The farmer has a mall

Chapter 121 Forgiving You Is God's Thing

Chapter 121 Forgiving You Is God's Thing
After Li Yi finished speaking, he returned to his seat, unaware that his words caused an uproar.

You must know that there are almost no officials who do not accept concubines, even Gu Nanyan's grandfather, Gu Yao, also accepted Aunt Qiu under forced circumstances.

As a prince, Li Yi should have a second concubine, but he actually said that there will be a couple for a lifetime!

Everyone in the world knows that King Sheng must do what he says, so if he says so, if Gu Nanyan is willing to marry him, won't he fall into a bad luck?

For a while, the female relatives present were a little envious, especially those who had concubines in their families.

And the unmarried girls almost tore their veils, wishing they could agree to it for Gu Nanyan.

Guan Hanfei's face was livid, he wanted to marry Gu Nanyan, which is good.

After all, apart from the fact that she was indeed different from the women he had seen, which made him feel very interesting, she also had the crossbow that he cared most about in her hand.

But he can't do it without taking a concubine. The Guan family has only one heir, and his mother will never agree to him marrying only one.

Guan Hanfei frowned and pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said, "This Marquis can also..."

"Master Hou, I'd better think it over. Miss Gu's character can't tolerate being deceived by others. If one day you go back on your word..."

Li Yi heheed twice, but he didn't finish his words, but everyone understood the meaning.

Gu Nanyan squinted at Guan Hanfei: "You want to lie to me?"

She squinted her eyes and unconsciously exerted force on her feet, only to hear a "click", and the floor cracked instantly.

Guan Hanfei: "..."

No, I didn't!
"Miss misunderstood, Ben Hou didn't mean that."

He wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Guan is indeed unable to make such a promise like King Sheng, but I can guarantee that I will not take concubines within three years, and you will give birth to the eldest son, and when the women in the backyard are pregnant, I will never touch them again!"

Guan Hanfei's eyes were sincere, but Gu Nanyan sneered.

"It's rare to be an old man!"

"Don't say that I'm not married yet, I'm married. If one day that man dares to promiscuously, I will castrate him, take the thing to make soup and pour it down for him personally!"

She looked at Guan Hanfei with contempt: "And I just said that you are too ugly, I am not good enough!"

After all, without waiting for Guan Hanfei to recover from his astonishment, he rolled his eyes and went back to Mrs. Guo, grabbed a handful of peanuts and started eating.

Guo Shi who was also astonished: "..."

All the people present, except the female relatives, felt that their crotch was cold, and they didn't even dare to look at Gu Nanyan.

Hey, where is this hag, she has such vicious thoughts, if all the women in the world are like her, then it's fine!
Unlike all the ministers, the favorability of the women's family members has greatly increased.

Feeling that Gu Nanyan said what they didn't dare to say, he felt relieved.

However, this was just the thoughts of the people in Jianan Kingdom. When the envoys saw that their Lord Marquis was being threatened, their beards raised in anger.

"What an unruly girl. Marquis Yongle is Lord Marquis, the emperor's most trusted person. How dare you speak threats!"

Gu Nanyan looked at the speaker, and said leisurely, "I'm still a princess."

The envoy choked, and then his face became even uglier.

He said to Li Mi: "I came here this time to talk about peace, but the emperor asked a little girl to insult me, but I want the two countries to meet each other again?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials hurriedly got up and cupped his hands, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Don't blame the envoy, the girl of the Gu family has always been open-minded, and she has been out of control for the past few years. If she offends something, just ask General Gu to bring her to the door to apologize in person. Don't hurt the peace of the two countries."

After that, he even winked at Gu Yao.

Gu Yao sat there with a big horse and a golden knife, ignoring him.

"If Master Hou wants to provoke a dispute between the two countries because of a few words of quarrel, I, Gu Yao, have nothing to say, so I will naturally accompany you to the end!"

Before the precious granddaughter was warmed up, someone came to snatch her. Of course, Gu Yao was upset.

Facing the threat of envoys, he became a little tougher.

"General Gu!" The Minister of the Ministry of Officials was furious, pointing at Gu Yao and shaking his fingers.

"What you said is simple, but do you know how much money it costs to fight a war, just because you want to protect your granddaughter, you want to put the people of Jianan Kingdom in danger?!"

"If Anyang is going to war because of a few quarrels, it means that they came here with this purpose in the morning."

"Even if Master Shang Shu kneels here today and begs others, they will not change their mind." Gu Yao said lightly.

"What General Gu said is true." The old lady Fu nodded and said.

