The farmer has a mall

Chapter 133 Still want me to knock one?

Chapter 133 Still want me to knock one?
"Because if Hui'er is still alive, she must also hope that you live happily."

"I promised Huier that we would never leave, but I joined the army directly after she left. I am sorry for her. All I can do for her is to help her take good care of you."

Hearing this, Ge Shi said with a half-crying and half-smiling voice: "So, it's all because of my sister?"

The corner of Luo Heng's mouth moved, but he didn't make a sound in the end.

Although Gu Yao sighed pitifully, he didn't feel that Ge Shi was pitiful at all.

Just as he wanted someone to take Ge Shi down first, he heard Gu Nanyan's voice faintly.

"Time is up."

Her tone was indifferent, her eyes were fixed on Ge Shi's, her expression somehow made the people present feel shuddering.

Just as Gu Shen was about to ask her what she was doing when the time came, he heard Ge Shi wailing in pain.

The shrill voice made a man like him tremble with fright.

Seeing Ge Shi covering his chest and rolling all over the floor, Gu Shen patted his heart.

"What's up with her?"

What's wrong with the good-looking ghost roaring, what should he do if his daughter is frightened!
"It's nothing, I just gave her some pain-enhancing medicine."

Gu Nanyan shook the glass bottle in her hand, with a calm expression on her face.

Although Ge Shi's life experience is indeed pitiful, she absolutely shouldn't, she shouldn't want to let the original owner experience what she has experienced.

To put it bluntly, although she was locked up by old man Ge, she spent the same amount of food and drink as Ge Huidan, and no one abused her.

Her experience was not caused by the original owner, but the original owner's life was lost by her.

Gu Nanyan originally wanted to lock her up for a few days, so that she could also try the feeling of being stuck with a needle.

It can be seen that her face was pale and distorted, and there was a pool of water stains under her body, and she hurriedly took a few steps back in disgust.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand at Gu Yao: "Take her away quickly, and return her to the wife of the general's mansion. She doesn't have the quality to defecate anywhere."

Gu Yao: "..."

"That's right." Gu Nanyan suddenly remembered something.

"Where is my 10 taels of silver?"

Almost forgot such an important thing!Gu Nanyan patted his head.

"Sister Nan, don't worry, I will bring you the silver when I go back for my father." Gu Shen said hastily.

Gu Nanyan didn't care who gave the money, as long as it was delivered to her in the end, she nodded in satisfaction.

"The effect of this medicine lasts for three days. If you have any questions, please ask quickly. After the effect of the medicine wears off..."

Gu Nanyan grinned wickedly: "She might not have the chance to see the sun on the fourth day."

Gu Yao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and brought a group of people back to the General's Mansion.

Gu Shen didn't go with them, and stood in the yard for a long time, looking at Gu Nanyan with guilt.

"Sister Nan, do you want to know about your mother?" Gu Shen asked suddenly.

Gu Nanyan was startled, and shook her head decisively: "I don't want to!"

Gu Shen wondered, "Why don't you want to?"

Aren't children very dependent on their mother? Although Lan'er is gone, he can tell his daughter how much her mother values ​​her.

Gu Nanyan sneered, "I've never met someone before, why would I want to know about her?"

After finishing speaking, he took Bai Zhi and Bai Shao back to the house without looking back.

Gu Shen was left to stay where he was for a long while, unable to recover.

Bai Zhi changed Gu Nanyan's underwear again, and Bai Shao stood at the door, looking out quietly.

"Miss, the second master hasn't left yet."

Gu Nanyan said "um", but didn't answer her words.

Although Ge Shi is hateful, Gu Shen is not innocent.

If it wasn't for Ning Shi's death, he would be in a daze all day long, and he would not have fulfilled the responsibility of a father at all.

How could Ge Shi take advantage of the loophole and abuse the original owner for four or five years without anyone finding out!
What is his pain and guilt now compared to what the original owner suffered back then?
In her memory, it's not that the original owner didn't try to ask her father for help, but every time before she could say anything, Gu Shen hurried away as if seeing a ghost.

