Chapter 135

The boy didn't understand why until he saw a box of relics specially left by the old county king for his master.

There is a whole box of storybooks, full of stories about the noble family who offended the imperial power and ransacked all the families!

At the beginning, the young man lamented that the old county king had good intentions, he knew what kind of virtue his son was, and he was afraid that the county king's mansion would fall into his hands, so he tried to scare him.

But this effect seems to be too good, not only did the little county king not cause trouble, but he didn't even dare to come out!
"Yuanbao, go to the storeroom and get a few boxes of ginseng antler, let's visit Gu's mansion in person."

"Master, there is a little girl, and now there is no male elder in the family, how can I entertain you when you go?"

"Besides, there is no friendship between our two governments. You should send a greeting card one day in advance and talk about it."

Yuan Bao sighed, this lord really wanted to come out as soon as he came out, and just go there with such a big fanfare, so that the little girl can't be kicked out?
Unexpectedly, Li Pinggui waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"The emperor and I are distant cousins. Since the emperor recognizes her as his righteous sister, I can also be considered her elder brother. What kind of posts do we have in our family?"


You also know as distant cousins!The little girl has never seen you before, why are you pretending to be familiar here.

Thought so, but given him a hundred guts he wouldn't dare to say it.

So the two went to Gu's mansion with the gift box.

Gu Nanyan didn't sleep all night, she was just sitting there annoyed, when she heard that some county king came to visit, she said "I don't see you" without raising her head.

Li Pinggui was shut down, and the master and servant stood at the door and stared at each other.

Although Li Pinggui is a bit "modesty" as a person, he is a county king after all, and he has never been turned away by anyone when he grows up.

He scratched his head: "Yuan Bao, did you not clarify the identity of the master? Why is this girl not even allowed in?"

Yuan Bao was speechless, pointing to the boy next door who also returned disappointed with the gift box.

"Didn't Ms. Baizhi make it very clear, Ms. Gu is busy and it's inconvenient to receive guests. Let's go back home first."

Li Pinggui shook his head resolutely: "No, I could see clearly from behind on the day of the palace banquet. This girl is definitely a powerful person, and she is also favored by the emperor and concubine. I must hug this thigh first. , we must never let others get ahead of us!"

He turned around in place a few times, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a way to meet Gu Nanyan.

It was Yuan Bao who didn't give up seeing that his master failed to achieve his goal, and thought of someone in desperation.

"Master, do you still remember the young master of the Cui family?"

Li Pinggui didn't realize it for a moment: "Which son of the Cui family?"

He knows a lot of young masters surnamed Cui, even the vegetable vendors at the street corner are all surnamed Cui, who knows which one he is talking about?
"It's the young master of General Cui's family, you even drank with him!"

Li Pinggui was stunned: "Remember, that kid does have a bit of demeanor back then, but it's a pity that my father has already washed his hands in the golden basin, so don't mention these meaningless people again in the future."

"He is not a meaningless person." Yuan Bao said.

"I heard that he has some friendship with Princess Huguo."

Li Pinggui paused, and said in doubt: "Cui Yanping and Gu Yao have always been at odds with each other, so what kind of friendship can they have, and even if they have hatred!"

Yuan Bao pulled him a little further away, and after making sure that the concierge of the Gu residence could not hear them, he lowered his voice again.

"Although the two generals are not on good terms, I heard that the relationship between Cui Yao and Miss Gu is not bad because of Concubine Cui's relationship."

"General Cui even took him to pay a visit to the General's Mansion in person, which was impossible before!"

"Really?" Li Pinggui asked curiously.

"No wonder I heard that the imperial concubine and the empress are getting along very well recently. It seems that the two factions have reached a consensus."

His eyes lit up and he looked at Yuan Bao.

"The two major powers in the court and China have joined forces, and this Gu girl is actually like a link in it. No wonder she can be loved by the empress and the imperial concubine at the same time."

As soon as he turned his footsteps, he walked towards the county palace.

Yuan Bao was taken aback, a little surprised: "Master, you haven't seen Miss Gu?"

His master is not such a person who gives up easily.

