The farmer has a mall

Chapter 132 Why Help Me So Much

Chapter 132 Why Help Me So Much
"So what?" Chen Dong said.

"If this matter is true, it is also the Ge family's decision, what has it to do with Madam."

"If it has nothing to do with her, there's no need for the old man to mention it." Gu Yao said slowly.

Mrs. Ge loves her daughters dearly, and she refuses to drown one of them no matter what, and stays by the twins' side all day long, not giving Master Ge the slightest chance to do anything.

Although Mr. Ge is a philistine, he couldn't bear to lay hands on his own flesh and blood.

After discussing with each other, they decided to hide the youngest daughter of the twins, and dug a cellar in the bedroom.

On weekdays, the youngest daughter lives in the cellar.

It was okay at the beginning, the two children were young and ignorant, Geshi would go to the cellar every night to take care of the youngest daughter, but no one noticed.

But as time went by, the eldest daughter was able to run and jump, and she was very active, while the younger daughter could only crawl, and because she seldom communicated with others, she was unable to speak.

Although the Ge family couple felt distressed, they were more helpless.

Until the two daughters were five years old, Master Ge found a job in the town's bodyguard bureau.

When he was walking a dart, by chance, he saved the second owner of the dart agency.

The second owner's family was very grateful to him, not only gave him 100 taels of silver, knowing that his family lived far away and it was inconvenient to go back and forth, they also bought the vacant yard next door to his house.

Rent it to their family at a very low price.

Mrs. Ge was very happy when she found out.

She thought that when she arrived in the town, her little daughter would be able to see the light again, and she would no longer have to live in hiding.

So I happily helped a few children pack their bags.

But he didn't notice that the husband frowned when he looked at the little daughter.

The family rejoiced and moved to the town under the envious eyes of the villagers, but their youngest daughter still had to live in the cellar.

Mr. Ge was afraid that the news that his youngest daughter could not speak or walk at the age of five would affect his reputation, so he insisted on keeping her locked up despite Mrs. Ge's pleas.

The twin sisters are growing up day by day and leading very different lives.

The eldest daughter, Ge Huidan, is smart and has a cheerful personality. Because of her sweet appearance, she has gradually gained a good reputation in the town, and many young talents admire her.

Including Luo Heng, the son of the second boss.

Luo Hengchang's delicate features may be due to his father's influence, and he has a chivalrous air about him.

He and Ge Huidan grew up together, they can be described as childhood sweethearts, and as they got older, they gradually developed feelings for each other.

At this time, Master Ge had long since ceased to work in the Escort Bureau, and started a small business with the money he had saved, which can be regarded as prosperous.

And the Erdong family, which he had to look up to in the past, has long been out of his sight, and Luo Heng is even more unworthy of his daughter.

However, Ge Huidan's love is deeply rooted, and he is determined to be with Luo Heng, and even threatens Ge's father that if he cannot marry the person he loves, he would rather become a monk and become an aunt.

Father Ge was so angry that he couldn't sleep for several days. After careful consideration, he gritted his teeth and decided to advance the plan to go to Beijing by a few years. When the time comes, he will find a high-ranking in-law's family for his daughter, and he is not afraid that the business will fail.

So he deliberately softened his attitude and pretended to agree to the marriage of the two, but in fact he was already secretly selling the property.

Ge Huidan agreed as a father, happily like a butterfly all day long, wandering around Luo Heng, imagining how many sons and daughters they would have in the future.

Luo Heng was equally happy on the face, but deep in his heart was filled with anxiety.

The two families have been neighbors for many years, and he knows what kind of person Ge's father is, but now the sudden change of attitude always makes him feel uneasy.

Facts have proved that his hunch was right.

The Ge family went to Loukong without leaving a single word.

Luo Heng looked around like crazy, but only found out that Master Ge had gone to the capital.

The capital is so big and the sea of ​​people is so vast, where would he find it.

