The farmer has a mall

Chapter 117 Gu Nanyan's Best Thing

Chapter 117 Gu Nanyan's Best Thing
Li Mi was really wronged.

I think how charming and lovely Concubine Cui Gui was back then.

Not only would she think of ways to please him, fearing that he would be too absorbed in political affairs and forget to eat, but she would also make some food with her own hands from time to time and send it to the imperial study by the palace servants.

But since she came back from outside the palace, she never took the initiative to find herself!

Not to mention that the food was gone, every time he went to her palace to eat, what he faced was a table of leftovers.

Now it's good, if he wants to eat a cake, he has to look at her face?
Li Mi was extremely angry, his face flushed with anger.

He must teach this woman a lesson today, otherwise she might have forgotten her identity!
"Cui Guifei, I..."

"The concubine is also doing it for the emperor's good. Those pancakes were sent to Sister Nan. According to her temperament, are you sure you want to grab some from her?" Concubine Cui said leisurely.

Li Mi: "..."

Concubine Cui Gui vaguely remembered a time when Gu Nanyan, who was robbed of food by Li Mi, beat him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he dared not go out for several days.

When did it happen?

Concubine Cui frowned and thought about it for a long time, but she didn't think about it, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

The emperor was beaten up so many times by sister Nan, which made her memory messed up.

She looked at Li Mi whose anger was stuck in her throat, and asked in confusion: "What did the emperor want to say to my concubine just now?"

Li Mi: "..."

He obviously also remembered the painful lesson last time.

His lips moved, and he pulled out a stiff smile.

"What I want to say is that the concubine Ai is thoughtful. Sister Nan is still a child, so she has to eat well."

"I don't think there are many pancakes left, so I worked hard for Aifei to make some more, so as to save sister Nan not enough to eat."

Everyone looked at the one-foot-high food box in front of Gu Nanyan, which was full of meatloaf.

Everyone: "..."

Concubine Cui heard the words and said deeply, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the concubine's mother in the small kitchen has never stopped, and Sister Nan can eat as much as she wants."

Li Mi hehe, nodded quite "gratified".

Immediately thinking of something, he got up and walked towards Gu Nanyan.

"Nam girl, the next competition is for us to make a test, what else are you good at?"

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and thought for a while.

Finally, he stuffed half of the meatloaf into his mouth, and shook his head towards Li Mi.


Li Mi was not disappointed when he heard this.

Nan Yatou is already very powerful, so you can't be too demanding on her.

Li Migang wanted to say something to comfort her, telling her that even if she lost the next two rounds, it would be a tie at worst.

But Gu Nanyan swallowed what was in his mouth, and continued: "There is nothing I am not good at."

Li Mi: "..."

The queen who followed had someone bring a glass of juice to her.

The juice is watermelon juice, which Gu Nanyan taught her to make when she was in Shangshan Village.

"Is there anything Miss Nan is particularly good at?"

Although she also felt that Gu Nanyan was omnipotent, she still had to choose one of them for the competition.

Li Mi nodded hurriedly when he heard the words: "Yes, you are the best at it, and what you like to do the most on weekdays."

To be honest, I have been with this girl for so long, and I have never seen her interested in anything, except...

"Eat?" Gu Nan asked.

Afterwards, regardless of other people's reactions, he nodded affirmatively.

"Just compare who eats more."

Li Mi: "..."

Don't make trouble, if you say this kind of competition, I'm afraid you will laugh the big teeth of the envoy of Anyang Kingdom!

The queen didn't think so, she just smiled softly and asked softly: "Why does Miss Nan have such an idea?"

Gu Nanyan: "Because I'm not full yet."

Those dogs in Anyang Kingdom are not allowed to eat at noon, so what kind of competition is there, don't you know that it takes a lot of energy for her to move a little bit!

But she also knew that this reason was untenable. For the sake of her stomach, she had to tilt her head and think for a while.

"The country is based on the people, and the people depend on food. As a leader of a country, you should not only focus on expanding territories, wars and weapons."

Gu Nanyan got up, put his hands behind his back, and put on an old pedantic look.

"What is more important is to let the people live a good life, have enough food and clothing, and let them like this country, so that their centripetal force will be strong, and they will be united with the outside world."

