The farmer has a mall

Chapter 124 Yanyan, I am Guo Hongyi

Chapter 124 Yanyan, I am Guo Hongyi
All the Jinwu guards looked at each other, chattering.

"I don't know if I didn't hear clearly."

"It seems to be Gu."

"Call it Gu Yan."

"What Gu Yan, her name is Gu Nanyan!"

"I remembered, she is the granddaughter of General Gu. My father brought me into the palace yesterday, and I saw her from a distance." One of them exclaimed.

She was dressed so strangely today that he couldn't recognize her for a while.

At this time, Gu Nanyan was very satisfied with the attitude of Su He and the others.

Just as she was about to let them continue running, she saw the leader of the Jinwu Guard rushing over.

He looked a little excited, looking at Gu Nanyan with burning eyes.

"You, are you Yanyan?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What the hell is smoke?

"You don't remember me?" The man was a little anxious.

"I'm your brother Hong!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I am your father!
Seeing that she really didn't know him, Guo Hongyi looked disappointed.

But it was quickly diluted by joy.

"A few days ago, my aunt sent someone to send a message, saying that you have returned to the capital. I wanted to go to the general's mansion to see you when I was on vacation, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

He scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "I just didn't expect that you wouldn't recognize me after only three years."

Gu Nanyan was confused: "Who is your aunt?"

Guo Hongyi was stunned, and then said with a disappointed face: "I am Guo Hongyi, and my father is the Minister of Dali Temple."

He paused and said again: "My aunt is your eldest aunt Guo Shi."

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at him for a moment, then finally remembered who this person was.

Guo's daughter-in-law of Dali Temple married Gu Qing and became the daughter-in-law of the general's mansion.

This Guo Hongyi was born of the older brother of Guo's one mother compatriot.

Mrs. Guo has a good relationship with her elder brother, and also has a good relationship with her sister-in-law, and she loves Guo Hongyi even more.

Since the general's mansion is much higher than the official position of Dali Temple, it is inconvenient for Guo to go back to see her little nephew all day, so her sister-in-law often takes her children to the general's mansion to see her.

As a boy, Guo Hongyi is a very naughty boy, and he often jumps up and down with Gu Yunge brothers who are younger than him.

Every time he came, it was a disaster for the servants of the general's mansion.

Even the brothers of the Gu family, who are usually quite well-behaved, are led by him to get into trouble all day long.

Either poke the honeycomb or break something.

The three of them seemed to have become the devil kings of the world.

Everyone had nothing to do with them until Gu Nanyan appeared.

The first time Guo Hongyi met Gu Nanyan was in Guo's house.

She was white and tender, lying in a swaddling baby, a small ball.

Gu Yunge was only one year younger than him, he pointed to Gu Nanyan and looked at him proudly with his small chest out.

"This is my sister!" He flaunted.

Guo Hongyi didn't take it seriously, and even disliked this little thing that seemed weak.

So he reached out and poked Gu Nanyan's small face.

He was amazed at the touch of his fingertips.

As if addicted, he touched his face and poked Gu Nanyan's face again, having a great time.

Seeing this, Gu Yunge was unhappy, and looked at Guo Hongyi seriously with a face similar to Gu Qing's.

"Mother said, my sister is too young to touch her face all the time, it will damage her!"

I don't know if it was in response to Gu Yunge's protest, or because of the pain in the face from being poked, Xiao Nanyan curled her mouth and cried "Wow".

Guo Hongyi was taken aback, and only then did he discover the red marks on her face.

At this moment, his fingers were still poking her face, and he didn't dare to move, feeling very panicked in his heart.

In the past, when he took Gu Yunge and the others to play, he was not uninjured, and it was not uncommon for his skin to bleed.

But the three of them never took it seriously, they fell and got up and continued to play.

Therefore, Guo Hongyi never thought that Gu Nanyan would be poked with his fingers and cry.

Her crying attracted Guo Shi and his mother who were chatting.

Mrs. Guo didn't blame him, but looked at the red mark on Gu Nanyan's face very distressed, and asked the servants to get the moisturizing cream quickly.

But his mother didn't have such a good temper, so she picked up a feather duster and beat him severely.

