The farmer has a mall

Chapter 136 Prince Jing's Defeat

Chapter 136 Prince Jing's Defeat
As members of the circle of noble children, Guo Hongyi and Cui Yao are no strangers to each other.

Even because they are about the same age, they are still familiar.

But Cui Yao never thought that the childhood sweetheart this guy talked about all day would be Gu Nanyan.

"This is the cute and sensible little sister you mentioned?!" Cui Yao expressed shock.

Let's not talk about whether it's cute or not, Gu Nanyan acts like a mountain king, do you call that sensible?

Guo Hongyi just smiled and said nothing since he entered the door, now he looked at Gu Nanyan with a faint smile and said, "Why didn't you go to town today?"

Jiang Wei waited in the guard all morning, didn't even eat breakfast, just waited for the noon meal, who knew that he never came out at all.

Gu Nanyan didn't know the reason: "Some things were delayed this morning, but something happened?"

Guo Hongyi shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that Jiang Wei and others have been waiting for you."

Seeing Gu Nanyan's puzzled expression, he quickly explained: "It's the Jinwu Guard who was with me that day. Now your identity is different from the past, and there are many people in the capital. After discussion, we decided to send a few people to follow each day. policy safety."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "I'm sorry, but you don't have to follow along."

She picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Those people are just curious, besides, I will take them out of the city to train after the slave status of Ashlan and others is erased."

Cui Yao asked curiously: "What do you train those Xihu people for? If there are not enough people, I will send you a few. Old General Gu is in a high position, so many eyes are on him. Don't let anyone take advantage of you."

"I know it well." Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes.

"Besides, what happened to the Xihu people, they are no different from us."

Cui Yao had long been used to her surprising words from time to time, but Li Pinggui was very surprised.

"Miss Gu actually thinks that the bloodthirsty Xihu people are the same as the people of my country?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at him and sneered.

"Say it as if you didn't kill any of them."

In the eyes of his own country, King Jing is a gentle and elegant Confucian general, but in the eyes of Xihu people, it is not too much to say that he is a devil.

"I heard that Xihu people would rob food in the border towns in winter, killing [-] or [-] civilians and soldiers every year, and King Jing often killed more than twice as many Xihu people than the other side," Gu Nanyan said in Gu Nanyan's voice. There are no ups and downs.

"Indeed." Li Pinggui nodded.

"Prince Jing once said that any Xihu people who come to disturb the border, if they kill me in Jianan, he will pay back twice as much." He puffed out his chest, a little proudly.

"That's it." Gu Nanyan spread his hands.

Li Pinggui was startled when he heard the words, and after understanding what she meant, he disagreed.

"How can it be the same? If the Xihu people live in peace, how could King Jing kill them!"

Gu Nanyan hehe: "You mean, because you robbed and killed people, so I can kill you, I can kill you, I can kill your baby, kill your wife and kill your whole family?"

Li Pinggui: "..."

Of course not!

If there is an injustice and a debtor, how can it harm your loved ones?

Thinking of this, he and Cui Yao were shocked, and their expressions were thoughtful.

"Besides, I heard that before Prince Jing took over the Northwest, the number of casualties in the border towns was less than three digits per year. But since his appearance, the conflict between the two sides has intensified. Until this year, the number of casualties has exceeded a thousand. Do you know why?"

Cui Yao rubbed his chin, frowned and said, "Don't tell me, I haven't thought that the casualties of the people in the northwest are indeed increasing year by year. According to what you say, could it be that Prince Jing's administration failed?"

Li Pinggui also frowned: "But the loss at the border is indeed less."

Originally, the imperial court had to allocate several 10 taels to border towns every winter for disaster relief, but in recent years there have been very few.

"So, both you and Prince Jing are based on money, and it won't last long at all."

"The number of casualties this year is nearly half that of last year. Do you know what this means?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Without waiting for someone to answer, she spoke again.

