The farmer has a mall

Chapter 122 Training

Chapter 122 Training
Gu Nanyan's heart trembled, but his face was calm.

Hearing the beeps that kept echoing in his head.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I can't hear, can't hear, can't hear...

After about a quarter of an hour, the sound suddenly stopped and became extremely quiet.

Gu Nanyan was covered in white sweat from shock, her face turned pale.

Last time, this little bitch cheated her of 2000 taels by smashing her mouth. This time, her voice was even more cheerful than last time, with a faint hint of excitement. This is a big move!
Thinking of the money that he still had in the space, Gu Nanyan hurriedly checked it with his consciousness, and after finding that there were not a lot of money, he heaved a sigh of relief and closed the light curtain.

During the period, I didn't even glance at the mall.

Although there was no sound now, the eerie silence made her feel like the calm before the storm.

Seeing that she ignored him, Guan Hanfei returned to his seat a long time ago. Mrs. Guo was very worried when she saw her niece looking bad.

"Miss Nan is not feeling well, do you want to ask the imperial doctor to take a look?"

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips tightly and shook her head at Guo Shi.

She stretched out her hand to explore Gu Nanyan's forehead, feeling relieved that she didn't have a fever.

Guo sighed inwardly, no matter how powerful Sister Nan is, she is still a child after all, after all the troubles, she might have been frightened by now.

So she patted Gu Nanyan's hand, and said softly, "Don't worry, Sister Nan, everything depends on your grandfather, even your uncle won't let anyone bully you."

Gu Nanyan didn't make a sound, but his expression was still solemn.

Guo only thought she was terrified, patted her head with pity, sighed and said nothing.

However, until he left the palace and Gu Nanyan returned home with Concubine Cui's box of gifts, the mall was as quiet as a chicken.

Gu Nanyan suppressed her curiosity and resolutely refused to turn on the light curtain. After saying a few words to Mrs. Liu, she went back to the house and fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, someone from Prince Sheng's Mansion brought her a bank note. After Gu Nanyan accepted the bank note and sent her away, she went straight to the backyard.

Hou Gu Ashlan is leading a few people to familiarize themselves with the training equipment.

Although they were very curious about these strange things, none of them asked any questions, and only trained according to Nanyan's instructions.

The past few days have been eating well, with meat, eggs, and even fruit to eat every day, so I don't have to live a life of wandering.

As a result, my physical and mental conditions have improved a lot, and I have been exercising extra vigorously.

And Gu Nanyan also changed into a special forces camouflage uniform, she stood with her hands behind her back, watching them train, she looked brave and heroic.

She stood by the side, and if someone moved irregularly, she would step forward and give them the correct movement.

At first, they were not used to Gu Nanyan's physical contact.

Although they are Xihu people, they also know that men and women are different.

Just seeing Gu Nanyan's serious expression, they felt ashamed of their own thoughts.

After they finished two hundred pull-ups, Gu Nanyan looked up at the sky and asked them to disband and have breakfast on the spot.

Breakfast should be lighter, in addition to a glass of milk per person, two boiled eggs, and enough meat buns.

Since I ate a lot in the palace yesterday and didn't do any physical exertion, Gu Nanyan didn't feel hungry, and only took a few symbolic bites.

She sat on the ground with her legs crossed like several others, and Sukhbaru, who was opposite her, secretly glanced at her from time to time.

The master was completely different from the women he had seen.

Although she doesn't pay attention to the defense of men and women like other women, she doesn't have any dirty thoughts.

Just subconsciously do what she says.

Gu Nanyan had noticed Suhebaru's gaze a long time ago, and just pretended not to see it.

She finished her breakfast with a calm face, and let the others go to rest for half an hour, while she prepared the things needed for the next training.

The next race was a load-bearing run, and Gu Nanyan tied the prepared tires with hemp rope.

Several tires are not the same size.