"If there are foreign enemies coming, we will unite together and drive the invaders out of our homeland!"

Gu Nanyan was so impassioned that Li Mi was stunned.

The courtiers behind him and Guan Hanfei were also a little silent.

Only Concubine Cui rolled her eyes.

After all, you just want to eat!
Cui Yanping stood next to Gu Yao with emotion on his face.

"Your granddaughter is as big-hearted as a man, and you should not be underestimated. She will become a great weapon in the future!"

Now he is a little hesitant about proposing marriage to his son, always feeling that his bumbling brat is not good enough for this girl.

Gu Yao didn't expect his granddaughter to say such a thing, so he couldn't help comforting Lao Huai.

"It would be a pity if Sister Nan succumbed to the inner house."

Cui Yanping nodded in agreement, but at the same time envied Gu Yao.

It would be great if this girl was born in their Cui family, with her, the Cui family will definitely be more prosperous.

After thinking about it for a moment, Guan Hanfei looked at Gu Nanyan with complicated eyes.

"The girl's insights are unique and thought-provoking, and the Marquis is ashamed of herself."

He looked at Li Mi, the arrogance in his eyes was no longer there.

"Since that's the case, then for the next round of competition, we will do as Miss Gu said. What do you think of the emperor?"

Of course Li Mi would not object, and immediately agreed.

Turn around and let Eunuch Zhao order the imperial dining room to make preparations, and then take everyone back to the palace.

With a reserved smile, Gu Nanyan secretly poked and put the speech collection bought from the mall into the space.

At the same time, it's too shameless to despise this mall. It's just a broken book, and it costs her ten taels!
It really lives up to its name that starts from the ground.

Everyone was pushing cups and serving cups in the hall, waiting for the imperial dining room to get ready. During this period, Gu Nanyan did not stop talking, and went to get the dim sum plate on the table after eating the pancakes.

It is hard to describe the words of those who have been paying attention to her movements.

Guo Shi stood behind with the female relatives before, and had no conversation with Gu Nanyan at all.

Seeing her keep stuffing things into her mouth at this time, she hesitated and said: "Sister Nan, why don't you eat later, how can you compete with the envoy when you are full?"

That totem looked like it could be eaten at first glance, not to mention the five big and three rough, one mouth can hold several sisters Nan!

In fact, Guo felt that whether he won or not was the second most important thing.

She was afraid that her little niece would be broken again.

Gu Nanyan shook her head indifferently: "Don't worry, I've just laid the groundwork, and I haven't officially started yet."

Guo: "..."

The imperial chef prepared quickly, and in less than half an hour, he served four baskets of steamed buns.

In addition to serving the emperor, the imperial dining room also has a special kitchen for the palace people to cook.

There are too many people in the palace, so the stoves in the kitchen are all specially made.

Take this steamer as an example, the maximum diameter of the steamer in ordinary people's homes is no more than two feet, but the steamer served now is a full meter and a half!

Don't talk about eating, I'm full just looking at it.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied, she and Totem sat in the center of the hall, with two cages stacked in front of each of them.

As soon as the palace man put it down, Gu Nanyan reached out to grab it, and Li Mi was so frightened that he hurriedly announced the start.

There is a time limit for the competition, within half an hour, whoever eats the most steamed buns will win, and the roast chicken and the like are just for them to eat.

The totem is very fast, with a steamed bun in one hand, half of it is gone with one bite.

But Gu Nanyan tore off a chicken leg slowly, and happily ate it with steamed buns.

She ate deliciously, and her happy eyes narrowed.

The aroma of the roasted chicken scattered around, and everyone couldn't help swallowing, and suddenly felt that the delicate delicacies on the table had lost their flavor.

So they asked the maids behind them to bring themselves a roast chicken and steamed buns.

Thus, the most unique palace banquet in the history of Jianan Kingdom was born!

All the people in the room stared at Gu Nanyan's meal, and everyone cared about what the court lady wanted.

Even the old lady Fu, who has always had a light diet, held up a chicken leg and ate it with greasiness in his mouth.

 Thank you for your support, everyone.

  We have become a high-risk area, and the community is also closed.

  I hope the epidemic will pass soon, I want to eat roast chicken
(End of this chapter)

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