"This shows that the patience of Xihu people is getting less and less day by day, and the hatred accumulated in their hearts is getting more and more day by day." She glanced at several people.

"Although the Xihu people do not have a formal army, they have tens of thousands of tribes. Both men, women, and children are good at equestrianism and are physically strong. Each person can at least one enemy three. If one day they unite and send troops together, How sure do you think Prince Jing can get out of here!"

Li Pinggui was very surprised, surprised that a little girl knew so much.

"Then what would you do if you were?" he asked.

"Simple." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

"Go straight up and do it hard!"

Li Pinggui: "..."

Cui Yao: "..."

Guo Hongyi couldn't help but shook his head amusedly: "What's the difference between you and Prince Jing?"

"Of course it's different." Gu Nanyan said seriously.

"I can guarantee that I will scare the Xihu people once, and dare not offend again. Can King Jing do it?"

Everyone was stunned, seeing the determination in her eyes, for some reason no one doubted her words.

"It's useless for us to say anything here. My father can't get involved in the Northwest affairs, so it's better not to worry about it here." Cui Yao interrupted the silence in the room and said cheerfully.

At this time, it happened that Brown Tang brought people to serve the food. Everyone heard the aroma of the food and did not continue this topic, but the atmosphere was still very heavy.

But soon he was attracted by the delicious food on the table.

"What is this? It's sour and sweet, and it's so delicious."

Cui Yao's eyes sparkled, he pointed at a plate of potted meat, his mouth wriggled, wishing he could bring the whole plate.

"I didn't expect ducks to be eaten in this way. Miss Gu is really smart."

In front of Li Pinggui was a plate of roast duck with skin, holding a crystal clear pancake in his hand, sandwiched two pieces of meat with skin on, dipped in a little sweet sauce, and wrapped with crispy shredded cucumber and green onion. Then I couldn't wait to stuff it into my mouth.

After one bite, the aroma of the sauce and roast duck merged together, and Li Pinggui swallowed it without chewing a few times.

Guo Hongyi was very interested in the plate of fried short ribs. The outer skin was deep-fried, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, very crispy, and the inside was wrapped in soup.

A layer of plum powder is sprinkled on it, so it tastes not only sweet and sour, but also has the fragrance of plums.

There are more than a dozen dishes at a table, and the four of them ate everything.

Of course, Gu Nanyan ate the most.

After drinking and eating, Cui Yao secretly poked Gu Nanyan's arm.

"Is it true what you just said about the Xihu people?"

"Are they really going to unite to attack Jianan?"

Gu Nanyan squinted at him, seeing his worried look, couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Didn't you say don't worry about it, so what else do you ask?"

Cui Yao said awkwardly: "You also know, those things my father did for King Ning..."

He looked around and said in a low voice, "I'm worried that if Prince Jing can't hold on, the emperor will ask my father to support him."

Gu Nanyan thinks about it too, but with Li Mi's petty mind, he might not be able to do such a thing.

"Eight or nine is close to ten," she said.

"If my calculations are correct, the Xihu people may come to commit crimes in the spring and summer of this year."

"Spring and Summer!"

Cui Yao exclaimed, immediately ignoring the other two people present, and hurriedly asked Gu Nanyan.

"Why are there two seasons, spring and summer, not winter?"

Gu Nanyan sneered: "They really didn't have anything to eat or drink in winter, so they had to come to Jianan country to grab food. Otherwise, would you treat them as thousands of people dying for fun?"

Cui Yao still didn't understand: "Then why did spring and summer come again this year, didn't they just drive them away in winter?"

Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea, looked up at the door, and the application was inexplicable.

"It's because we robbed the food in winter, and now it's time to have food and clothing. If we don't come now, do we have to wait until the food is exhausted and the hungry people are weak, and then come to give away the head?"

"Aren't they always like this?" Li Pinggui asked puzzled.

"That's why I said..."

Gu Nanyan tapped her fingers on the table.

"The people of Xihu are going to die this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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