Suhebalu was the youngest, so Gu Nanyan prepared a [-]kg weight for him.

Hou Gu's Ashilan is strong, so Gu Nanyan thought about it and gave him an [-]-kilogram one.

The others weigh forty kilograms.

Seeing that the time was almost up, she asked several people to hang the hemp rope on their shoulders, and each of them dragged a tire.

A total of ten sandbags were placed on Gu Nanyan's legs from thigh to ankle, and all of them were filled with special weight-bearing lead weights, with a total weight of [-] catties.

However, this weight was nothing to her, so she smacked her lips and put on another weight-bearing vest, which also contained lead weights.

As for why no tires?

Gu Nanyan said that she is now a princess anyway, and the tires do not match her temperament at all, which seriously affects her temperament.

Hou Gu Ashlan had tried the weight of the lead weight, so she was speechless about Gu Nanyan adding more.

Gu Nanyan was ready to see that everyone was ready, so he took them out of the mansion.

She was afraid that Bai Zhi and Bai Shao would not be able to keep up with their speed, so she wanted to keep them at home.

But the two disagreed life and death.

The master is so strong, they can't be too weak, so they insist on training with them.

In desperation, Gu Nanyan also gave the two of them a set of camouflage uniforms, but they didn't let them bear the burden.

Even so, the two of them were struggling too, almost unable to keep up with the team.

But they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

Eight people lined up in a row of two, Gu Nanyan commanded on one side of the team, and Hou Gu Ashlan was at the front.

Several people dragged their tires around the capital and ran around the capital. At first, except for Gu Nanyan, the others were a little uncomfortable.

Especially Baizhi and Baishao, because they are women, although they wear loose clothes and cover them tightly, they still attract the peeping of many men.

The faces of the two were flushed. Although they were embarrassed, they followed the team closely without saying a word.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan frowned, and arranged the two of them in the middle of the team to prevent them from falling behind.

Then he looked at a few men with bad intentions in his eyes, stomped his feet, and the bluestone floor instantly shattered into slag.

Everyone gasped, and those who had been watching the show suddenly took a few steps back in horror.

Those men with malicious intentions swallowed hard and fled away.

Gu Nanyan chased after the team with a cold face.

Although after her deterrence, everyone was a little afraid of her.

But the people in the capital had never seen such a battle before. Seeing that Gu Nanyan had no intention of hurting them, they watched cautiously, but they didn't dare to point any further.

Quite a few curious people wanted to know what they were doing and couldn't help running along with them.

So the number of teams gradually increased.

An hour later, the streets of the capital were blocked because of the commotion, which alarmed the Jinwu Guard.

Looking at the group of people standing in front of them, Hou Gu Ashlan and the Xihu people were a little nervous.

The leader was a man in his twenties, who frowned when he saw their strange dress and behavior.

Especially when he saw Hou Gu Ashlan and the others, his brows frowned even deeper.

He first asked his subordinates to disperse the crowd of onlookers, and only Gu Nanyan was left at the scene.

"Disturbing the law and order in the capital, do you know what crime you should be responsible for!" the leader of the team asked.

He kicked the tire behind Hou Gu Ashlan, and glanced at the few people with a serious face.

Seeing that there were three women among them, he couldn't help but startled.

But soon recovered.

"What is this, what is your purpose!" he asked.

Since several people were sold into the capital as slaves before, they suffered a lot of oppression and humiliation, and the person opposite looked like an official, so they lowered their heads subconsciously, a little at a loss.

Seeing that they didn't answer, the man looked at Hougu Ashlan in the front.

"Which one of you is in charge, come out and answer!"

Hou Gu Ashlan pursed her lips and was about to stand up.

Although he is from Xihu, people are likely to be suspicious of his purpose in coming to the capital.

But the master is a woman after all, and he is also the lady of the general's mansion, if these people take him back for questioning, it will be a bad reputation if it spreads out.

(End of this chapter)

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