Chapter 119

Yu Shi shook his body, looking at the scum on the ground, his face trembled.

There were also a few ministers who were going to persuade them together, their buttocks were raised, and when they saw the debris on the ground, they sat back in an instant.

Speaking of canonizing a princess or a prince, they are all members of the royal family, so it doesn't matter what they have to do with them!
Seeing that the ministers became more honest in an instant, Li Mi was very contemptuous.

Every time I go to court, these turtles will object at every turn, or impeach him, even a harmless proposal can be debated for hours.

Especially those censors who scolded him bloody every time, and he still thought that these people were not afraid of imperial power or death.

It turned out that he was just not afraid of him, but when he met Gu Nanyan, who was a stubborn stubble like Gu Nanyan, he became a coward!

Li Mi groaned angrily, and then thought that Gu Nanyan was giving himself some relief, and began to watch the fun again in his spare time.

"What did Liu Aiqing just say is absolutely unacceptable?" Li Mi asked intentionally.

Liu Yushi: "..."

His mouth was trembling, and the end of his eyes was always paying attention to Gu Nanyan's direction.

"Wei, Weichen mean that Miss Gu has made such great achievements, how can she only have such a small fief in Mingshan City, the emperor might as well assign the neighboring Yansong City to Miss Gu to show the mighty grace of the emperor!"

All the ministers: "..."

Mingshan City is small?

Little fart!
This Liu Yushi is confused, Mingshan alone is worth the size of the capital, and there is a bigger Yansong City? !

Li Mi laughed so hard from the bottom of his heart, he resisted the urge to slap the table and laugh wildly, and nodded seriously.

"What Aiqing said is very true, then I will agree and divide Miss Gu's fief into two cities."

Everyone was very dissatisfied, but no one dared to speak.

After all, their bones should not be as strong as a table.

But they didn't dare to say it, but Fang Junhe did.

"Your Majesty, although Gu Nanyan has meritorious service in escorting, but after all, he has no royal blood. It is beyond the norm to be named Princess Protector. Besides, she is a daughter, so how can she enjoy the treatment of a prince? Does the emperor still want a little girl to lead the army?" !"

[-] private soldiers are not a small number, if they are well equipped, it is no problem to take down the imperial city.

What's more, there is a grandfather who holds a heavy soldier in his hand. If this is really allowed to happen, then with the enmity between their two families, there is no room for him in this capital!

Fang Junhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and clenched his back molars tightly.

When Gu Nanyan heard that Li Mi was going to give her two cities as fiefdoms, she immediately quit.

"I don't want it!"

Li Mi was very surprised: "Why not?"

He was still thinking about how to persuade the old fox, Prime Minister Fang, and this girl also started making trouble.

If other people want a fief, why not come? Isn't she happy to have both at once?

"But you are not satisfied with the fief?"

He also wanted to divide Gu Nanyan into a wealthy place, but he thought that she had lived in Shangshan Village for more than three years, and the planting base she built was also there.

If it is inevitable to be restrained under the control of others, it is better to give her own control.

Even if she didn't return to the fief and lived in the capital all the time, with such a name, the local officials would give her some face.

But now that Gu Nanyan disagreed, Li Mi felt that she thought Mingshan was too poor.

Just about to talk about changing a fief, Gu Nanyan curled her lips and said, "I can't afford it!"

There are tens of thousands of people in a city, let her control the food and drink of so many people, unless she is crazy!

Li Mi was startled, and after trying to understand what she meant, he couldn't help being speechless.

"Although Mingshan and Yansong City are not that rich, they are located at the border, and there is also a tax of 10,000+ taels of silver every year. Not only do you not need to post money in, but half of the tax is also yours."

Gu Nanyan was taken aback: "Is there such a good thing?"

Li Mi rubbed his forehead and said: "Not only that, but if you can manage it well, the income of the local people will increase, and you will get more taxes. Don't say 10,000+ taels, even 10 taels will not matter." impossible."

There is temptation in Li Mi's words, but in fact he also has selfish intentions.

Gu Nanyan's ability is not weak, and he has a weapon as powerful as Tianlei in his hand. In addition, the north of Yansong City is the place where the Zhenbei Army is stationed. If you think about it, if you can't make Anyang Kingdom dare not invade, then he can also Save a lot of effort.