"This time it was originally a peace talk. Marquis Yongle proposed a competition as soon as he came, and now he is asking to marry the newly crowned princess of our country."

"There was no mention of the peace talks. It's a bit of putting the cart before the horse. This makes the old man very suspicious of the purpose of your coming."

He looked at Yong Lehou who was greatly stimulated by Gu Nanyan's tough words.

"As General Gu said, if the Anyang Kingdom is not sincere about the peace talks, it will only be a waste of time for everyone to continue the talks."

Although the national strength of Jianan Kingdom is not as good as that of Anyang, the Zhenbei Army is not far behind the Weiyang Army. With Gu Yao and Li Mi around, it is not impossible to win.

They have always lived under the Anyang Kingdom, but the first emperor didn't value these things and didn't want to compete with them.

The envoy's expression changed instantly when he heard the words, and he looked at Li Mi who was sitting at the head.

"Does your majesty think so too?"

Li Mi was contemplating, it was rare for Xiao Jiu to be emotional, should he draw up an imperial decree to give him a marriage.

He was also worried that if he offered a marriage, if Gu Nanyan disagreed, he would be violent and beat others up.

While he was struggling, he heard the envoy's question and raised his head in a daze.

Eunuch Zhao hurriedly whispered something in his ear.

Li Mi understood the cause and effect, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It doesn't matter what I think. I, Jianan Kingdom, have never had the habit of initiating war first. To fight or not to fight, ultimately depends on what your emperor thinks."

Li Mi's words are very clear, it's up to you to decide whether to fight or not. Although we don't pick trouble, we are definitely not afraid of trouble.

The envoy wanted to say something more, but Guan Hanfei reached out to stop him.

He looked at Li Mi with puzzled eyes.

As far as he knew, since the emperor came to power, although he was not considered a faint emperor, he was almost the same.

Not only does he like to put on extravagance and waste, but he has no understanding of state affairs and has always been soft-hearted.

But this time, although the palace banquet was full of smiles, the attitude was extremely tough, which was completely different from the rumors.

Guan Hanfei pondered, could it be that the emperor has the confidence to win?

He looked at Gu Nanyan and thought of the crossbow in her hand.

If it is because of that crossbow, it is not impossible.

After all, with such a sharp weapon, even he is tempted.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling sorry, if he could marry Gu Nanyan home, then the crossbow would be in his pocket.

Others may not know it, but he heard with his own ears that the emperor spent 15 taels of silver to buy the crossbow.

This means that the owner of the crossbow is Gu Nanyan!


Her words were really creepy, if he married her back, it might leave a shadow.

What's more, that girl is now a princess, and he can't just marry if he wants to.

Guan Hanfei sighed and decided to stabilize Li Mi and the others first.

After returning to the country, I will report the cause and effect to the emperor, and the emperor has the final say on what to do.

"The Marquis has been abrupt about this matter. I really can't help myself when I meet someone I like. I hope the emperor will not blame him."

"Besides, the emperor of this country has warned me before we leave the city that we must ensure that the two countries will coexist peacefully and have friendly exchanges in the future. There is absolutely no intention of provoking war."

The team of envoys will be led by Guan Hanfei, the biggest reason is his flexible character.

At this time, his attitude was extremely low, which made it difficult for Li Mi to argue with him.

"As for Miss Gu..."

Guan Hanfei gave her a deep bow.

"Han Fei really liked each other so much that he was too impatient and abrupt, girl, please forgive me."

Although Gu Nanyan was conferred the title of princess, her name has not yet been listed on the jade certificate, so she is not officially in office, and calling her a girl is not wrong.

Gu Nanyan pouted.

How do you say that?

Forgiving you is God's business, I am only responsible for sending you to see God!

She deeply felt that she was too weak to be bullied, and everyone wanted to come up and bite her.

Gu Nanyan thought about the money in his hand.

If Geshi's 10 taels is in hand, plus Li Mi's 15 taels, and the silver in her hand, it should be barely enough to get the equipment for five people.

But she still hesitated.

If she spends all the money in her hand, she will have no capital to build a planting base and open a store in the capital.

Gu Nanyan shook her head, she still wants to take the road of sustainable development, the five people still need to train for a while, and there is no rush for equipment.

Just as Gu Nanyan thought of this, he heard a voice in his ear.

"Ding Dong, young lady, you have a new discount to claim~"

The voice was sweet and greasy, but Gu Nanyan's hairs stood up when he heard it.

Fuck, it's over, it's over!
(End of this chapter)

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