Chapter 131
"My concubine has been married to the master for more than ten years. I have worked hard to abide by women's morals, managed the backyard in an orderly manner, educated sister Nan to be well-behaved and sensible, and gave birth to you. Even though the master often ignores the concubine, The concubine has never complained about anything."

She looked at Gu Nanyan with jealousy hidden in her eyes.

"Now that Sister Nan is being humiliated and tied up in full view of me, the master will turn a blind eye!"

At the end, Ge Shi's voice was suddenly shrill.

Gu Shen's expression was ugly, and he looked at Ge Shi in disbelief.

"Obviously you were the one who killed Sister Nan, why did you say that you were the victim?"

"When I greeted you back then, I said that if you insist on entering the General's Mansion, I, Gu Shen, can only give you a title to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. You don't have to think about anything else, and you agreed. "

"Later, Sister Nan's mother passed away. When I brought her back to the mansion, I asked you if you regretted it. If you regretted it, I would send you away. After all, you are still innocent, and it is easy to find another family to marry later. .”

"But what did you say? You said you didn't care about love in the world, you said you wanted to repay your life-saving grace, and you volunteered to help me take care of Sister Nan. I persuaded you several times but you didn't listen. In desperation, in order to make up You, let you be more respectable in the general's mansion, so that you can be righted."

Gu Shen was a little puzzled when he said this, he couldn't understand why Ge Shi wanted all of this, but in the end he felt resentful towards him and Sister Nan.

"But what did you do? Sister Nan is just a child, yet you asked Chen Dong to kill her!"

"She called you mother for ten years, so you don't miss the love between mother and daughter at all?!" Gu Shen growled angrily.

I don't know which words of his stimulated Ge Shi, Ge Shi suddenly broke free from Ashlan and rushed two steps towards Gu Shen.

"Mother?" Ge Shi seemed to be crying and laughing.

"She called me a good mother for ten years, but I never regarded her as a daughter. In my heart, she is a thorn in my heart, a bastard between you and that bitch!"

"If it wasn't for her, I would have become the second wife of the general's mansion, not a stepmother!"

"That bitch is just an unidentified orphan girl, why should she overwhelm me!"

Gu Shen was furious when he heard the words, he raised his foot and kicked her leg, Chen Dong, who had been silent all this time, rushed up and stood in front of Ge Shi.

"You're not allowed to say that about Lan'er!"

Seeing this, Gu Shen's face became even more ugly, as if he was stimulated, he stepped forward to tear him away.


Ge Shi screamed, Chen Dong hurriedly turned his head, and saw Gu Nanyan standing behind them, with a small white hand ruthlessly pinching Ge Shi's throat.

Her fingers clenched tighter and tighter, pinching Ge Shi so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Before everyone could react, they raised their hands and threw her out.

Ge Shi hit the ground with a muffled groan, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.

"I don't want to know about your bullshit. Today I just want to talk about it. How many times have you sent people to kill me? How do you settle this account?"

"How?" Ge Shi sneered, cold sweat broke out on her forehead due to the pain from the broken ribs.

"I am the mistress of the second house, Feng'er's mother, can you still kill me?"

"Not to mention anything else, can you bear the charge of killing your mother?"

These words are a disguised admission that he has indeed been chased and killed by Gu Nanyan.

Hearing her confident words, Gu Yao frowned.

"Sister Nan, you don't need to intervene in this matter. Your father and I will help you get justice."

The Jianan Kingdom values ​​filial piety, if the news of the granddaughter's attack on the Ge family is spread today, she will definitely be reviled, and even the emperor will not be able to protect her.

Gu Nanyan had an indifferent expression on her face: "I will avenge my revenge on my own, and there is no need for others to intervene."

She looked at Ge Shi with gloomy eyes.

"Back then you asked Hongmei to drink me the mind-disturbing medicine, and then you let people hunt you down all the way. Do you know how terrified and desperate Gu Nanyan was at that time?"

After all, the original owner was just a little girl who was locked up in the inner courtyard since she was a child and didn't know anything about the world.

