The farmer has a mall

Chapter 115 Gu Nanyan didn't win any of them?

Chapter 115 Gu Nanyan didn't hit any of them?

There was something in Fang Jun's congratulatory speech, as if she lost the game just to have fun with state affairs.

Those who cared about Gu Nanyan didn't look very good. If she lost with such a hat, Fang Junhe's people might have something to say again.

The most important thing for a girl is reputation, and what a literati is best at is public opinion warfare.

Gu Nanyan turned her head sideways, and rolled her eyes looking at Fang Junhe outside the arena.


Her voice was not loud, but just enough for the people around her to hear.

Fang Junhe didn't know if he had been stimulated too much, but this time he didn't change his face, he only heheed twice with deep eyes.

Li Mi announced the start of the competition, and it was Eunuch Zhao who gave the orders.

Following his order, the totem shot two arrows first, and then ran towards the next target while pulling out two arrows from the bamboo basket beside him and loading them on the crossbow.

When he arrived, just after the installation was completed, he raised his wrist and shot two more arrows.

When he was loading the arrow, he glanced at Gu Nanyan, but saw that she was still standing where she was, slowly nibbling a piece of freshly baked pancake.

Totem frowned, and couldn't help feeling angry.

This girl is so leisurely, as if she is on an outing, she obviously doesn't pay attention to him!

Gu Nanyan didn't pay attention to his side, but slowly gnawed on her warm meatloaf with a satisfied expression.

Everyone frowned upon seeing this.

"The opponent has already shot three targets, why doesn't she start?"

"Yeah, even if you know you can't do it, you still have to put on a show. This is too disrespectful to your opponent."

"Hey, if you want me to say that Gu Yao's granddaughter is stronger, she shouldn't be allowed to play in the first place. Look, the faces of those envoys are all blue."

"No, this girl is too ignorant. A woman wants to show her face. If this is my child, I will shave her head and send her to the family temple!"

The last person to speak was Mr. Gong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was Gong Jingshu's father.

He already knew about the conflict between his daughter and Gu Nanyan outside the palace gate, and felt very distressed about the injury of his most precious daughter.

Although Jingshu is a bit spoiled, she is still kind-hearted.

And there is no girl who doesn't have quarrels, this cheap girl dared to break Jing Shu's mouth, and I don't know if it will leave a scar!
Lord Gong was furious, and decided to sue the emperor after today's competition was over.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, most of them were voices of helplessness and dissatisfaction.

Concubine Cui Gui was very happy when she saw that Gu Nanyan liked the pancakes she had sent, but suddenly she heard everyone's discussion, and her face turned cold instantly.

She wondered: "Since Mr. Gong is so capable, why don't you play the next two rounds?"

Gong Simin was a little unconvinced when he heard the words: "It's about the face of the Jianan Kingdom. I think I don't have that ability, and I don't dare to force myself to stand out. The imperial concubine embarrassing this minister in order to protect Gu Nanyan, it is biased!"

Seeing his indignation, Concubine Cui sneered mockingly.

"It's the first time I've seen anyone, and I'm so confident about my incompetence. Is this something glorious that Mr. Gong is so proud of?"

Concubine Cui sneered again.

"It's no wonder that the official position hasn't changed for more than ten or twenty years. If you don't think about making progress, I think you can only stay in the position of servant until you become an official."

Everyone: "..."

Gong Simin: "..."

Gong Simin's heart was stabbed with a sword, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

His face flushed, and he felt that the eyes of everyone looking at him were full of mockery.

The position of servant minister is a pain in his heart, and the people under him in the past have had higher positions than him.

Take the Minister of the Ministry of Officials as an example, he was originally just a small doctor who was called around by him all day long, but now he has become his superior.

In a panic, he wanted to resign and return to his hometown, but Aunt Xu disagreed, and he didn't see him for several days, so he stopped thinking about it.

Seeing his trembling lips, Concubine Cui secretly curled her lips.

