraid that this person will give Gu Nanyan a punch, and she will have to fly out.

Guo stood up in a panic, and was about to go forward and drag her niece back.

But Gu Qing stopped him with his eyes.

He looked at Gu Nanyan thoughtfully, and after a while he slowly asked, "Sister Nan, are you sure?"

He could see that his niece had always been methodical in doing things, and he knew from his own father that she was quite strong.


Although he really wanted to believe his niece, but the small arms and legs were really unconvincing.

Gu Nanyan glanced at Gu Qing: "Guess?"

Gu Qing: "..."

I do not guess you guess guess? !
Seeing her relaxed appearance, Gu Qing knew something in his heart, and pulled his father to sit down.

"Sister Nan is not a fool, let's see the situation first."

Although Gu Yao was worried, but looking at his granddaughter's eyes that were determined to win, he knew that he might not be able to persuade her.

But Totem frowned.

He looked at Li Mi, who was sitting at the top, and said displeasedly: "Totem fought with sincerity, is your country humiliating me?"

Ever since his younger brother was captured by the Jianan Kingdom, the face of the Tu family has turned yellow from being laughed at.

He was not included in the list of envoys this time, but he insisted on resigning from office, and came to serve as Yong Lehou's guard and also followed, just to avenge his shame.

Now that a little girl dares to jump out and challenge him, how can she not make him feel ashamed.

Seeing this, Li Mi quickly held back a laugh and coughed lightly.

"Lord Tu misunderstood. Although Sister Nan is young, her strength is not necessarily inferior to his grandfather...that is, Old General Gu. It is not intentional to humiliate."

"That's right." Although Concubine Cui Gui was worried, she didn't want to hold back Gu Nanyan, so she also agreed.

The queen also said: "Master Nan, although we are more competitive, is it possible that we still want to deliberately lose to you?"

"Miss Gu is a girl who dares to challenge Mr. Tu. This courage alone deserves our respect." Li Yi concluded at last.

Everyone: "..."

This Gu Nanyan is a monster, not only the empress protects her, but even the ruthless King Cheng speaks for her!
After all, this is a matter of face, all the ministers were still frowning, wanting to reprimand the girl for nonsense, but at this moment they all opened their mouths when they saw the emperor, most of them shut up.

The rest of the people didn't dare to speak out when they saw that King Sheng was speaking for the little girl.

Guan Hanfei watched this scene with great interest, and became even more curious about Gu Nanyan.

He thought for a moment, and said to Totem: "Since Miss Gu wants to compete, Mr. Tu will just play with the children. They are not afraid of losing the competition, why should we be afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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