The motivation behind her running to Mingshan County was just to see her father again and ask his mother why she hated her so much.

She squinted her eyes and squatted down, her eyes coldly met Ge Shi's vicious eyes.

"Since Gu Nanyan was sensible, except when paying respects to grandma, you locked her in the house every day, and made her kneel in front of you if something went wrong, and let Hongmei use embroidery needles to pierce her body. After piercing, She pretended to be a loving mother and said it was all for her own good, and repeated this for several years."

"At that time, did you ever think that you are the mistress of the second house, the closest and most dependent person in Gu Nanyan's heart?"

Gu Nanyan curled her mouth and said in a flat voice, as if talking about other people's business, scaring Gu Yao and the others.

"Sister Nan, is what you said true?!"

Gu Shen's face turned red, and his bloodshot eyes stared fiercely at Ge Shi.

He has been immersed in the pain of losing Ning Shi, and never dared to look at Gu Nanyan who looks similar to her.

He is not a qualified father, but he is still very grateful for Ge Shi's meticulous "care" for his daughter.

So even though he knew that Ge Shi was unfaithful to him, he didn't care about it, he just took it as repaying her kindness for him and Ning Shi.

But at this time, Gu Nanyan told him that Ge Shi had been abusing her all the time, which was undoubtedly a powerful blow to Gu Shen.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Gu Shen's mouth, covered his chest and let out a groan.

Gu Yao's complexion changed, and he quickly slapped him on the back.

Seeing his son spit out a mouthful of blood, he was relieved.

Gu Nanyan didn't turn her head when she heard the commotion, but slowly took out a glass bottle from her sleeve.

Even though the original owner was abused by Ge Shi all the year round, her mentality was about to collapse, but she still simply thought that her mother was doing it for her own good.

As my mother said, all of this is her fault, she is not good, she is a bad child, this is the punishment she deserves.

Although the original owner didn't know what was wrong, she still endured it silently and never dared to tell outsiders.

She tried her best to please Ge Shi, even if she was stabbed all over, Ge Shi wouldn't let her cry, so she held back her tears and smiled at Ge Shi.

In front of her mother who wanted to be close to her wholeheartedly, she was so humble that she didn't seem like a human being.

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan felt a surge of anger and blood in his heart.

She forcefully opened the mouth of the struggling Geshi, and poured the liquid from the glass bottle into her mouth.

Ge Shi was choked up and coughed for a while, thinking that Gu Nanyan had poured poison on her, and asked Gu Shen for help with frightened eyes.

But at this time, not to mention Gu Shen, even Gu Yao, the head of the family, didn't want to stop Gu Nanyan.

He didn't expect that under his nose, his granddaughter would be treated like this!

No wonder this girl has become more and more taciturn since she was seven years old, keeping her distance from anyone.

At this moment, Gu Yao also felt that his Qi and blood were not going well, and he really wanted to vomit blood like his son.

Chen Dong walked up to Gu Yao on his knees, and kowtowed twice.

"General, Madam was just confused for a while, everything is the fault of this subordinate, please let Madam go, this subordinate is willing to suffer the death penalty!"

Gu Yao didn't speak, just looked at him with complicated eyes.

After a while, he said pitifully, "Do you know that Ge Shi has a twin sister?"

Chen Dong was startled when he heard the words, not understanding the meaning of his words.

"Ma'am, she has no sisters..."

Gu Yao shook his head and interrupted him.

"Before the Ge family came to Beijing, Mrs. Ge gave birth to twins in the countryside. Not many people knew about it, because in their village, twins are a symbol of disaster and it is very ominous."

"Master Ge was not that rich at the time. He was afraid that the villagers would confiscate their fields if they found out, and drive their family out of the village, so he bought the midwife who delivered the baby and strictly forbade the family to spread the news about the twins."

"At that time, a Taoist Taoist who claimed to be an expert happened to pass by. After knowing this, he gave Master Ge a way to crack it."

He looked at Ge Shi with a complicated expression.

"This method is to immerse one of the twins in the water and drown, leaving only one to break the curse."

(End of this chapter)

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