Chapter 137

Although Guo Hongyi regretted not being able to say a few more words to Gu Nanyan, he still had things to do in the afternoon, so he sat at Gu's house for a while, then turned around and left.

Cui Yao pushed Xianyang County King who was slumped on the chair: "Why don't you leave?"

Although this person is more than ten years older than him, his usual image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it really makes people unable to respect their elders.

Hearing this, Li Pinggui tilted his head to look at him: "Didn't you leave too?"

The corners of Cui Yao's mouth twitched: "Didn't you hear Nan Yan say that you want me to accompany her to Huangzhuang?"

"Come on, we'll be out in a while, it's not suitable for you, a big man, to be in a little girl's house."

Gu Nanyan had already gone back to the house to change clothes at this time, and they were about to leave soon after they came out.

Unexpectedly, Li Pinggui became interested when he heard about Huangzhuang.

"Brother Cui, you don't know. Back then, my father also took a fancy to a Huangzhuang, but he couldn't get it after asking the late emperor for a long time. This is his lifetime regret."

He sighed, his face full of regret.

The corners of Cui Yao's mouth twitched, it was just a Huangzhuang, you made it sound like your sweetheart ran away with someone else, is it fake?

When Gu Nanyan came out, seeing that Li Ping was still there, he didn't say anything.

Gu Nanyan sat in a carriage, followed Cui Yao who was riding a horse, and drove all the way to the outskirts of the city.

The Zhuangzi Li Mi gave her was relatively small in Huangzhuang, but it also covered several hundred mu.

When Gu Nanyan and the others arrived, the head of the village who had received the letter early in the morning was leading the farmers in the village to wait at the door.

Seeing Gu Nanyan get off the car, he hurriedly took a few steps forward, leading the others to kneel down without saying a word.

"Grassmen see the princess."

Gu Nanyan frowned: "Everyone get up."

There are more than 100 people in Huangzhuang, big and small, old and young, each with a division of labor.

Zhuangtou Yuan old man exists like a village head, responsible for assigning work and solving problems.

Gu Nanyan looked around, and it was not spring planting yet, and there was no life in the field, and almost the entire Zhuangzi people came over.

Although this is Huangzhuang, no one from the royal family has ever been here, so everyone looks a little scared, but at the same time can't help being curious.

For the convenience of movement, Gu Nanyan is wearing a cotton dress today. Although there are no patches or damage, it doesn't look too expensive.

On the contrary, Cui Yao and Li Ping, who were at the side, were dressed in fancy clothes, with many accessories dangling on their bodies.

"Yuan Zhuangtou finds someone who is familiar with Zhuangzi to show us around, and the others should leave." Gu Nanyan said.

Old man Yuan immediately bowed his hand and agreed, after thinking about it, he left his little grandson behind.

"Although my grandson is young, he grew up in this village. He ran around barefoot as soon as he learned how to walk. He is more familiar with this place than an old man like me!"

Smiling on his tanned face, he pushed his grandson forward.

He is about sixteen or seventeen years old, and his skin is darker than others, just like his grandfather's.

"What's your name?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"I, the grassroots Yuan Heizi."

He seemed tense and kept his head down.

"Then please take us around."

Yuan Heizi was already a little nervous, but when he heard Gu Nanyan say the word "trouble", he was so frightened that he waved his hands again and again, and said he didn't dare.

In his panic, he unconsciously met Gu Nanyan's eyes, and his expression was startled.

Grandpa told him that the princess is the emperor's relatives, if they offend her accidentally, they may die, so let him be careful in serving her.

But this princess looks white and tender, a small ball.

Although there is no expression, it is not as vicious as Grandpa said.

"Hey, this Zhuangzi is really big!" Cui Yao was envious.

Yuan Heizi's daze was interrupted by Cui Yao, he hurriedly checked Gu Nanyan's expression, seeing that she was not angry, he felt relieved.

"Look over there, there is still a stream, at least irrigation is not a problem."

Gu Nanyan looked in the direction Cui Yao pointed, and indeed saw a rushing stream of water.

