Chapter 130

Chen Dong was shocked, and looked at Gu Yao in disbelief.
"What, it's a surprise?" Gu Shen revealed his figure from the night, his voice was so faint that no emotions could be heard.

Holding a big knife in his hand, he glanced into Gu Nanyan's house, saw that she was sitting on the beam, she didn't look injured, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fu looked at Chen Dong again, his eyes were cold.

"I didn't want to take care of the matter between you and Geshi. After all, I owed her, but you should never have stretched out your hand to my daughter!"

Gu Shen's voice trembled, his eyes were red.

Ever since his father told him that Ge Shi had asked Chen Dong to send dozens of dead men to chase and kill Gu Nanyan, he hadn't slept well for several nights in a row, wishing he could arrest these two immediately to avoid future troubles.

But his father insisted on stopping him.

For Chen Dong to become the leader of the camp of dead soldiers, his temperament is naturally extraordinary.

Since he has kept Ge Shi's matter hidden for so many years, if he doesn't catch it on the spot, he probably won't admit it.

Gu Shen really wanted to take the two of them down regardless, but in order to seek justice for his daughter, he endured it all his life and only grounded Ge Shi.

"What the second master is talking about, the subordinates don't understand." Chen Dong knelt on the ground and lowered his head.

"This matter was done by me alone, so what can I do with my wife?"

Gu Shen couldn't help being even more angry when he heard the words: "You still want to protect her until now, you have no grievances with Sister Nan, why did you come to kill her!"

Chen Dong's eyes moved: "This subordinate was ordered by King Ning to go to Shangshan Village to assassinate the present sage, but he met the eldest lady halfway. In order not to implicate the entire general's mansion, he had to kill her."

"Fart!" Gu Shen's face turned blue with anger, and he kicked Chen Dong's chest.

He had a lot of strength, and Chen Dong spit out a mouthful of blood in an instant, lying on the ground.

"Whether the second master believes it or not, this is the truth. This subordinate has made such a big mistake, so he has no complaints if he wants to beat him or kill him."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued: "It's just that the letter that King Ning sent to his subordinates is now in Madam's hands. If the Second Master insists on wronging Madam, the entire General's Mansion will be destroyed."

King Ning did send someone to contact him in private, but even King Ning hadn't found the whereabouts of the emperor at that time, and he went to Shangshan Village just to kill Gu Nanyan.

Gu Shen stared at him in disbelief when he heard the words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Gu Yao sighed, looked at the human lying on the ground and said, "I didn't want you to repay my life when I saved your life. You insisted on staying in the camp of dead soldiers to repay your life-saving grace."

"Now the entire General's Mansion is in dire straits."

He fixedly looked at Chen Dong: "Is this your reward!"

Hearing the words, Chen Dong trembled all over, grasping the ground with both hands, and after a while, gritted his teeth and knelt in front of Gu Yao, and kowtowed three times vigorously.

"If this matter doesn't involve Madam, it's just a mere betrayal of the master, and it won't involve the General's Mansion."

He paused, then looked up at Gu Yao with determination in his eyes.

"The general's life-saving grace, Chen Dong dare not forget, it is Chen Dong who is sorry for your love, sorry for the general's house, I only hope that there will be an afterlife, and I will be a cow and a horse to repay the general."

After finishing speaking, he swung the sword in his hand across his neck and was about to wipe it off with all his strength.

Surprised, Gu Yao and Gu Shen took a step forward at the same time, but the distance was too far to stop them in time.

When the two were helpless, a fire flashed in front of them, and after a loud "bang", something hit the tip of the sword, followed by another loud noise. Chen Dong wailed and fell to the ground clutching his arms.

Gu Yao looked towards the source of the sound, only to see Gu Nanyan wearing an underwear, leaning leisurely by the door, holding a strange box in his hand.

"If you haven't done well in this life, what good can you do as a beast in your next life?" Gu Nanyan mocked.

"Or do you think that if you die, I will let Ge Shi go?"

Her tone was neither salty nor weak, but it sounded like thunder to Chen Dong's ears.