With this little fighting power, you still dare to take the lead, what do you think?
She turned her eyes to the field, Gu Nanyan had already finished eating the pancakes, and the totem had already shot six archery targets and was heading for the seventh.

Wiping her mouth with the handkerchief that Bai Zhi handed over, Gu Nanyan picked up the crossbow that she threw on the ground, without even aiming, she raised her hand and shot.

Everyone was even more disappointed when they saw this, and they had already given up any hope for this competition.

Only Li Yi's eyes were fixed, his face was a little shocked, and then the corners of his mouth curled up.

Li Mi knew his younger brother very well, and when he saw him smile, he immediately lifted his spirits.

"But hit it?" he asked eagerly.

Li Yi didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth became more curved.

Seeing this, Li Mi knew that he had guessed right, and he was overjoyed from the bottom of his heart.

But it didn't show on his face, and the corners of his lips curled up, looking towards the field.

If someone saw their appearance at this time, they would find that these two were indeed brothers, and their expressions seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

After Gu Nanyan shot the first arrow, she quickly moved towards the second target. Her speed was not too fast, but there was no pause in the middle of her movements.

Everyone only thought that her every movement was very good-looking, but no one could say what was good about her.

She didn't seem to be aiming, and just shot an arrow before reaching the target, all the while keeping her eyes on the direction she was running.

In the blink of an eye, she reached the eighth target, catching up with the speed of the totem.

Everyone felt that something was wrong.

Guan Han stood up suddenly, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Gu Nanyan has been holding the bow with one hand all the time, and there is no movement of putting an arrow in the middle.

But he clearly saw that every time she came to an archery target, arrows flew out of her hand. Although she couldn't see whether she hit the bull's-eye, that wasn't the point!
Guan Hanfei narrowed his eyes fiercely, his face was very ugly.

The mandarin duck crossbow was researched by him, so the emperor sent him to Jianan, because no one knew the characteristics of the mandarin duck crossbow better than him.

Originally, this was something he was proud of. Although the mandarin duck crossbow was difficult to mass-produce, at least it gave him a clue, and it will be gradually improved in the future.

But the scene in front of him shocked him greatly.

When did Jianan Kingdom have such a magical weapon? Why has no one heard of it? !
When he still couldn't recover, Gu Nanyan had already shot ten targets, but there was only one totem left.

Li Mixi smiled and asked people to move twenty targets and put them side by side in a row.

Gu Nanyan and Totem stood in front of their own archery targets.

Everyone looked from the side of the totem first, and saw that there were two arrows stuck in each of the nine archery targets, and seven of them hit the bull's-eye.

On the tenth target, there was only one arrow stuck in the outermost periphery. It was because the totem was distracted when he saw that Gu Nanyan was one step ahead, and missed the shot.

Several envoys were very satisfied with the result. It was considered a very good achievement to hit seven bulls-eyes from 100 meters away, so they all had smiles on their faces, with arrogance in their expressions.

Except for Guan Hanfei.

All the ministers shook their heads and sighed. Few people in Jianan Kingdom could do such an accuracy, let alone Gu Nanyan, a little girl.

"The envoys of Anyang Kingdom have hit seven bull's-eyes in total." The little eunuch in charge of inspection announced loudly.

Although everyone was disappointed, it was also expected, and they were all silent.

Only Fang Jun hehehe twice: "Master Tu is really good at archery."

He turned to look at Gu Yao, feeling very good.

"General Gu, you have to guess, how many of your granddaughters can you win?"

Gu Yao calmed down and didn't take the sarcasm in his words to heart at all.

Following Gu Nanyan's tone, he said, "Noisy."

Fang Junhe: "..."

After passing by for the first few times, everyone was used to Fang Junhe's tit-for-tat confrontation. They pretended not to hear the conversation between the two, and followed Li Mi to Gu Nanyan's side.

However, even though they had expected to lose a long time ago, after seeing Gu Nanyan's ten bare targets, they were still breathless.

Then there was an uproar.

There is not a single arrow on Gu Nanyan's archery target!
(End of this chapter)

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