The original owner was left alone to bear Ge Shi's anger.

As a father, he failed to supervise him well, and Gu Nanyan felt that it was very kind of him to prescribe some medicine without giving him.

Although Bai Shao didn't understand what the lady was thinking, but since the lady didn't want to pay attention to it, she just treated Gu Nanyan as if she was stuck in the yard, and rested again after serving Gu Nanyan.

Although the sky is already bright, Gu Nanyan has always been a kind of master who sleeps until the sun is high when there is nothing to do, and everyone is used to it.

It's just that she fell asleep for a while, and the porter rushed to report the news.

With two dark circles under her eyes, Gu Nanyan looked at Eunuch Zhao who was holding the imperial decree in front of him with a stinky face, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Ahem, is the princess just getting up?" Eunuch Zhao asked with a dry smile.

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes back at him: "There is something to talk about!"

It's okay, get out!
"Yes." Eunuch Zhao wiped off his cold sweat.

"It's not that the Ministry of Rites has finished your court clothes. The emperor asked his servants to bring them to you quickly, and hand over the revised imperial edict to you by the way."

"That's it?" Gu Nanyan's face was extremely pale.

"Isn't it fine to just hand it over to the concierge or Bai Zhi?"

Why call me up!
Eunuch Zhao said with a chuckle: "The princess doesn't know something. According to the rules, the imperial edict to enshrine the princess must be read out in public before it can be announced to the world..."

Gu Nanyan glanced at him leisurely.

"What's the matter, do you still want me to give you a kowtow to thank the emperor?"

Eunuch Zhao: "..."

It stands to reason that one should be knocked down, but if he dares to let this ancestor knock down, the grass on the grave will be taller than him by this time next year!
"The princess was joking, the slave read it casually, you just sit there and listen casually."

The battle for the canonization of the princess was not small, and a circle of people around the gate of Gu's mansion watched the excitement.After knowing that the emperor's righteous sister, the princess of Jianan Kingdom, was born in this family, they were all shocked.

People in the know can't help but wonder.

"Isn't this princess protecting the country the grandson of General Gu? Why did the imperial decree come here?"

The people living in this street are all dignitaries, and there are quite a few people who know the inside story.

"You don't know about that. General Gu's granddaughter has never returned to live in the General's Mansion since she returned to Beijing. She has been living here."

The person who asked the question earlier was surprised: "Why?"

"I don't know why, but..."

The man looked inside the door of Gu's mansion, and said in a voice that he thought was very low, mysteriously: "I was cleaning the yard this morning, when I heard footsteps outside, I opened the door and looked, guess what? "

"I saw Old General Gu and Second Master Gu, escorting the two of them out of the Gu Mansion!"

The person who asked the question didn't take it seriously and said, "What's the matter? Maybe there are thieves in the mansion. General Gu is afraid that his granddaughter will suffer, so he specially brought people over to arrest her."

The person who answered had a deep smile on his face: "Those two people are not thieves!"

Seeing that he seemed to know the inside story, everyone came over one after another.

"What is a thief?"

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was aroused, the person who answered coughed lightly and lowered his voice mysteriously again.

"These two people are a man and a woman. I don't know the man, but I know the woman very well. They are Ge Shi, the wife of the Second Master of the General's Mansion!"

Seeing everyone's disbelief, he explained anxiously: "Our wife often drinks tea with Geshi. I see Geshi more often than I see my mother. I will never admit my mistake!"

"In this way, is it possible that Gu's girl's not going back to the General's Mansion has something to do with the Ge family?"

"But isn't Ge Shi her own mother? There's no overnight feud between mother and daughter..."

"It can't be said for certain, now many people have rumors that this Mrs. Ge is not Miss Gu's biological mother!"

Their discussion was in full swing, but they didn't know that these words fell into the ears of the servants sent by the masters to listen to the news.

So the news that Ge Shi was not Gu Nanyan's biological mother spread like wildfire, and it spread throughout the streets and alleys within half a day.

Gu Nanyan, who was "receiving the order", didn't know this. She was looking at the princess court dress that Eunuch Zhao was holding with a look of disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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