The farmer has a mall

Chapter 129 Assassination in the middle of the night

Chapter 129 Assassination in the middle of the night
When she saw Gu Nanyan in the swaddling baby, her blood seemed to be congealed, and her whole body was trembling.

However, with a gentle smile on her face, she took the swaddle from Gu Shen's hand.

Gu Shen didn't notice anything unusual about her, he only told her to take good care of the child, and then returned to the outer courtyard with a tired face and eyes full of sadness.

He would come to her room to visit Gu Nanyan every day, his eyes seemed to be looking at another person through this child.

His eyes are sad and lingering.

It was a look she had never seen before.

This kind of look was like a dagger piercing into her heart, piercing her to pieces, and the love in her heart gradually turned into resentment at some point.

She was in a daze every day, turning a blind eye to everyone's pointing and pointing.

Until one day, the news came that Gu Shen wanted to right her.

The disdainful eyes of the servants gradually turned into panic, and those people who had been sneering and sarcastic in front of her knelt down in front of her and begged for mercy, and she suddenly understood what was going on.

Since then, she has firmly held the backyard in her hands.

She worked hard to learn how to be the mistress of a wealthy family, and no longer put all her thoughts on Gu Shen.

Ge Shi was in a trance for a moment.

She thought that she would never be hurt by Gu Shen's attitude again, but at this moment she realized that Gu Shen was still a thorn in her heart.

"Madam, tomorrow is the three-day period, do you think you want to send a letter to the old man..."

The old man was naturally referring to Ge Shi's father.

Ge Shi shook his head, his eyes were ruthless.

"Send him a letter and let him come to me at midnight."

Hongmei was stunned, and after realizing who this "he" was, she hesitated and said, "But the master is still in the mansion, if he finds out..."

Ge Shi sneered, and said mockingly: "So what if he's in the mansion, he won't come to my yard after all."

Seeing her like this, Hongmei felt a little sad, and hurried out the door without saying anything.

Although Gu Shen restrained Ge Shi's feet, servants can still come and go as they please.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the courtyard, Ge Shi looked a little crazy.

"Gu Shen, since you love her child so much, I just want to destroy her. Let's see if she will climb up to settle accounts with you under the Nine Springs! Hahaha..."

At midnight, just as Geshi turned off the lights, a black shadow floated in.

He stood quietly in front of Ge Shi's bed with his face covered, unable to see his expression clearly.

"Are you looking for me?" the man in black said hoarsely.

Geshi was only wearing his inner coat and his hair was loose. Hearing his voice, he slowly got up and put on a coat.

"I want you to help me kill that bitch, and do it tonight." Ge Shi's voice was calm as if he was gossiping.

The man in black knew who she was talking about, frowned and said in disapproval: "That girl is very evil, I have tried it last time, not only lost dozens of people, but now the master and the general are afraid I'm already suspicious of me, if I attack her again, I will definitely expose my identity."

But Ge Shi didn't seem to hear it, and walked in front of him, his eyes didn't fluctuate at all.

"I just ask if you will help or not."

She paused, and then said, "Don't forget what you said at the beginning."

The man in black moved his brows and eyes slightly, and his expression gradually softened as he thought of something.

"I haven't forgotten, it's just that this matter is not easy. With that girl's method, even if the entire battalion of dead soldiers is mobilized, she may not be able to kill her. Don't worry, wait for me to formulate a plan for Zhou Xiang..."


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Ge Shi let out a low growl, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"She's just a cheap girl. What else needs to be planned? I think this is just your excuse. You don't want to help me at all, right? You don't remember those words at the beginning, right?"

"I should have known earlier that men are unreliable, so what am I expecting from you?" Ge Shi smiled sadly, with tears in his eyes.

The man in black was suffocated when he saw this, and just about to step forward, he stopped silently when he remembered the identities of the two of them now.

"Don't think about it, I just need to arrange it for one night."

There was helplessness and distress in his tone.

Who knows that Ge Shi didn't listen to him at all, and said decisively in his voice: "I can't wait for a moment, if you don't go, I will do it myself!"

Seeing her like this, the man in black moved his mouth under the black cloth, and finally only sighed.

"Don't act rashly, I'll go back and call someone."

Hearing this, Ge's complexion finally improved a lot, and his tone softened.

"Then it will be hard work for you. After the matter is completed, there will be no obstacles for me in this manor. Feng'er...he will have a good future."

When the man in black heard the word "Feng'er", his eyes moved, and then he regained his composure.

"I know, you can just wait with peace of mind." He glanced at Ge Shi again, turned his head and left.

When he reached the door, the man in black paused.

"If I lost my life because of this, would you be sad?" He asked Ge Shi with no fluctuations in his voice.

"How could it be?" Geshi forced a smile.

"It's just a little girl, and you think highly of her."

The man in black said nothing, opened the door and disappeared into the night.

Only Geshi was left sitting by the bed alone, his last words kept echoing in his ears.

Let's say that Gu Nanyan had dinner with Mrs. Liu, sent Bai Zhi and Bai Shao back to their room, and took a rest early.

After sorting out the equipment bought today, she yawned and fell into a deep sleep. After a while, she heard a slight snoring sound.

The man in black carefully lifted the latch and pushed the door in.

Today's weather is a bit gloomy, and the light in the room is dim. Relying on his feeling, he floated a few light steps to Gu Nanyan's bedside.

Looking at the bulging little body under the quilt, the man in black struggled in his eyes.

It's just that the picture of Ge Shi crying suddenly flashed in his mind, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, muttering in his mouth.

"I'm sorry, miss."

After saying that, the sword in his hand flashed, and he quickly stabbed at the bump on the bed, pulled it out and swung the second sword again.

This was repeated several times until the cotton wool of the bedding fell all over the bed, but the people on the bed were silent.

The man in black's eyes flashed, and a bad premonition crossed his heart.

He lifted the quilt and found that there was no one inside. He just stuffed a few pillows in and felt bad.

He broke out in a cold sweat instantly, turned around and was about to run outside.

"What are you running, I'm here."

Gu Nanyan's faint voice came from above her head.

The man in black looked up and saw a little girl in a white underwear sitting on the beam.

She stepped on it with one leg bent, and the other leg drooped, looking very relaxed.

The man in black's eyes darkened: "You knew I was coming?"

Gu Nanyan smacked her lips: "I don't know."

She just heard movement outside, let 888 play tricks on him, and she took the opportunity to run up to the beam.

"I don't know why I'm coming, why I hide in advance, I saw you lying down with my own eyes."

When the man in black said this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"No, how did you know I would come over tonight?!"

It was only more than an hour ago that he conspired with the Ge family. The family rules of the General's Mansion are strict, and even Gu Nanyan has internal support in the mansion, so he can't leave the gate of the General's Mansion at such a late hour!
Thinking of this, he looked in the direction of the door in horror.

"General, General!"

The door of the room he brought was slowly pushed open, and Gu Yao stood outside the door with a serious face, looking at the man in black with disappointment in his eyes.

"I would have always hoped that that person wasn't you, but unfortunately..." he sighed.

"Chen Dong, you disappoint me so much."

When Chen Dong heard this, the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, and he looked at Gu Yao with guilt.

He didn't say a word, he fell to his knees with a bang, and lowered his head.

"Ben will be very relieved that you are not so confused as to drag the entire camp of dead soldiers into the water." Gu Yao said slowly.

"It's just that I don't understand why you did this."

His eyes were heavy: "Is it just for a woman?!"

(End of this chapter)

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