But Luo Heng still packed his bags and prepared to go to Beijing to find Ge Huidan.

Father Luo was helpless, and knew he couldn't be stopped.

Thinking of how long it would take for him to come back, he told him that he had to walk the darts for a few days, and there was no housekeeper at home and asked him to wait two days before leaving.

Luo's father is the second owner of the Escort Bureau, and has not been in an Escort for many years.

Although Luo Heng was a little strange, he didn't ask any more questions, he just thought that his father was reluctant to part with him and wanted him to stay for a few more days.

Luo's mother passed away a long time ago. The father and son depended on each other for life and had a very good relationship. Luo Heng had always listened to his father's words very much.

Although anxious, but honestly waiting at home.

Unexpectedly, he waited for the news of his father's death.

Only then did he know that his father, who hadn't been a dart for many years, personally came out, just because he wanted to collect 1000 taels of silver for him as a dowry gift, so that Father Ge could see his son's sincerity.

Luo Heng's life collapsed in an instant, holding his father's dead body for many days in a daze.

Afterwards, he hastily held a funeral for Luo's father, took the package and set off on the road.

Relatives and neighbors all thought that he had gone to the capital, and some mourned him.

Gu Yao looked at Chen Dong on the ground with a complicated expression.

"Luo Heng, when you escaped death in the battlefield, the old man rescued you and checked your life experience. Otherwise, do you think I will let an unknown person enter the general's mansion?"

Chen Dong, that is, Luo Heng clenched his fists tightly.

"It was just a coincidence that I met the second lady again, and there was nothing beyond the rules..."

"Listen to the old man first." Gu Yao interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"I only told you about your background, but I haven't told you about Ge Shi's."

"Needless to say." Ge Shi suddenly said.

Enduring the pain in her chest, she got up slowly, patted the dust off her body, and cut her hair again.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Gu Shen who had been silent all this time.

"I'm really not Ge Huidan." Ge Shi's voice was soft, but it seemed like a thunderbolt struck down.

Luo Heng's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth moved.

"Back then, my sister refused to go to Beijing with her father. She resisted so desperately that she fell off the carriage and was severely trampled by the horses that followed her. She went there that night."

"And in order to deceive others, my father let me, who has been out of the sun, take her place."

"Since then, I have become Ge Huidan, the only daughter of the Ge family."

She looked at Luo Heng on the ground: "Now you regret it, shouldn't you help me?"

Luo Heng closed his eyes, two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

He looked at Ge Shi with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I knew you were not Hui'er."

"Although you are almost identical in appearance to her, your temperament is completely different. When I saw you in the General's Mansion, I knew you were not her."

Ge Shi obviously didn't expect him to say that, his mocking expression froze, and he looked at him in astonishment.

Even Gu Yao was a little surprised.

"Although Mr. Ge hid you tightly, but under the same roof, how could such a smart Hui'er not know your existence?"

"Before you entered Beijing, she told me about this matter, and discussed with me how to rescue you..."

"Impossible!" Ge Shi shook his head, not believing what he said.

"She lives so happily and recklessly, and her father likes her so much, how can she let her know my existence!"

"It's true." Luo Heng took a deep breath and said.

"After Hui'er found you, she came to me with red and swollen eyes, asking me to help her save you incoherently."

"I know that since your father has hidden you for more than ten years, he won't let you out easily, but I can't bear Hui'er crying sadly, so I told her not to startle the snake, let your father see the clues, and then let her go Think long term."

"But before we could think of a way, your father brought your family to the capital."

He looked at Ge Shi with a sad expression.

"The moment I knew you were not Hui'er, I realized that she might not be alive anymore, because the Ge family has only had one daughter..."

Ge Shi took two steps back, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Impossible, you can't know."

She looked at Luo Heng with a pale face.

"If you knew it a long time ago, why are you still willing to help me like this!"

Even... even promise her that kind of thing!
(End of this chapter)

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