"She's your mother, you can't..."

"You can pull it down." Gu Nanyan interrupted him impatiently.

"What kind of thing is Ge Shi? She still wants to be Lao Tzu's mother, so just say this to you, and break one of her ribs first."

After all, she stopped talking to him, but looked in Gu Shen's direction.

"I have already sent someone to the General's Mansion to 'invite' the Second Madam over here, Gu Er Master will not mind."

Gu Shen was taken aback for a moment, then realized that at some point Bai Zhi and four Xihu people were standing around her, looking at them defensively.

"Of course not." Gu Shen hurriedly said.

"You are the victim of this matter, and you have the final say on how to deal with it."

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction when she heard the words, and pinned the wooden warehouse to her waist.

Bai Zhi hurriedly wrapped the prepared cloak around her body, and went into the room to bring her a cup of hot tea.

"Girl, why don't you go back to the house and wait."

The weather is still cold now, Gu Shen feels sorry for his daughter's thin body that can't stand the cold.

Gu Nanyan waved his hands and sat on the stone bench in the courtyard.

Seeing that Gu Shen could not stop persuading her, he sat down with Gu Yao helplessly.

"Sister Nan, what is that thing in your hand?"

Gu Yao remembered that when the emperor was besieged in Shangshan Village, the mysterious hidden weapon that knocked out the crossbowman in one fell swoop made as loud a noise as it is today.

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, took out the wooden bin and put it on the table. Before Gu Yao reached out, she picked up the wooden bin again, unloaded the magazine, and pulled out the single-track bullet before putting it down again.

The whole process took only a short while, and her movements were coherent and swift, making the two of them unable to recover.

Gu Yao carefully picked up the pouch and looked over and over.

"Such fine workmanship, the old man has never seen or heard of it!"

Among other things, the smooth and even appearance is beyond the reach of ordinary blacksmiths.

Gu Shen also stretched his head curiously, he took the Zidan in his hand and looked at it.

"This is the hidden weapon that hit Zhongchendong?"

But he saw that the blood was bleeding from the blood hole on his arm, and he couldn't stop it, maybe the hidden weapon was still in the wound.

Gu Nanyan nodded: "This is the list."

Seeing that the two seemed very interested, she thought that Ge Shi hadn't brought it back yet, so she simply took over the wooden warehouse from Gu Yao and explained it to them.

"The bullet is filled with gunpowder, put the bullet into the single clip, it will automatically enter the wooden chamber, and then pull the trigger."

She made a shooting motion and said: "At this time, the firing pin hits the single shell, causing the gunpowder in it to burn, releasing powerful energy, pushing the bullet out of the wooden chamber and hitting the target."

Gu Nanyan withdrew his hand, seeing the two people in a fog, suddenly remembered that they might not understand.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she silently put away the pouch.

Gu Shen's eyes were shining brightly. Although he didn't understand what the girl said, he had an inexplicably powerful feeling.

He just wanted to ask her where this thing came from, and if possible, he also wanted to buy one, but was stopped by Gu Yao.

He slowly shook his head at Gu Shen, and the two became silent, neither of them said anything.

Gu Nanyan pretended not to see their small movements, and curled the corners of her mouth in a rather good mood.

About half an hour later, Hou Gu Ashlan dragged the heavily bound Geshi into the yard, and her personal maid Hongmei came with her.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and Hongmei saw Gu Yao as soon as she entered the door, she shrank her neck and shook.

When he saw Gu Shen who was at the side, he hurriedly staggered and ran over, throwing himself down in front of him.

"Master, please save Madam, Missy is crazy!"

Hongmei's hair was in a messy bun, and her clothes were also in a mess. It was obvious that she put them on in a hurry and followed her.

Gu Shen snorted coldly, kicked her out, and looked at Ge Shi with unfriendly eyes.

However, Ge Shi dressed meticulously, and his expression was the same as usual, except that a few strands of hair fell out during the dragging process.

She looked at Gu Shen with a faint expression: "Master, seeing how sister Nan treats me like this, is he still indifferent?"

(End of this chapter)

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