The farmer has a mall

Chapter 112 I'm sorry, I made a mistake

Chapter 112 I'm sorry, I made a mistake
The competition was held outside the hall. Although the totem was dissatisfied, but Yonglehou said something, he just stood beside Gu Nanyan with a dark face.

There were two bronze tripods of different sizes in front of them, and the larger one was much taller than Gu Nanyan.

These two bronze tripods were originally used for sacrifices. The smaller one is lighter, only weighing more than 300 jin, while the larger one weighs 830 jin.

Cui Yanping stood beside Gu Yao, stroking his short beard and looking at Gu Nanyan with a relaxed face.

"General Gu thinks that Miss Gu has a chance of winning this time?"

Gu Yao has always disliked Cui Yanping, and felt that this person is too utilitarian. Although the relationship between the two has eased a lot recently, it has not reached the level of sitting together and chatting.

He moved to the side in disgust, looking at the field with worried eyes.

"Regardless of winning or losing, Sister Nan is still young, and she is a daughter. It is rare to have such a heart to serve the country."

Gu Yao paused, then squinted at Cui Yanping with contempt on his face.

"It's better than some duplicitous, unfaithful, unfaithful people."

Cui Yanping: "..."

Old man, if I hadn't taken a fancy to your granddaughter as my daughter-in-law, I would have fought with you!
Cui Yanping swallowed a mouthful of obscenities, shook his cheeks and said with a smile: "Yes, Sister Nan doesn't give way to women."

You wait, when your granddaughter enters my Cui family, I will compete with you again!
Gu Yao was a little surprised to see that he was subdued, but he was worried about his granddaughter, so he didn't go into it.

"Sister Nan is also your name? My Gu family is not familiar with you!"

Cui Yanping gritted his teeth, and took two deep breaths before he could bear the thought of wanting to fight Gu Yao on the spot.

Everyone didn't have any hope for this competition, and they were a little listless, and some people even watched it as a joke.

Totem waited a little impatiently.

"Girl, why waste everyone's time, it's better to admit defeat quickly, I don't have time to play games with you." Totem said in a low voice.

Gu Nanyan didn't even look at him.As Li Mi announced the start of the competition, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Totem snorted, stepped forward first, and knelt down in front of the little cauldron.

He grabbed Tongding's leg with one hand, gritted his teeth and yelled, and stood up in full view.

Amidst the applause of the crowd, he shouted again, stretched his arms and raised the tripod above his head.

Everyone thinks that Gu Nanyan will definitely lose, so at this time, he has no intention of winning, and instead evaluates objectively.

"Master Tu really deserves to be the number one strongman in the Anyang Kingdom. This tripod weighs three hundred catties, and even an ox would struggle to pull it up."

"Exactly. I saw that the two imperial guards who carried the tripod in were struggling a lot. He lifted it up easily with one hand, and there is no one in the court who can fight against it."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Miss Gu's strength, we would be the ones who can't be ashamed. If you say this, I would like to thank Miss Gu for her righteousness, haha."

"Tell me, how did Gu Yao compare with others when he was young?"

"I'm afraid it's not enough, Mr. Gu is just stronger than ordinary people, but this one has supernatural power!"

The discussion reached Gu Yao, and he stood there calmly, as if he didn't hear it.

Cui Yanping glanced at him with a half-smile.

"General Gu, do you want to go up and compare with him?"

Gu Yao glanced at him and said without expression: "This old man thinks he is invincible. If General Cui is interested, he can give it a try."

Cui Yanping chuckled, stroked his beard and said nothing.

Concubine Cui was very upset when she saw that everyone praised the totem one-sidedly.

She said something to the maid beside her, and the maid stepped back in response.

Holding the bronze tripod with one hand, Totem circled the competition field twice, and when he came to Gu Nanyan's side, he looked down at her.

"Girl, do you want to admit defeat?" The words were quite sarcastic.

Gu Nanyan raised her head and glanced at him, her eyes fell on his hand holding the bronze tripod, thoughtfully.

