The farmer has a mall

Chapter 114 Automatic Repeating Crossbow

Chapter 114 Automatic Repeating Crossbow

Gu Nanyan poked secretly to call up the mall interface, and picked a crossbow inside and placed it in the space.

Buying is buying, but whether to use it or not depends on the situation.

If it was said that everyone had high expectations for Gu Nanyan in the previous round, then there was no doubt that there was no hope in this round.

After all, even Gu Yao, a great general, is not good at archery, let alone his granddaughter.

Li Yi had never heard of Gu Nanyan being good at archery, so he walked over and patted her head comfortingly.

"Don't worry, even if you lose this round, it's just a tie. It's good to catch up in the next two rounds, even if you can't catch up..."

Li Yi twitched his lips: "The mandarin duck crossbow is not suitable for use in the army, even if you win it back, it won't be of much use."

He had just looked at it carefully. The crossbow had a complicated process and was not suitable for mass production, and the double archery was too worn out for the wooden handle, and it would break after a few times of use.

But if it is made of iron, the weight will be several times higher than that of ordinary crossbows, which is not suitable for marching.

Gu Nanyan blinked, no wonder Anyang Guo was so kind.

It stands to reason that even if there are peace talks, the Anyang country, who is used to being aloof, would not be able to offer the newly developed weapons of their country.

It turned out to be impractical!

Gu Nanyan smacked his lips and squinted at Guan Hanfei.

This little boy was insidious enough, without making it clear in advance, everyone thought he had gotten a big deal.

There was just one thing she couldn't figure out, what good would this do for Anyang?
Seeing her frown, Li Yi understood what she was thinking, chuckled lightly, and the breath from the tip of his nose fell on Gu Nanyan's cheek.

Gu Nanyan scratched her face and stepped back a few steps.

Why are you so close, if you get sick, wouldn't you infect me?

Gu Nanyan looked disgusted, Li Yi pretended not to see it, and said in a gentle voice: "The purpose of Anyang Kingdom's move is to test."

He looked at Guan Hanfei and squinted his eyes.

"This time the Weiyang army came very suddenly. This king felt that something was wrong, so he asked someone to investigate."

"The spies in the court reported that since the emperor became seriously ill last year and his health was getting worse and worse, people in the court began to lose their minds, and the various factions continued to fight among themselves."

"This time it's just a bluff, trying to scare Jianan Kingdom, so that we can take the opportunity to quell the internal strife."

"However, what they didn't expect was that they would lose this battle so easily. Once the news got out, it would deal a big blow to his image as the number one country."

"My king speculates that Guan Hanfei's peace talks this time are just a cover, and it is true to investigate the truth."

Gu Nanyan understood: "They still want to send troops to win another game?"

Li Yi nodded, admiring Gu Nanyan's intelligence.

"If we don't deter them this time, there may be more chaos in the border town."

Gu Nanyan was immediately unhappy.

Her planting base is not far from the border town. If Anyang Kingdom invades again, who knows if Shangshan Village will suffer? !

Now that she is worried about the equipment of the special forces, her hair is almost falling out. If an accident over there cuts off her main source, then it will be okay?

She was full of anger, and looked at Guan Hanfei with hostility.

Shouldn't she kill this guy first?

Guan Hanfei, who was muttering something to his subordinates, suddenly shivered.

He scratched his head inexplicably, wondering if the feng shui in this palace is not good, otherwise why is it always windy.

Totem lost to a little girl, and felt a little depressed. At the beginning of the second round, he held his crossbow and said nothing.

The crossbow of Anyang Kingdom is named Yuanyang crossbow, as the name suggests, it means that it can shoot two arrows at a time.

The mandarin duck crossbow has an extra arrow slot than ordinary crossbows, so it is slightly wider.

Li Yi asked people to go to the palace to bring his collection of crossbows, but Gu Nanyan refused.

In order to prevent the mall from being exposed, she specially told Bai Zhi to go back and bring the locked box under her bed.

Then he pretended to open the box, and took out the crossbow in the space from inside.

This crossbow is about a foot long, much smaller than the one in the totem's hands.

This is an automatic repeating crossbow with a rotating wheel in the middle, and there are twelve strip grooves on it, which can hold twelve arrows more than ten centimeters long.