Thinking of the thunder that day, Li Mi couldn't help feeling excited.

He really wanted Gu Nanyan to hand over the method of making Tianlei and use it in the army.

She once tried to test her with words, but she vehemently rejected it. Even if he said to buy it with money, Gu Nanyan didn't leave him any room for negotiation, and kicked him out of the door directly.

Although he didn't know why, since this road didn't work, he changed to another road.

"All the taxes belong to me?" Gu Nanyan asked suspiciously.

Li Mi twitched the corner of his mouth: "We still have to hand over half to the imperial court."

Although Gu Nanyan was dissatisfied, she thought that even if it was only half of it, it would be for nothing, which was very in line with her work philosophy of lying at home and waiting to collect money, so she finally agreed.

Fang Junhe was ignored by the two of them the whole time, and his face was already so ugly that it couldn't be any more ugly.

"Your Majesty, the old minister disagrees!"

Hearing his voice, Li Mi thought of Fang Junhe.

Just as she didn't know how to deal with it, she saw Gu Nanyan squinting at him.

"Is it your turn to take care of my affairs?"

Fang Jun spit fire in congratulations: "The old man is the prime minister of a country, why can't he take care of it!"

Gu Nanyan grinned: "Just try it, if you dare to cut off my fortune, see if I don't burn your prime minister's mansion to the ground!"

Fang Jun He Wenyan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately thought of Prince Ning's Mansion with only one wall left.

"You dare to threaten the old man!"

It's really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by a dog, thinking that he is a majestic prime minister of a country, and students are all over the court, but at this time he is threatened by a little girl.

Gu Nanyan ignored him, and there was no sound in the hall.

Li Mi laughed and said: "Miss Nan has such a temperament, Prime Minister Fang don't want to care about this child."

He turned his head and said to Eunuch Zhao: "Someone re-draws the imperial decree and adds Yansong City to the princess' fief. I will stamp it later."

Eunuch Zhao responded and withdrew holding the imperial decree.

The prime minister was still hesitating whether to help him or not, but when he heard this, he knew that the emperor had completely disliked Fang Junhe, they exchanged winks, and sat there obediently.

Li Mi looked at Fang Junhe who was still standing in the center of the hall, and smiled kindly.

"Why hasn't the prime minister returned to his seat, but the food and drink are not to your liking?"

Fang Junhe narrowed his eyes, and lowered his eyelids to hide the cruelty in his eyes.

The emperor had never been so stubborn before, and he was always cautious when talking to him, but he seemed to be a different person after he came back.

On the contrary, he really has the appearance of a former emperor.

Fang Junhe sneered from the bottom of his heart, and bent slightly.

"Maybe Weichen is old and feels unwell, so I will leave first!"

After all, regardless of whether Li Mitong agreed or not, he turned around and left the palace gate.

Li Mi didn't care, he was still cheerful.

It's just that a discerning person can see the haze in his eyes at a glance.

The atmosphere in the second half of the banquet was a bit weird.

On the courtier's side, all the people toasted to Gu Yao and Gu Qing, praising Gu Nanyan in their words, and the two of them would not refuse anyone who came, and their expressions were full of complacency.

And Gu Nanyan's female relatives were even more lively, the older ones surrounded Mrs. Guo to inquire about Gu Nanyan's marriage.

You must know that this is a princess with a fief. If she has a son and a half daughter in the future, depending on how much she is favored, her son may be able to get a title. Those who have men of the right age in their families are all thinking about it.

And Gu Nanyan also surrounded many young girls, asking her what her usual hobbies are, what she likes to eat, and which rouge powder she uses.

One by one, Gu Nanyan's noisy head was about to split open.

Just when she couldn't help but get violent, Guan Hanfei, who had been sitting quietly watching the play from the beginning to the end, stood up.

He bowed to Li Mi, curled his lips and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to ask you."

The hall fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at him one after another.

Li Mi couldn't help being curious: "Oh? Marquis Yongle needs help with something?"

Guan Hanfei shook his head: "No."

He bowed down again with a sincere expression on his face.

"This Marquis wants to marry the Princess Protector of your country, please let the emperor do it!"

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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