The farmer has a mall

Chapter 128 You can get out

Chapter 128 You can get out

Facing Gu Nanyan's defense, Mao Tuan stretched out two paws, like a Xizi holding a heart.

"Master, don't you like me?" Its eyes were instantly filled with mist.

Gu Nanyan hurriedly shook her head.

"do not like!"

The dog looks like it's here to cheat money.

Hairball: "..."

"Why, I look so cute!"

Gu Nanyan said solemnly: "You don't look good."

Mao Tuan paused: "Do you still know how to read faces?"

It stretched out its short hand to stroke the hair on its face and asked, "Look carefully!"

Gu Nanyan looked at it seriously for a moment, and Mao Tuan couldn't wait to ask: "How about it, aren't you very lucky?"

Gu Nanyan: "A look of disgrace!"

Hairball: "..."

"Hehe, how could it be, they only help the master save money!"

It bounced onto Gu Nanyan's bed, and before it could speak, it was punched and flew out.

Gu Nanyan said with disgust: "Stay away from me."

With such long hair, I don't even know if there are fleas!
Mao Tuan was a little dazed by the beating, and looked at Gu Nanyan with blank eyes.

Why, didn't it mean that its body was designed according to the girl's favorite image?
Doesn't it mean that no girl can resist its cuteness, as long as it acts like a baby, the order will be as ruthless as snowflakes in its face?
Now it's time to shoot, but it's this stinky woman's fist that took the picture!
Gu Nanyan squinted at it, her face was solemn, and her brain, which had never been used very much, was spinning rapidly.

"Where did you come from?"

This guy's sudden appearance without warning made her feel very insecure.

"This treasure is made of high-end materials produced by the system. It is exclusively for VIP customers, and it is directly sent from the headquarters to the owner." Mao Tuan raised his head with a proud expression.

"I can find the most suitable product for you according to the requirements of the owner, and provide a discount plan with high quality and low price. If you are not satisfied with the discount, I can also counter the price for you~"

Gu Nanyan rubbed his chin and looked at it thoughtfully: "Can you give me a discount?"

Mao Tuan nodded: "According to the agreement, I do have this right."

Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up: "How much discount can I get at most?"

Mao Tuan jumped to Gu Nanyan's feet again, looked at her cautiously, and found that she had no tendency to make a move, and happily jumped onto the bed.

"Different commodities have different discounts. Just like grain, which has a very high yield in the future, it can be discounted by [-]% or even lower."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was listening seriously, it carefully moved closer to her again.

"But there is no discount for things like rare metals."

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment and asked, "What does rare metal include?"

"Many, such as gold and silver minerals, will be extremely rare in the future, so the price of gold and silver products in the mall will be relatively higher."

"There is also no discount for the latest technology products at the headquarters."

Gu Nanyan caught the point in time: "So gold and silver are very rare among you?"

Mao Tuan nodded and quickly climbed onto Gu Nanyan's shoulders.

"Yes, that's why you were able to buy 999 grains at a very low price before."

"And the discount notice you received two days ago."

Mao Tuan pointed his finger, and the discount page immediately appeared in front of Gu Nanyan's eyes.

"It's a [-]% discount now. If the owner has the intention to buy it, I can lower the price even more."

Gu Nanyan looked at the screen. The discounted product this time is a complete set of special forces equipment. The original price of each set is 8 taels, and the discounted price is 4 taels.

Gu Nanyan looked at Mao Tuanzi suspiciously, how could this guy be so kind?
Mao Tuan saw Gu Nanyan's doubts, and said solemnly: "Master, please don't doubt, the value of my birth is to serve the master, and all actions will be based on the interests of the master."

Seeing its swearing, Gu Nanyan: "..."

Guess I believe it or not?
But she didn't pursue it, and went back to read the product details page carefully, not letting go of every corner.

Mao Tuan was slightly relieved to see that she wasn't continuing the topic.

It will be arranged, simply put, because Gu Nanyan is too picky!
According to the accurate analysis of the big data of the headquarters, this person's motivation to shop in the mall is too low, and if this continues, the performance of the commercial department will be seriously reduced.

So they sent it over to stimulate consumption here.

"Master, do you want to buy it now? If necessary, I can apply for another [-]% discount." Mao Tuan tempted.

"Only [-]% off?" Gu Nanyan was a little disgusted.

"It would be great if this kind of valuables can be discounted by 8000%. Each set can save you [-] taels of silver!"

Mao Tuan was speechless at the way she looked.

"And if the discount applied for is too large, the headquarters will not approve it, and the current discount may be withdrawn."

So don't be so greedy, just be yourself!
Seeing that its fur was about to explode, Gu Nanyan pouted and stretched out two fingers.

"At least another [-]% discount, or I won't buy it!"

Hairball: "..."

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Nanyan held his chest and looked at the 12 taels of silver that disappeared from the account, feeling a little out of breath.

Mao Tuan originally wanted to trick her into buying more sets, but when she saw her gnashing her teeth as if she wanted to eat people, she shut her mouth wisely.

Gu Nanyan looked at it faintly, and said fiercely, "You can get out, don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Mao Tuan shrank her furry body.

"My customer service number is 888. When the owner needs it, he just needs to read my number silently in his heart."

Gu Nanyan smiled: "Okay, three 8."


Seeing that you are in a bad mood, the baby doesn't care about you!

888's body bulged, and the light of Mary Sue on his body was dazzling.

Then disappeared into the room.

At the same time, in the second room of the General's Mansion, Ge Shi dropped the teacup in his hand, trembling with anger.

"Bitch, how dare she!"

The master had just restrained her feet yesterday, but today that bitch went and smashed her shop.

Now that this matter has been spread all over the house, she just found out that Ge Shi felt resentful.

After all, she is Gu Shen's regular wife and the mother of his only legitimate son, yet he treats her like this for a girl!
Seeing that the tea had splashed all over her body, Hongmei hurriedly wiped it off with a handkerchief.

"Madam, don't get so angry. According to this servant, the master just feels that he owes the eldest lady just because she just returned home. I think after a while, the master will understand and he will release your confinement."

Ge Shi didn't feel relieved when he heard the words, but his face became even more livid.

"I owe it? I have been married to him for more than ten years, and I have given birth to him. Has he ever felt indebted!"

Speaking of this, her eyes were a little red, and she was lost in thought as she stared at the broken porcelain all over the floor.

When she went to the temple with her parents to worship Buddha, she was accidentally pushed into the lake by the crowd. When she was in despair, Gu Shen fell from the sky and jumped into the water without hesitation to rescue her.

Since then, she has been secretly in love.

Later, because of some rumors about this incident, she resolutely entered the General's Mansion and became Gu Shen's concubine regardless of her mother's objection.

She knew that Gu Shen didn't like her, and she was only brought into the mansion out of necessity because of her reputation.

But she didn't mind, because she was the only one in Gu Shenyuan at that time, she believed that the two of them got along day and night, and sooner or later he would fall in love with her.

But what she didn't expect was that Anyang Kingdom disturbed the border from time to time, and Gu Shen was sent to the border to station within a few days, leaving her alone in the mansion.

Even so, she didn't have any complaints.

She just stayed quietly in the backyard, taking care of the back house for Gu Shen, looking forward to his return to Beijing every day.

It wasn't until two years later that he finally came back.

But before she was happy, she heard that Gu Shen had already married a wife in the frontier and brought back a child.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which shocked her so much that she couldn't recover.

At that moment, she felt that the two years of wishful thinking seemed like a joke, and even the servants looked at her with pity and ridicule.

(End of this chapter)

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