Chapter 125

The shop left by Ning's is located in the back of West Street.

There are rich merchants living around West Street, so most of the goods sold on this street are expensive things.

Gu Nanyan walked to a shop and looked up.

When he saw "Ge's Pharmacy", he couldn't help but snorted mockingly.

The old witch probably felt that no one in the general's mansion was in charge of her mother's dowry shop, so she became more and more courageous day by day.

Do you really think this is the private property of her Ge family?

The two shops are adjacent to each other, and originally they were not connected to each other. After Ge Shi took over, he opened a small door in the middle.

Gu Nanyan was followed by a few Xihu people, and there was a team of Jinwu guards. The shopkeeper in the shop didn't know who she was.

Seeing her standing at the door and only staring at their plaque, I couldn't help feeling uneasy.

The shopkeeper was wearing a square hat, and he was only in his early twenties. With his long robes, he didn't look like a philistine businessman, but a scholar.

"This lady wants to buy medicine?"

The shopkeeper also knew that asking this question was a waste of time. He had stayed here for so long, and he had never seen a lady bring so many people to buy medicine.

This looks more like it's here to mess things up.

The shopkeeper couldn't help being alert, but he didn't say anything, only maintaining a smile on his face.

Gu Nanyan looked at him and asked, "How is your business?"

The shopkeeper didn't expect her to ask this, so he didn't react for a while.

Their drug store has been around for so many years, and it is inevitable that there will be troubles, but I have never seen anyone like her who cares about their business first.

He glanced at the Jinwu Guard standing behind him, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what Gu Nanyan meant.

"Our Ge's Pharmacy has been working here for many years. The medicinal materials are all top-grade, the reputation is pretty good, and the business is booming." He answered honestly.

Looking at Gu Nanyan, he added: "Additionally, our owner is the second wife of the General's Mansion, and everyone will give us some noodles. People on this street will come to visit if they have a headache."

He bit the words "General's Mansion" very hard, obviously reminding Gu Nanyan who their backstage was.

Gu Nanyan sneered: "But I heard that you can't make ends meet every day, and the medicinal materials are overstocked and moldy, and you will close the shop at any time?"

The shopkeeper was immediately unhappy when he heard that.

"Where did this lady hear the rumors that our Ge's drugstore does not have enough goods to sell once a week, so how could there be moldy medicinal materials."

He frowned and looked at Gu Nanyan: "I don't know which house the young lady belongs to. She has come here to seek bad luck for ruining my Ge family's reputation like this!"

Gu Nanyan nodded: "It is indeed to seek bad luck."

The shopkeeper didn't expect her to admit it so simply, so he was furious for a moment, and just about to ask someone to go to the general's mansion, but he heard Gu Nanyan's voice faintly.

"As for which house I belong to."

Gu Nanyan grinned and pulled out a nasty smile.

"Coincidentally, I am also from the General's Mansion!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hands to Hou Gu Ashlan and the others behind her, and said in a flamboyant tone, "Smash me!"

"If someone obstructs, we will beat them together!"

Of course Hou Gu Ashlan would not disobey Gu Nanyan's order, she led people in without hesitation, picked up the stick that was bolted to the door and swept it in disorder.

In an instant, the pharmacy was flying like dogs and dogs.

The shopkeeper didn't expect Gu Nanyan to turn his face when he said that he would turn his face, and he didn't even say hello before doing it, so his forehead was sweating for a while.

"Stop, stop!"

He wanted to stop Sukhbaru, who was the thinnest, but was thrown away by his arm.

The shopkeeper was lying on the ground and fell heavily, feeling like his ribs were about to be broken.

"You guys are so brave, you even dared to smash the shop of the second wife of the General's Mansion, you know what will happen if you provoke the General's Mansion!"

Gu Nanyan walked up to him, squatted down and looked down at him.

"Who do you think this shop is?"

