The farmer has a mall

Chapter 127 Dog System

Chapter 127 Dog System

The official called him brother just now, did he hear it wrong?

Don't they hate Xihu people the most?

And just now that person looked like a nobleman, shouldn't he be kicked with disdain?

Why did you still pat him on the shoulder, looking like two good brothers?
Jiang Wei didn't have as many thoughts as he did, and smacked his lips unsatisfied.

The cook of the General's Mansion was invited from nowhere, and the food they cooked was even more delicious than Fumanlou's.

It can only be too little, and he will die before he has enough.

What he didn't know was that the cook was not from the general's mansion, but the brown sugar next to Gu Nanyan.

Although Brown Tang is young, she is quite talented in cooking.

Gu Nanyan is also delicious, and he didn't want to bury his talents, so he bought a lot of condiments from the space, plus a cookbook.

Brown Tang likes the realistic picture book full of food ingredients very much, and keeps it in his arms like a treasure all day long, and no one will let anyone read it.

Although she didn't know a lot of simplified characters in it, she could guess it even if she was blind.

With brown sugar cooking skills, coupled with those seasonings, the food in Gu Nanyan's yard skyrocketed.

Even Bai Shao complained that since she started cooking with brown sugar, her waist has become thicker in a few days.

Today's roasted chicken legs are just brown sugar for practice.

The final product was already eaten up by Gu Nanyan.

Even so, in the ancient times when condiments were scarce, everyone still felt that the chicken legs had an endless aftertaste.

Jiang Wei rolled his eyes, and moved to Guo Hongyi's side with a mysterious look.

"Brother Guo, I heard from the Xihu man who delivered the food. They said that this is some kind of routine training. They will run around the city every day in the future. Should we follow it tomorrow?"

Guo Hongyi was startled when he heard the words, and looked at the team that had already started to move.

"We definitely have to follow, but we don't need as many people as today."

Those common people are just joining in the fun, just send two people to follow them to maintain order.

Jiang Wei's eyes lit up: "Aren't you on vacation tomorrow, why don't you just let me bring someone over, just as I'm getting acquainted with those Xihu people..."

"Don't worry, you'll be done if you give someone a food box. I'm afraid they don't even know your last name."

A Jinwu guard who had a good relationship with him on weekdays complained.

"If you want me to say that it's better for me to come, brother Jiang, how can you, a young master, endure such hardship." He giggled.

Jiang Wei rolled his eyes: "I can't eat it, but you, a sissy who was held in the hands of your mother since childhood, can you eat it?"

Don't think he didn't see it, this fellow was obviously not convinced that he didn't get the chicken leg, and came here to make trouble for him.

As soon as the Jinwu guard heard him call himself a sissy, he quit immediately, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat him up.

Fortunately, Gu Nanyan just blew his whistle and ran with Ashlan and others, and they hurriedly followed.

After another hour, when even Guo Hongyi couldn't take it anymore, he finally arrived outside the gate of Gu's house.

Only then did he know that Gu Nanyan did not live in the General's Mansion.

Seeing these people's tired faces turned pale, Gu Nanyan also felt quite embarrassed.

So she hesitated: "Do you want to come in and have a rest before leaving?"

Several Jinwu guards wanted to nod, but their boss didn't agree.

"I have been out for so long today, and I don't know if there is anything to do in the guard, so I won't go in." Guo Hongyi smiled, with warmth in his eyes.

"I'll be on vacation tomorrow, if you have time, why not go to Fumanlou together."

"The fruit platter there is perfect for you girls."

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and met his eyes.

Guo Hongyi's face was calm, and he let her look at him.

But Gu Nanyan shook his head and said expressionlessly: "Fumanlou will not go."

Guo Hongyi couldn't help feeling disappointed, let go of his sweaty palms, and smiled wryly.

"It's okay, then another day..."

"Fumanlou's cooks are not as delicious as brown sugar. You can come here at noon tomorrow."

She paused, then said seriously, "I won't charge you money."

Just think of this guy as a "bodyguard" for them.

Besides, before the government erased the slave information of Ashlan and the others, if they wanted to train quietly, these people might have to help them clear the way.

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan pulled out a "kind" smile.

Then, regardless of the other party's reaction, he turned and went back to the yard.

Guo Hongyi was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed.

It had been a long time since Yanyan had spoken so many words to him since he was seven years old, let alone invited him to dinner at home!
He looked at the closed door with a smile on his lips.

Gu Nanyan returned to the backyard, told Ashlan about the upcoming training plan, and asked him to continue with others, but he went back to the house.

There is no other reason, the system mall that had already stopped started to beep again, and it rang for more than half an hour.

Gu Nanyan had a splitting headache, and turned on the light screen with his eyes burning.

But there is an envelope style in the upper right corner, and 999+ unread information is displayed on it.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I believe in your evil!
She opened her mailbox and randomly clicked on an unread email, but it was to notify her to receive a discounted product.

After opening several letters with the same content, the veins on Gu Nanyan's forehead twitched.

Just as he was about to close the light curtain, the sound that had stopped sounded again.

"Ding Dong, your exclusive customer service has been delivered, please pay attention to check~"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It's very happy to "ding dong" yourself, huh?

She clicked on the new email at the top, only to see three lines written on it.

"Do you want to spend ten taels of silver for shipping to receive your exclusive customer service cutie?"

"Yes, pay now, ready to receive."

"No, no need to prepare, just pay directly."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I just want to ask, what is the difference between these two options! ! !
She rubbed her forehead.

I have to say that this dog system has really refreshed Lao Tzu's lower limit time and time again.

Gu Nanyan closed her eyes, stretched out her fingers and clicked casually.

She didn't even need to look, she knew that she didn't click on the two options.

But the expected "ding dong" sound still sounded.

"Ding Dong, the deduction is successful, your exclusive customer service has been delivered, please take good care of her."

Then there was the sound of firecrackers.

Gu Nanyan: Hehe.

How familiar is this routine!

She looked up at the light curtain with lovelessness.

Unexpectedly, there was only an open, empty gift box and a pile of colored paper on the ground.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

How about you pretend to be a rock to deal with me?

"Dear master, little cutie won't deal with you."

A child's voice came from in front of Gu Nanyan. She looked around but saw nothing.

I looked at the light curtain again, opened the warehouse, and pulled it from the inside to the outside several times, but I didn't see anything extra.

Shit, did I get fooled!

She looked at the light curtain bitterly.

The dog system cheats her money every day, and the variety of tricks is simply breathtaking.

It was still worth the money before, but now it’s actually starting to cheat money? !
She was wondering if there was any way to block the system when she heard a soft voice again.

"Master, I am here."

Gu Nanyan's ankle itched when she finished speaking, and she subconsciously looked towards the ground.

I saw a round ball with long hair, a small knot tied on the top of the head, and the light of colorful Marysu, squatting at her feet and jumping non-stop.

Gu Nanyan: Damn, what a ghost!
Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at it, Yuantuanzi seemed very excited, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Master, I'm not a ghost, I'm the owner's exclusive customer service, feel free to ask me any questions you encounter in the future, you're welcome~"

After all, he playfully blew her a kiss.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She pretended to be calm and swallowed her saliva, but in fact she panicked a lot.

Not to mention what it is, as the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!
What's more, it's still produced by the mall, this guy is absolutely a trap!

(End of this chapter)

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