And further forward of the water flow is a large field.

"Where do you usually live?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Yuan Heizi regained his senses and pointed to a row of earthen houses on the outskirts of the field.

"Returning to the princess, these are the houses of the farmers, and most of them are in this area."

He pointed to the back again: "The courtyards over there are for the master to live in, but they have been empty these years, and they look a little damaged."

Gu Nanyan looked over and saw that the courtyard wall had fallen off and was mottled. Although the courtyard was still clean, the wall dust had begun to fall off.

"Why didn't you hire someone to repair it?" Gu Nanyan was speechless.

This place completely subverted her impression of royal luxury.

Among other things, the road under the feet is only paved with stone bricks at the entrance to the gate, and it becomes a dirt road when you go forward.

It's still the kind of shoe that you can't pull out when you step on it!
There are also rows of dirt houses in the distance, and it is not likely that there is not a single brick house in an ordinary village.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her chin, this is a Huangzhuang after all, how come it looks like a poor mountainous area?
That guy Li Mi is not cheating on her again.

"Princess doesn't know something. Grandpa also went to the higher-ups, thinking that at least the road should be repaired, but the manager said that the harvest has not been good in the past few years, and there is no money left, so he postponed it."

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing this: "You guys still have things in charge?"

Yuan Heizi froze for a moment, seemed to have just remembered something, and hurriedly said, "Guard Ji has something to do today, so he asked for leave early in the morning."

Gu Nanyan didn't think there was anything wrong, it's normal to ask for leave, and she came here without saying anything in advance, so she couldn't blame her for not being there.

But Li Pinggui was not happy.

"Have you informed the steward that the princess is coming today?"

"Notified." Yuan Heizi hesitated.

"But he said that there is a sick person at home, so it's not convenient to come over..."

When he said this, seeing that Li Pinggui's brows were wrinkled, he didn't dare to say any more.

Gu Nanyan still asked in an indifferent manner: "Is there a patient in his family?"

Yuan Heizi nodded hastily, and seeing that she looked pretty good, he secretly wiped the sweat from his palms.

"Guanji Ji has a son who was originally born with five big and three rough hands and feet, but he offended someone half a year ago, and his hands and feet were broken."

He seemed to think of some terrible scene, and his body trembled.

"When he was carried back, I saw him from a distance. His arms and legs were drooping as if they had no bones."

"Later, I heard from my father that Ji Quan's bones were all broken into slag. I went to many doctors but they said they couldn't cure him. In the end, I relied on the relationship of the general's mansion and found a doctor named Dou to amputate all his limbs. barely survived."

Li Pinggui and Cui Yao bared their teeth together.

"Then there's only one chest left?"

Cui Yao patted Gu Nanyan on the shoulder: "It's understandable, so don't bother with this manager."

Li Pinggui felt the same way: "That's right, I don't know which evil spirits I offended, and the attack was too harsh."

He asked Yuan Heizi, "Is your son in charge particularly arrogant and domineering?"

Yuan Heizi was taken aback by the question, then nodded and said, "It's indeed a bit overbearing. Many people in our Zhuangzi have been beaten by him, and he almost killed someone once."

Li Pinggui gave Gu Nanyan a clear look when he heard the words.

"I know that this kind of person is the most prone to accidents, so you should keep a low profile and be kind to others!"

After all, he looked very experienced.

Cui Yao rolled his eyes, and just about to reply to him, Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows.

"The son of Guanshi Ji, does he have a scar on his face?"

Yuan Heizi was stunned: "It is true that there are scars that are not short, but I don't know if they are grassroots with scars."

Gu Nanyan nodded thoughtfully: "I see."

Almost forgot about this guy!
Seeing her stunned look.

Cui Yao: "..."

I have a bad premonition...

 Thank you Wu Haorui for the monthly pass and the starting point currency reward. In order to express my gratitude, the author decided to add a change on the 28th.

  Don't ask why the 28th
  The question is that there is no manuscript –_–
(End of this chapter)

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