The farmer has a mall

Chapter 118 The Princess of Fenghu Kingdom

Chapter 118 The Princess of Fenghu Kingdom

Li Mi couldn't help lamenting that this was the most "harmonious" palace banquet ever.

Totem was very fast, maybe because he had already lost twice before, he used all his strength to stuff steamed buns into his mouth.

In less than a quarter of an hour, one of the cages was half gone.

Although Gu Nanyan was neither fast nor slow, his speed was not slower than him.

Totem's choked face turned blue and he touched his swollen stomach. Seeing that Gu Nanyan was going faster than him, he gritted his teeth and picked up two steamed buns and gnawed on them.

Only this time it was much slower.

A quarter of an hour later, the cage in front of Gu Nanyan was already empty, but the cage in front of Totem was still there.

He looked at Gu Nanyan with a twitching expression.

What has changed in this girl!
After eating so much, the stomach is still flat?

Seeing her eating happily, Totem was suddenly glad that she was not born in Anyang.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole country will be poor by her!

The results of the competition can be imagined, the totem was finally helped down.

Although Guan Hanfei looked ugly, he didn't blame him.

"Since Miss Gu has already won three games, Ben Hou feels that there is no need to compete in the fourth game."

Guan Hanfei's demeanor was quite good, even though he lost the competition, he didn't appear to be in a hurry.

"This is the design drawing of the mandarin duck crossbow. Anyang is willing to bet and admit defeat."

He asked his subordinates to hand over the drawings and crossbow to the palace servants, but his eyes were on Gu Nanyan again.

"It's just that the Marquis has something to ask, I wonder if I can use the girl's crossbow to have a look?"

Compared with the trial archery target, it is fixed on a one-inch thick wooden board with a rope ring.

There is also a layer of iron plate embedded behind the wooden board.

If he wanted to shoot it through, even his mandarin duck crossbow couldn't do it.

Not to mention the distance of 100 meters away.

Gu Nanyan started to feel sleepy after eating and drinking, and didn't even raise his eyelids when he heard his question.


What do you think, you just watch it, have you paid?

Guan Hanfei was not surprised. After all, if it were him, he would not agree to it, so he would have to scold the person who asked for this kind of shoes.

But if he couldn't take a closer look, he might not even be able to sleep well in the future.

"I don't know how the girl can agree, but you can bring up any conditions, as long as it is what I can do, I will never refuse."

His expression was sincere, and he looked like he was bound to win.

Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she felt that the deal was a good deal, and when she was about to speak, Li Mi hurriedly interrupted her.

"Since the competition is over, Marquis Yongle might as well sit down and enjoy the singing and dancing, and discuss peace talks by the way."

Guan Hanfei also knew that in front of so many people, this matter might not be possible, so he sighed and sat back.

Seeing this, Li Mi wiped off his cold sweat. Based on his understanding of that girl, she was definitely tempted just now!

Now that crossbow is in his pocket, and he wants the Ministry of Industry to study it with him to see if it can be imitated.

Although Gu Nanyan was a little displeased with Li Mi's decision to cut his fortune, he thought he spent 15 silver to buy a bow and crossbow, so he didn't bother with him.

It's just that his face was black all the time, and his expression was very unhappy.

Li Mi wiped his sweat and signaled to Eunuch Zhao who was behind him, and Eunuch Zhao quickly lifted a tray covered with a yellow cloth.

Li Mi straightened his expression, and rewarded him for his achievements in this palace change.

Gu Nanyan was so bored that she leaned against the back of the chair and dozed off.

Bai Zhi was afraid that she would not sleep well, so she hurriedly stood beside her and asked Gu Nanyan to rest her head on her.

In the palace change, apart from Li Yi, Gu Yao and Cui Yanping contributed the most.

It's just that Cui Yanping had a tendency to turn against him before, so Li Mi naturally didn't like it, so he put his credit under Gu Yao.

Gu Yao won the title of a mighty general, plus countless gold thousand taels and silk satins.

But Cui Yanping only got one hundred taels of silver reward.