As soon as Gu Nanyan took it out, Li Mi's eyes lit up when he saw the movement.

"Do you have any extra for this crossbow?" Li Mi suppressed his excitement, his eyes glued tightly to the crossbow.

"No." Gu Nanyan said bluntly.

Li Mi was disappointed when he heard this. He liked to study some ingenious things, especially weapons.

When he saw this crossbow, he knew it was a good thing.

Li Mi sighed in disappointment: "I wanted to buy one from you, but I didn't expect you to only have this one. No wonder, it's normal that such exquisite things are rare..."

"I can sell you this one!" Gu Nanyan heard that Li Mi wanted to buy it, his eyes were brighter than Li Mi's.

Li Mi was overjoyed when he heard the words, but then frowned: "Would this be bad..."

He only thought it was something Gu Nanyan used for self-defense, if he bought it, what would Gu Nanyan use?
"It's not very good." Gu Nanyan also frowned.

Seeing her like this, Li Mi thought she didn't really want to sell, and was disappointed.

Unexpectedly, she stood on tiptoe and patted herself on the shoulder.

"But it doesn't matter, any difficulty can be solved with money."

Li Mi was a little confused.

"So, how much do you plan to pay for Lao Tzu's unique product?"

Gu Nanyan smiled and discussed with Li Mi as if he was a good brother.

Li Mi: "..."

The price of this crossbow in the shopping mall was 5000 taels of silver, and Gu Nanyan sold it to Li Mi for [-] taels, but he exchanged the silver for gold.

Gu Nan Yanle, who had cheated Li Mi so hard, couldn't even close his mouth, and promised after-sales service with a good attitude.

Although Li Mi is the emperor, the private treasury has been almost ruined by King Ning, and it is still very difficult to take out 15 taels.

So he looked at Li Yi pitifully.

Li Yi: "..."

Li Yi squinted at him, his thin lips slightly parted: "I can lend you the money, but I have to take it back and study it."

Hearing this, Li Mi hesitated: "How long is it?"

Li Yi said leisurely, "Three months."

Li Mi frowned: "Not for too long, half a month."

Li Yi was unmoved: "Two months."

Li Mi shook his head vigorously: "One month."

Li Yi lowered his eyes: "Two and a half months."

Li Mi: "Deal!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Can not bear to look.

After realizing it, Li Mi wanted to repent, but was blocked by Li Yi's "no joke", and aggrieved, he went back to Concubine Cui Gui for comfort.

Concubine Cui gave him a blank look, she didn't want to talk to this fool at all.

When Gu Nanyan passed by with a crossbow, Guan Han, who was standing outside the arena, flew to her hand and took a look.

Due to the distance and angle, I couldn't see it clearly.

She only felt that the crossbow in her hand was really small, and thought it was specially modified for Gu Nanyan, and it was used for play on weekdays.

Guan Hanfei hooked the corners of his lips, feeling much more at ease.

Although they lost the last game, as long as they win this game, they still have a chance to win.

Although Totem felt that Gu Nanyan was a woman, there was a high probability that she would not know how to use a crossbow.

But after the last competition, he became a lot more cautious, staring at the arrow target [-] meters away with all his attention, secretly calculating the shooting angle.

They competed in speed and accuracy. At this moment, both of them stood in front of the first target, waiting for Li Mi to announce the start.

Fang Junhe hasn't spoken since being suffocated by Gu Nanyan.

Seeing her holding such a small crossbow at this moment, he couldn't help but smile ironically.

"Ms. Gu is young after all, it's not good to treat it as their girl's fun."

His voice was not low, and everyone around him heard it, but they didn't echo him.

After all, the grievances between the two of them are no secret, and the relationship between the two is like fire and water.

If Fang Junhe is still as powerful as before, some people don't mind taking the opportunity to flatter him.

But all the officials are not blind. The empress and concubine Cui Gui's protection of Gu Nanyan is obvious to all. Who would want to touch the empress' brow?

Seeing that no one answered, Fang Junhe looked at the competition field with dark eyes.

"Miss Gu is the granddaughter of General Gu. She is definitely not the type to play with state affairs. Since she dares to recommend herself, it means she has some skills. Don't disappoint everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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