Totem thought she was frightened, so he grinned proudly, and was about to put down the cauldron in his hand, when he saw Gu Nanyan's small hand touching his leg.


As Gu Nanyan's hand clenched tighter, Totem's face turned red.

"Girls, please respect yourself!"

It's the first time he's been "molested" by someone at such a big age, and Totem's mood is very complicated.

There is not much difference between the cultures of Anyang Kingdom and Jianan Kingdom. Although they also pay attention to the defense of men and women, it is not uncommon for some noble women in Anyang Kingdom to raise face heads in private.

Therefore, to him, Gu Nanyan's behavior is no different than molesting.

The onlookers were also taken aback by Gu Nanyan's behavior, and they all stared at her tender little hand on the totem's lap.

Guan Hanfei, who was also paying attention to them, raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Li Yi beside him, he asked with great interest: "Are all the girls in Jianan Kingdom so bold and unrestrained, that when they meet a man they like, they just hit it off?"

Li Yi gave him a cold look, his eyes seemed to be frozen.

"Young Lord, pay attention to your words. Miss Gu is my best friend, and you can't comment on it at will."

Guan Hanfei was startled when he heard this.

"This Marquis is just joking, why should the prince be so serious."

Li Yi turned his head and looked towards the field: "Young Master, please respect yourself, Miss Gu is a girl, I don't want to hear this kind of joke a second time, otherwise..."

He squinted his eyes, the threat in his tone was obvious.

Guan Hanfei: "..."

This girl has touched the man's thigh, but you let Ben Hou respect himself, and this protection of the calf is too obvious.

Guan Hanfei glanced thoughtfully at Gu Nanyan in the field, his eyes flickered.

Then the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile of interest.

As the two of them came and went, they didn't see Gu Nanyan's next move.

Guan Hanfei wanted to say something more, but when he heard everyone exclaimed, he looked back reflexively.

I saw the totem standing there like a hill, but now his feet were off the ground, and Gu Nanyan grabbed his calf and slowly lifted it above his head, his face was blank.

Guan Hanfei:! ! !

What the hell!

At this time, Gu Nanyan's face was calm, as if what he was lifting was not a big man but a bronze tripod.

She touched her stomach, and turned her head to look at Guan Hanfei who was not far away with some resentment.

I was caught as a strong man before I had eaten, all because of this little boy!

Guan Hanfei's shocked eyes met him, and he couldn't help but tremble all over.

What are you doing?
Don't come here!
Bai Zhijian looked calm, saw her master rubbing her belly, and understandingly brought her a plate of snacks over.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her in relief, picked up the snack and took a bite.

Immediately, his eyes lit up and he asked, "What kind of snack is this?"

The outer skin is soft and chewy, and there is apple filling inside, which is sour and sweet and very delicious.

It is also the first time for Bai Shao to enter the palace, so who knows what it is.

After looking around, he asked a few words to a maid of honor behind him.

The palace maid stared at her blankly, and finished answering her question stutteringly.

Hearing Gu Nanyan ask if there were any more, she blankly pointed to the palace maids and eunuchs who were holding plates beside the Empress.

So Gu Nanyan seemed to have forgotten that he was still holding a person in his hand, and walked towards Li Mi in a leisurely manner.

Mid-empty totem: "..."

In this way, while everyone was stunned, he was lifted all the way above Li Mi's head.

The place where Li Mi was standing happened to be under the corridor, and the totem was so shocked at this moment that he bumped his head against the eaves without paying attention.

With a bang, the totem was dizzy from being hit, and the copper tripod in his hand wobbled, as if he couldn't hold it anymore.

Li Mi:! ! !
You, you, don't come here!
Fortunately, the totem was only dizzy for a moment. After recovering, he quickly grabbed the copper tripod in his hand, and at the same time lowered his head to Gu Nanyan with a look of despair.

"Girl, can you put Tumou down first?"

Gu Nanyan was startled when he heard the movement, and then realized that he was still holding a person in his hand.

She smiled embarrassingly, scratched her head and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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