The farmer has a mall

Chapter 113 Nanyan Nanyan, Mighty and Domineering

Chapter 113 Nanyan Nanyan, Mighty and Domineering

Civil and military officials shivered in the cold wind.

Those who had mocked Gu Nanyan just backed away.

This girl didn't know if she heard what they said, she would get angry for a while, she wouldn't use this humanoid weapon to smash them to death!
Gu Nanyan was so hungry that he put down the complicated totem and looked straight at the dessert plate in the maid's hand.

Li Mi: "..."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan seemed to be starving, the queen hurriedly ordered the people around her to bring over some anti-hunger food.

Gu Nanyan walked back while eating, and a group of palace servants carrying plates followed behind him with their heads lowered.

Cui Yanping had just recovered from the shock at this time, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

"Sister Nan is really a genius, but it's a pity that she was born as a daughter, otherwise my Jia Nan Kingdom will have another strong general."

Cui Yanping sighed very much, but at the same time he was secretly happy.

When he returned home, he would prepare a betrothal gift for his son, and tomorrow he would go to the general's mansion to do the betrothal!
With Gu Nanyan around, his little grandson will definitely be a natural general in the future.

Not to mention that the General Zhenbei's Mansion will be trampled under his feet.Even the blessings of his Cui family can continue for another hundred years!
Gu Yao was full of pride, and glared at Cui Yanping when he heard what Cui Yanping said.

"So what if Sister Nan is a woman?"

"The old man's granddaughter is not inferior to a man in terms of character or strength. If she wants to inherit the ancestral business and establish a safe country for us in Jianan, I will definitely support it with all my strength!"

What's more, as far as the emperor's favor towards Miss Nan is concerned, as long as his granddaughter brings it up, there is no reason why he shouldn't.

Cui Yanping chuckled and didn't refute, but felt that Gu Yao's thinking was too simple.

How can a woman mix in a military camp full of men and lose her reputation?
Cui Yanping didn't say anything else, looking at Gu Nanyan with burning eyes.

The second round of the first round soon began, and this time the totem was not as contemptuous as before. He stood in front of the 800-jin giant tripod with a serious face, and took a deep breath.

Looking back at Gu Nanyan, he clasped his fists and said, "It was Tumou who offended me before, and I hope that Mrs. Gu has a lot, don't mind."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her reaction, she turned around again, facing the bronze tripod, with serious eyes.

Although he can lift more than 300 kilograms with one hand, the total weight he may bear is only just over 700 kilograms.

Now this tripod weighs more than 830 catties, nearly a hundred more than before.

He took a deep breath, and slowly squatted down again, grasping the two feet of the copper tripod with both hands.

Take a deep breath, stretch your arms together, and let out a loud drink.

The copper tripod slowly left the ground, the face of the totem was flushed, and the veins on his forehead stood up, obviously it was not easy.

After standing up straight, he raised the tripod to the top of his head vigorously.

There was only a stabbing sound, and his sleeves burst open, revealing the tense muscles inside.

This time he didn't hold the tripod in circles, he was exhausted after only holding it for a while, and he was about to put it down.

Unexpectedly, there was a familiar touch on his leg, and Totem was shocked when he thought of his embarrassing appearance just now, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The copper tripod in his hand fell immediately.

Everyone present was shocked.

After all, it is a matter of honor and disgrace for a country. After the scene just now, everyone was overwhelmed by the incredible scene. At this time, they no longer had the mentality to watch a good show at the beginning.

While full of hope for this little girl, there is also some appreciation.

Many older officials saw that she was about the same age as their own grandson, but they already knew how to contribute to the court, and their eyes were full of kindness.

At this time, seeing the giant cauldron throwing straight at Gu Nanyan, he couldn't help being startled.

"Hurry up, what are the imperial guards doing in a daze, why don't they save people!" An old man with gray eyebrows said anxiously.

Hearing the words, the imperial guards all moved forward and surrounded Gu Nanyan, intending to catch the tripod together when it fell.

Gu Yao also quickly rushed to Gu Nanyan's side, bending his tall body to block his granddaughter's head.

He planned that if the Imperial Guard couldn't bear it, he would push his granddaughter away the moment the tripod fell.

Totem's face was flushed, and he was holding on to Tongding's legs, and his arms were already a little loose.