He didn't complain, but quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the emperor is willing to reward him, it means that he will not pursue his work for King Ning, even if it is a tael of silver.

When the rewards of civil and military officials were completed, Li Mi took the last imperial edict in person with a smile.

"This time I can come back safely, but the biggest contributors are not you."

All the courtiers were a little puzzled, and all looked at him suspiciously.

"I want to know that all my lovers know that I was forced to escape from the palace and was chased all the way to Mingshan County. The road ahead was at a loss. I thought this time would be bad luck, but unexpectedly I met a girl."

He glanced around with a smile.

"This girl not only took me in, but also rescued me from danger several times. Even the two princes were rescued by her several times when they were in danger."

Li Mi sighed a little.

Although Gu Nanyan was a little disrespectful to him, and would gnash his teeth angrily every time, she was sincere in being kind to their family, much better than those people who talk about honey and swords.

As he spoke, he looked towards Gu Nanyan.

The officials have been paying attention to his movements, and also follow his eyes.

But Gu Nanyan was drooling while sleeping against Bai Zhi.

Everyone: "..."

This was the first time that someone dared to sleep at a palace banquet, and everyone was a little speechless.

Seeing this, Bai Zhi hurriedly woke up her master, Gu Nanyan opened her eyes in a daze, her eyes were a little dazed.

Li Mi cleared his throat, the corners of his eyes twitched.

Sleep when you are full, what the hell are you? !
"As we all know, General Gu's granddaughter was lost and could not be found a few years ago, but unexpectedly, I met her. She brought me, the queen and others back home, and cured the emperor's illness. If it’s not abundant, let’s distribute the food.”

"I really can't repay such a great favor."

"So after discussing with the queen and concubine, I decided to recognize Gu Nanyan as my righteous sister, and make her the princess of protecting the country, enjoy the treatment of a prince, and confer the land of Mingshan City!"

As soon as Li Mi's words came out, all the officials changed their colors.

If it is said that Gu Nanyan's achievements are made, if it is only made a princess, everyone has nothing to say.

Not to mention the addition of the word "protecting the country" to this title, it is barely justified to have a fief, but "enjoying the treatment of a prince" really scared the people present.

The last time a person with a foreign surname was made a prince was when the first emperor was alive, and it almost caused all the officials to quit the court!

Although Li Mi is not a canonized prince now, what is the difference between enjoying the treatment of a prince and being canonized?
Besides, Gu Nanyan is still a girl, isn't that plausible!

All the ministers showed their dissatisfaction on their faces, each of them ready to move.

Yu Shi's face flushed with excitement.

Since Li Mi's disappearance, the tyrannical King Ning has taken control of the court, and most of the courtiers have been silent as if they were silent.

They haven't been used for a long time.

Seeing Li Mi rushing to "court death" this time, I couldn't help but jump for joy.

Gu Yao and Gu Qing were shocked.

You must know that not only can the prince not kneel before the emperor, but he can also lead ten thousand private soldiers!
This is not a small right. Apart from Zheng Tiesheng, there is no second prince in the entire Jianan Kingdom.

It can be said that with this name, no one dares to control Gu Nanyan even if she walks sideways in the future.

And their general's mansion has a princess protecting the country who enjoys the power of the prince, and with the military power in Gu Yao's hands, no one will dare to provoke him in the future.


If there is gain, there will be loss. In this way, the general's mansion is too conspicuous, and I don't know how many people will not be able to see it and plot secretly.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, there was already a censor who knelt down a few steps and howled.

"It's absolutely impossible, Your Majesty!"

As for the protagonist, Gu Nanyan, who had just been woken up by Bai Zhi, he heard that someone wanted to be her brother in a daze.

She slapped the table reflexively.

Because she didn't wake up, she used a lot of strength, and the whole table was smashed to pieces by her.

"Who is so courageous!" He actually wanted to step on Lao Tzu's head.

The censor who was kneeling on the ground heard the loud noise, and the emotions that were brewing were instantly dissipated by the fright, and his whole body trembled.

When he looked back, he saw Gu Nanyan's face was full of ferociousness, as if he had the expression of a Shura from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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