The farmer has a mall

Chapter 123 We Are Not Cowards

Chapter 123 We Are Not Cowards
When he just raised his foot and wanted to take a step forward, Gu Nanyan raised his hand from behind to block him.

"Master." Seeing her standing in front of her, Hou Gu Ashlan called in a low voice anxiously.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand at him, and looked at the leader expressionlessly.

This person's skin is not fair, but his eyes are firm and spirited.

He wore a helmet on his head, and he was dressed in red clothes with silver armor on the outside.

"What's the matter?" Gu Nanyan asked.

The leader was very surprised, he thought that the tall and strong Xihu man in the leader was the master, but he didn't expect it was this little girl.

He frowned and looked at Gu Nanyan, and suddenly felt that she looked familiar.

But he only thought it was a lady from an official family, and asked in a blunt tone: "Who are you, why are you with the Xihu people, and why are you making trouble with them?"

Early in the morning, he led a few brothers to arrest some gangsters who were making trouble at the gate of the city. He had just returned to the government office, and before he sat down to rest for a while, he heard someone report that there were people from Xihu making trouble on the street. .

The man only said that a few people were behaving strangely, which had already caused a commotion, and he didn't know anything about the others, so he had to bring someone to see in person in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, they saw a mass of people running on the main road in the distance, and thought that something serious had happened.

Suhe Baru and the others lowered their heads, and some dared not raise their heads.

But he was also afraid that their identities would cause trouble to his master, so he glanced at them quietly from time to time, with a worried expression on his face.

Gu Nanyan looked at the opposite person dissatisfied.

"Which eye of yours saw me making trouble?"

The leader was startled, and was interrupted by Gu Nanyan just as he was about to speak.

"and also……"

She pointed behind her with displeasure in her eyes.

"What happened to the Xihu people?"

"Is there any rule that prohibits them from entering the capital?"

"Or are these people doing something against the law?"

"Or are they fugitives?"

Gu Nanyan asked several questions in a row, choking the man from asking.

"That's not..." he hesitated.

"Then why block our way!" Gu Nanyan's expression became even more dissatisfied.

"Although they didn't do anything wrong, Xihu has always been my enemy in Jianan and often invaded my border town..."

"Then you have been on the battlefield? Have you seen them among the Xihu people on the border?" She asked sharply.

The man choked: "No..."

"Then why did you stop us?!"

That person: "..."

This little girl is too fierce, they are Jinwu Guards, of course there is a disturbance in the city to stop.

The man coughed and pointed to the people who were still watching from a distance.

"Your behavior has seriously affected the smoothness of the road, and even the carriages in the city cannot pass."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes: "I'm not a crab, how could such a wide road be blocked by us."

The main road she chose was quite spacious, not much narrower than a modern asphalt road, at least four or five carriages could run side by side.

And the two of them are in a row, occupying not much space.

The man frowned again: "But there are many people watching."

Gu Nanyan was surprised: "Fuck me? We didn't let them follow!"

That person: "..."

Although this is a bit unreasonable, it is not wrong.

Besides, he also saw it when he came over just now, they were just dressed a little strangely, dragging a few weird things at the same time trotting all the way, but they really didn't do anything else.

The man didn't know what to say for a while, and there was no reason to arrest them, but he couldn't let them continue to be watched by others.

He paced back and forth a little restlessly.

And a group of Jinwu behind him looked at each other, their eyes shining brightly.

Damn it, their boss was left speechless by a little girl, it's so... so exciting!
Under the confrontation between the two parties, Gu Nanyan became more and more impatient, and the corners of his mouth became tighter and tighter.

Just as he was thinking about throwing out the group of people blocking the way, the man sighed faintly, with a tone of discussion.

"Why don't you go play outside the city?"

Gu Nanyan: "I can't get out."

Slaves cannot leave the city casually, and although she has returned the deed of sale to them, the slave status registered with the government has not been cancelled.

The man glanced at several Xihu people and understood the reason.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say that you should go home quickly.

It can be seen that Gu Nanyan's serious face finally just waved at her.

"You go."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about Gu Nanyan any more, and turned to his opponents, "Follow them and help them drive away the crowd of onlookers."

At first glance, this girl looks like the kind who wouldn't change a piece of shit peg in her mouth.

Rather than wasting saliva with her, it's better for them to work harder. I just hope they don't "play" outside for too long.

Apparently, Gu Nanyan was positioned as a "Miss Playboy" in his heart at this time.

Gu Nanyan didn't move, she just glanced at the anxious people.

Apart from Baizhi and Baishao, only Hougu Ashlan raised his head, but his fists were clenched tightly, as if he would explode at any moment.

Gu Nanyan walked to the opposite side and sternly shouted: "You all raise your heads for me!"

Her voice was loud, but not sharp.

The aura contained in it frightened everyone into a fright, subconsciously raised their heads.

And the leader of the Jinwu Guard who had just walked over was also taken aback, and almost turned around and drew his sword!

After reacting, he rubbed his forehead with a headache, and decided to stay away from this girl who seemed to have a brain problem.

Gu Nanyan continued to shout: "What did you do wrong, why did you lower your head?!"

Sukhbaru and the others were a little apprehensive, not knowing what to say.

"I, we are Xihu slaves..." Suhebalu whispered.

"Slave?" Gu Nanyan walked up to him and stared at him.

"Say it again, are you a slave!"

Suhebaru was startled, and then remembered that the deed of sale had been completely torn off at the moment the master returned it to them.

"No, it's not." He said weakly.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!" Gu Nanyan approached him, his voice was deafening.

"No, no!" Suhebaru howled, the voice of shouting was split, and his eyes were red.

Looking at his expression like a frightened deer, the warm sunlight shining on his face through his soft curly hair, Bai Zhi and Bai Shao almost vomited blood.

Gu Nanyan was not moved at all, she spared Suhebaru and looked at the others.

The Jinwu Guards standing behind grinned collectively, and subconsciously took a step back.

This girl is too scary, even scarier than their leader.

"Then why do you lower your heads, why are you afraid!"

Gu Nanyan's voice remained unabated and continued to shout loudly.

"My Gu Nanyan's subordinates are actually some incompetent people!"

"If the person standing in front of you today is an enemy, are you going to bow your knees and beg for mercy?!"

She walked around to their side, her face condensed.

"If that's the case, I advise you bastards to go back to Xihu honestly. It's more suitable for you to go home and take your children to breastfeed!"

Several people were so irritated that their faces turned red.

"We are not cowards!" one of them said.

This person's name is Battelle, and he is the most silent and the least talkative among them.

At this time, he looked at Gu Nanyan angrily, with firm eyes.

Gu Nanyan didn't care, but nodded appreciatively.

She looked at the others again.

"We're not cowards either!" Sukhbaru said.

"Yes, we are not cowards!"

"Very good!" Gu Nanyan curled his lips.

"Then prove it to me."

"From now on, unless you die, if anyone lowers his noble head or bows his knees in front of outsiders again, I will screw his head off with his own hands!"

Her words were not loud, but they were loud enough for the people around them to hear them clearly.

"Obey!" Several people said in unison, all with determination on their faces.

They may not have noticed that what has changed in themselves at this time.

The Jinwu Guard in the distance could indeed see clearly.

One of them whispered to the leader: "Boss, which family is this girl from? Why is she so terrifying? It made my skin crawl."

The others nodded in agreement.

More than just goosebumps, their legs were shaking, and they were not so scared when they saw the emperor.

The leader looked dazed, with disbelief in his eyes.

"She, what did she say her name was?"

(End of this chapter)

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