The shopkeeper thought that Gu Nanyan was afraid, so he hurriedly said: "Our boss is the second wife of the general's mansion. As I said just now, if you dare to make trouble, you will not be afraid..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the condescending Gu Nanyan stepped on his chest.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard two clicks under her feet, followed by the shopkeeper's deafening cry of pain.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Looking at the heavy lead weights on the leg that was stepping on him, Gu Nanyan felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, she just wanted to put on a mighty and domineering posture, otherwise this guy's chest would have been deflated.

She moved her foot away awkwardly, and said without sincerity: "I'm sorry, I used too much strength."

Guo Hongyi outside the door stared at Gu Nanyan in shock, his whole body froze.

This is smoke?

Is it the delicate and weak Gu Nanyan who loves to cry?

Guo Hongyi couldn't accept this fact, and turned around and wanted to go back.

His subordinates stopped him in time: "Boss, what should we do about this matter, we can't ignore people gathering people to make trouble."

Although this girl seems to know the head of his family, and the relationship seems to be unusual, but the duty of their Jin Wuwei is to maintain the law and order of the capital.

There were quite a few people on this street, and now they all gathered around when they heard the movement.

If they leave like this, one day if word gets out, the position of the leader will be lost.

Guo Hongyi really wanted to say no, but thinking of his responsibilities, he gritted his teeth and led someone into the pharmacy.

The shopkeeper's awareness of the pain was blurred, but when he saw Jin Wuwei coming in, his eyes lit up, and he pointed at Gu Nanyan as if he was shining, and he complained.

"Officer, we are from the General's Mansion. This wicked woman smashed our shop, so hurry up and arrest her!"

Guo Hongyi frowned, he didn't like the shopkeeper's domineering tone.

"You said you were from the general's mansion?" he asked.

The shopkeeper nodded quickly, thinking that Guo Hongyi was afraid.

"We are indeed the people of the Second Madam of the General's Mansion. The little official will take these people down quickly, and I will definitely tell Madam that you have contributed to Old General Gu. I will never forget you, and I will definitely take care of you in the future."

The shopkeeper boasted about Haikou, but he didn't care about anything else, half of the store had been smashed, and those people didn't stop even when they saw the Jin Wuwei, but accelerated their speed.

He couldn't help complaining, if they had come in to stop him earlier, how could he have been injured!
Guo Hongyi ignored his dissatisfied eyes, and only pointed at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

"Since you are from the General's Mansion, why don't you even know your young lady?"

And this person said that the pharmacy belongs to the second wife, isn't the second wife the Yanyan's mother.

Then why did she smash up her mother's shop and hurt the clerk?
The shopkeeper was startled, and looked at Gu Nanyan.

Thinking that she did say that she was from the general's mansion just now.

Of course he knew about Gu Nanyan's return to Beijing, and Ge Shi also specifically asked them not to make too much publicity recently, so as not to make people suspicious.

But he really couldn't relate this fierce and strange woman in front of him to the daughter of the general's mansion.

"No, he is not our eldest lady!"

That girl has always respected Ge Shi, so how could she bring someone to smash the shop.

"Little official, you were deceived by her. How could our eldest lady be so virtuous? She must be a bluffing liar!"

Guo Hongyi frowned, and was very dissatisfied with saying that Gu Nanyan was a liar, but he still patiently explained to him.

"I am the nephew of the wife of the General's Mansion, and I can testify that she is indeed your lady."

Although I haven't seen her for a few years and this girl has grown up, her outline and facial features will not change.

The Jinwu guard who recognized Gu Nanyan behind him also took a step forward and said, "I can also prove that I met Miss Gu in the palace yesterday, I can't be wrong!"

The shopkeeper looked at Gu Nanyan in a daze, a little in disbelief.

"But, even so, you can't smash the store..."

"Why not?" Gu Nanyan asked lightly.

She took out two house deeds from her cuffs, unfolded them and handed them to the shopkeeper.

Baring a row of big white teeth, he said viciously: "I smashed my shop, I can smash it as I like, even if I demolish this house, so what!"

(End of this chapter)

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