Li Pinggui walked in a hurry, but his round body seemed a bit vigorous.

"Prepare the carriage for the master, go find Cui Yao immediately!"


Let's say that Gu Nanyan only remembered that Guo Hongyi was going to visit today when Bai Zhi reminded him.

She rubbed the center of her brows, a little regretful that she promised him a reunion.

"Let Brown Tang prepare a few side dishes casually and place them in the outer courtyard?"

After a pause, she said again: "Grandma's meal will be made separately by Brown Tang and sent over."

Gu Nanyan gave her a lot of rose seeds. Mrs. Liu has been very busy recently, and she rarely bothered Mrs. Liu.

Bai Zhi retreated in response, and was about to go to Liu's, when she saw Bai Shao coming in.

"Miss, Cui Yao, Master Cui is here."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, she was just thinking about how she could meet Cui Yao, but she didn't expect this guy to come here by herself.

"Let him in." Gu Nanyan said.

But Bai Shao was a little embarrassed: "Young Master Cui also brought someone with him, that is, the county prince who came to visit this morning."

Gu Nanyan didn't remember what the princess was, and waved her to bring both of them in.

Cui Yao was dressed in red and walked in with big strides.

Originally, he was chatting and laughing with the people next to him, but the moment he saw Gu Nanyan, his face collapsed with a bit of resentment.

"If the young master doesn't come to you, don't you know to find me?"

He pulled Li Pinggui to sit down, picked up the teapot and poured two cups of tea without seeing anything.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes speechlessly when she heard the words: "Where do you tell me to find you? I don't know what is breaking the rules. I have to post a day in advance. I am in trouble."

She glanced at Cui Yao faintly: "Cui, do you not want to work anymore? I haven't seen anyone for a few days. I'm sure I'll deduct wages for so many days of absenteeism!"

Cui Yao: "..."

He really wanted to see her, but this guy either entered the palace or brought a few Xihu people around, the noise was so loud that even Cui Yao heard the news, he had to find someone!
When Gu Nanyan saw his aggrieved face, he instantly felt refreshed and quite proud.

Small sample, I still want to beat it up, dreaming!

"It just so happened that you came here." Gu Nanyan took out a deed from her bosom, which was exactly the one that Eunuch Zhao gave her in the morning.

"This is what Li Mi gave to Lao Tzu. He said it is a Huangzhuang. After lunch, you can go and have a look with me. If the area is enough, I plan to build a planting base there."

When Cui Yao heard that it was Huangzhuang, he hurried over to take a look.

"Hey, did you even give you the title deed?"

He clicked his tongue twice, looking at Gu Nanyan with envy.

"Huangzhuang is the best Zhuangzi in the entire Jianan Kingdom. Not only is the water and soil fertile, but even the farmers inside are selected after layers of selection. Judging by the emperor's posture, even the people inside are sent to you?"

Gu Nanyan shook her head: "I don't know about that, the one surnamed Zhao didn't say anything."

Li Pinggui, who was at the side, saw that the two were chatting so well, and coughed lightly, unwilling to be lonely.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking towards him, Cui Yao remembered that there was another person.

"Many households in Huangzhuang have lived there for several generations, and they are basically tied to Zhuangzi. Since the emperor gave you Zhuangzi, the people inside are naturally yours too." Li Pinggui envied.

I didn't expect the emperor to treat this girl so well that he even gave her the Huangzhuang. It seems that his trip to find Cui Yao was not in vain.

"Nanyan, this is Li Pinggui, Prince of Xianyang County, he lives diagonally across from your house." Cui Yao hurriedly introduced.

He was also very surprised by the county king who suddenly appeared in his home.

After all, the two of them have only drank a few times, and they are much different in age, so their circles are different.

After hearing him say that he wanted to get acquainted with Gu Nanyan, Cui Yao understood a little bit.

He has also heard a little about this county king's behavior style, but Gu Nanyan has just come to the capital, and he is not familiar with the place, so there is no harm in getting to know more people.

So he readily agreed to King Xianyang, and the two came to Gu's mansion shoulder to shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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