When everyone panicked, Gu Nanyan stretched out his other small hand, passed over Gu Yao's gray head, and put it on the handle of the hanging copper tripod.

Totem instantly relaxed a lot, and before Gu Nanyan could put him down, she heard her crisp voice.

"let go."

Totem was stunned, and looked down at her with some hesitation.

"This cauldron is much heavier than the one just now, maybe you can handle it?"

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes at him, and motioned him to look at his hand with his eyes.

It was only then that Totem realized that one of his arms had been dislocated due to improper force after he missed his hand just now, and he was hanging weakly at this moment, not grasping the copper tripod at all.

And his other hand was not much better, it had lost strength a long time ago, and now he was holding on to it, trembling slightly.

Presumably, the moment Gu Nanyan took over, he had already let go.


He scratched his head with some heat on his face.

Seeing that his granddaughter was fine, Gu Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her put down the totem, she held the tripod and strolled around the venue again, and during the process, she did not forget to stuff a few pieces of snacks into her mouth.

Gu Yao shook his head amusedly, wiping the cold sweat off his face.

He really is old, such a trivial matter can't stand the scare.

Thinking back when he and the first emperor were besieged, they were never in such a panic.

Seeing that it was almost done, Gu Nanyan licked the pastry powder from the corner of his mouth, and threw the tripod in his hand up twice.

It caused a burst of exclamation and applause from the crowd.

Among them was a group of maids, holding handkerchiefs in their hands, waving them from time to time, and muttering words in their mouths.

"Nanyan Nanyan, forge ahead relentlessly, won the first place, no one can match!"

"Nanyan Nanyan, mighty and domineering, brave and heroic, fierce and powerful!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She twitched her lips and looked at Concubine Cui.

When Concubine Cui saw her looking over, her eyes lit up, and she also shook the handkerchief.

The corners of Li Mi's eyes twitched.

What are you so excited about?
If it wasn't because Gu Nanyan was a woman, he would have thought she was the concubine's best friend!

Li Mi cast a disgusted look at Concubine Cui Gui, then took out a handkerchief from his bosom, and gently shook it in front of him.

Queen: "..."

After a competition ended, everyone did not return to the palace.

Because the second competition proposed by Guan Hanfei needs to be in an open place.

"The crossbow presented by our country has the longest range among the several countries. You should have no objection."

He looked at the crossbow in the tray, and raised the corner of his mouth.

"Then for the next round, let's have an archery competition. Both sides will set up ten archery targets, and whoever hits the most bull's-eyes at a distance of 100 meters will win."

He looked at Gu Nanyan with inexplicable eyes.

Originally, the contest was about martial arts, but after seeing Gu Nanyan's strength, Guan Hanfei changed his mind.

Archery is all about accuracy and has nothing to do with strength, so even if she was born with supernatural power, it would be useless.

"Of course, for the sake of fairness, Ben Hou is happy to lend the crossbow to Miss Gu." Guan Hanfei added.

Everyone's faces were not very good when they heard the words.

This is a contest between the two countries, and it's not just about personal strength. If they use the weapons of Anyang Kingdom to compete today, even if they win, they won't be able to win by force.

But if you use your own country's crossbow, not to mention the short range, you may not even be able to hit the target.

Just because of the fact that the Anyang crossbow can shoot two arrows at the same time, the probability of hitting the bull's-eye is twice as high as theirs.

This Marquis Yongle clearly calculated that they would use his own crossbow, so he proposed this competition.

Everyone scolded this person in their hearts for being despicable, but there was nothing they could do.

Qiqi couldn't help but looked at Li Mi.

Li Mi's expression was not very good either. As the king of a country, it was even more impossible for him to let Gu Nanyan use weapons from other countries.

Doesn't that mean publicly admitting that the weapons of one's own country are not as good as those of Anyang?

He habitually looked at Li Yi, who was frowning tightly.

He does have a well-made crossbow, although the range is a bit shorter, but it can barely hit a target 100 meters away.

It's just that the crossbow can only shoot one arrow at a time, if Gu Nanyan can hit the bull's-eye with one arrow, it's fine, if not...

When everyone was at a loss, Gu Nanyan glanced at the crossbow on the tray in disgust.

What is it, this thing is at most a toy, who is poor? !

(End of this chapter)

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