Guo Hongyi stood there stubbornly, his original guilt turned into disbelief in an instant, and he stiffened his neck and refused to admit his mistake.

"It's because she is so useless, the younger brothers have never cried!"

Guo Shi, who had just wiped Gu Nanyan's face, heard the words, hurriedly stopped her sister-in-law, and looked at Guo Hongyi with a loving face.

"A younger sister is different from a younger brother," Guo said.

She pulled Guo Hongyi to the front, checked his injuries, and reasoned with him slowly.

"My younger sister is a girl, very delicate, so weak that a gust of wind might blow her away. As brothers, you should not bully her, you should protect her."

Guo Hongyi seemed to understand and didn't seem to understand, but he was quite frightened by Guo's sentence "a gust of wind can blow away".

Out of curiosity, he ran to the General's Mansion for several days in a row.

He didn't bring the Gu family brothers into trouble, and just stood beside Gu Nanyan's little bed and watched her silently.

After coming and going, I actually like this little dumpling a little bit, and no longer despise her for being too weak.

When Gu Nanyan was learning to walk, he had already habitually protected her by her side.

He half bent over, a little cautiously.

I was afraid that she would accidentally fall on her back and break that tender little face.

Of course, most of the time this errand is out of his turn.

Because the brothers of the Gu family who have a younger sister don't know why, an infinite crisis arises in their young hearts, and they always feel that the younger sister will be snatched away if this continues.

So as long as the two of them were at home, they would always be on guard against him and not let him get close to Gu Nanyan.

The four of them grew up slowly, and Gu Nanyan also became a cute little girl with buns tied up, and they played together all day long.

The content of the play has changed from climbing trees to steal bird eggs, fishing in the water, etc., to teaching my younger sister to speak, teach my younger sister to read, and teach my younger sister to read.

Obviously, Gu Yunze, who is the most talented in reading, spends more time with Gu Nanyan.

Among them, Guo Hongyi is the least good at reading.

So every time like this, he and Gu Yunge would sit aside with resentment on their faces, watching Gu Yunze talking and laughing with his sister proudly.

Of course, after the incident, it is necessary to be beaten by the two of them.

The days were warm and joyful until Gu Nanyan was seven years old.

Gu Nanyan's mother, Ge Shi, used the reason that "men and women sit at different seats at the age of seven" and prevented her from coming to her aunt's place frequently, especially when there was a foreign boy.

Guo Hongyi is already sensible, so of course he knows that the outsider is referring to him.

He was depressed for a long time because of this.

Although she can see Gu Nanyan occasionally, she seems to be a different person, and she no longer calls Brother Hong as enthusiastically as before.

Every time he lowered his head, saluted him with only the top of his head exposed, and then called him Young Master Guo.

From then on, Guo Hongyi never went to the General's Mansion again until he heard that Gu Nanyan was missing.

At this time, Gu Nanyan was puzzled, looking at the man in front of her who didn't speak and only stood in front of her, she couldn't help frowning.

"Do you have anything else to do?" It's okay to bounce away quickly, I didn't see that I was busy.

Her crisp voice interrupted Guo Hongyi's memory.

With a complicated expression on his lips, he opened his mouth to say something, and suddenly remembered her politeness and alienation before she disappeared.

"You really don't remember me?" Guo Hongyi's voice was full of disappointment.

"Why should I remember you?" Gu Nanyan became more and more impatient.

Guo Hongyi was silent for a while after hearing the words, didn't say anything, and took a step back to get out of the way.

Gu Nanyan ignored him and only looked up at the sky.

Then he led the team and continued to run forward, but this time the direction went straight to the shop left by Ning.

Guo Hongyi led Jin Wuwei and followed behind to clear the road with a disappointed face.

Although his subordinates were curious, they chose to keep their mouths shut as they could see that their boss had a distraught and unapproachable expression.

Guo Hongyi's grandfather was the Minister of Dali Temple, maybe because he tried too many cases, he was very serious on weekdays, he had been influenced by it since he was a child, although he was not as serious as his grandfather, but he was also a master who made people feel frightened standing there.

So everyone looked at each other tacitly, and quietly followed Gu Nanyan to work for a while.

 The one with the surname Guo is not the male lead, the only male lead is King Sheng
(End of this chapter)

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