The farmer has a mall

Chapter 138 That's Impossible

Chapter 138 That's Impossible
When he was in Shangshan Village, Gu Laifu colluded with a gang of ruffians and wanted to abduct her and sell her to Hualou, but Gu Nanyan beat her to the ground with his own efforts.

Among them, the scarred face named Ji Quan was thrown out of the village with his hands and feet crushed.

Gu Nanyan thought that after so long, Ji Quan had died a long time ago, but he didn't expect to hear his name again in the capital.

"What is the relationship between the Ji family and the General's Mansion?"

Since Dou Bi can work hard, the person who wants to come forward must be the master of the general's mansion.

Yuan Heizi didn't know why Gu Nanyan asked such a question, so he answered honestly.

"Caomin heard that Ji Quan's mother is the aunt of the second wife of the General's Mansion."

Gu Nanyan nodded upon hearing this, but was not surprised.

But Ge Shi was afraid that he didn't have the ability to ask Dou Bi, so he presumably asked Gu Yao.

"How is Guanshi Ji usually?" Gu Nanyan asked nonchalantly.

"This..." Yuan Heizi hesitated, wondering whether he should say it or not.

"Just say what you know. Now this Zhuangzi belongs to the princess, and the princess is your master. How dare you hide what the master asked?" Cui Yao said with a serious face on purpose.

"Governor Ji doesn't come to Zhuangzi very often, so the grassroots don't know him very well. Before Ji Quan's accident, the steward was quite kind. Every time he saw him, he always had a smile on his face, just like this master."

Yuan Heizi looked at Li Pinggui, and Li Pinggui's smiling face immediately froze.

Cui Yao was overjoyed: "You don't understand this. You can't just look at people on the surface. The more people smile at you, the more you have to be on guard."

Seeing that Li Pinggui's face darkened again and again, Cui Yao quickly stopped laughing.

After all, this guy is a county king, and he still needs to give face, but he has always been displeased with this man wearing a mask all day long, and deliberately teasing him.

"That's what this master taught me." Yuan Heizi laughed.

"Although Guanshi Ji greets people with a smile, he is not close to the people in Zhuangzi. Every time he comes to reconcile the account book and then leaves, but...

Yuan Heizi looked around, then stepped forward in a low voice.

"My father said that he suspected that Guanshi Ji was selling the crops of Zhuangzi privately. He would come here every autumn harvest with a few empty carriages, but they were full when he left."

"But it's covered with tarpaulin, and we're not sure if it's food."

Yuan Heizi scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"In that case, have any of you reported this matter?"

Yuan Heizi shook his head: "Only Ji Guanshi has the key to the granary, and my father just followed them secretly, watching from a distance, and it was still night, he was old, and he was afraid that he would be dazzled..."

As if he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would blame him, he added: "Ji Guanshi is the biggest here, if you want to write a letter to report, you have to go through his hands, but it's just a waste of time."

Cui Yao was speechless: "Are you all in charge?"

In order to prevent this kind of thing, there must be at least two stewards in the general Zhuangzi, let alone this is Huangzhuang.

"Originally, there were five people in charge, but they left for various reasons, and the higher-ups never sent anyone over."

"It seems that Zhuangzi's problem is not small." Cui Yao said leisurely.

"All the management of Huangzhuang should be the responsibility of the household department, but now it sounds like this Zhuangzi is just talking about Ji Guanshi."

He touched Gu Nanyan with his elbow.

"Do you think it will be related to your stepmother again?"

Gu Nanyan ignored him, followed Yuan Heizi around for another half an hour, and they all went to the courtyard where they stayed.

Before going out, she told Mrs. Liu that she would stay in Zhuangzi for a few nights, so Bai Zhi and Bai Shao came over early and brought someone to clean the house thoroughly.

Although the yard looks dilapidated, after cleaning it up, the scenery is not bad.

Gu Nanyan sat on the chair, took a blueprint in his hand, took a few sips of tea, and said to Yuan Heizi, "Go and ask someone to notify Guanshi Ji, and tell him to come over as I told him."

Yuan Heizi nodded in response, and immediately went to find his father.

The three of Gu Nanyan sat in the living room and waited.

She spread the drawings on the table and looked at them carefully for a while.

Then circle a palm-sized area.

Huangzhuang covers an area of ​​several hundred acres, and it is impossible to cover all the greenhouses at once. Among other things, whether the farmers can accept it is another matter.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan only circled a small piece of land outside.

It's just that this land is far away from the creek, so it will be more troublesome to irrigate than other places.

She and Cui Yao were discussing how to plan the land, but Li Pinggui was a little confused.

He is the king of the county, so naturally he often goes to Fumanlou to eat wine, and he also likes the fruit platter there, and he wonders who is so capable of collecting so many varieties of exotic melons and fruits.

Although the price is a bit more expensive, Fumanlou is the only one selling it in the entire Jianan Kingdom, so it's worth it if it's rare.

Now the more he heard it, the more something was wrong, Li Pinggui couldn't help but moved forward.

"What are you talking about about strawberry and watermelon? Fumanlou sells this stuff exclusively now. Whose Fumanlou owns it? It's King Sheng's property. Do you still want to grab King Sheng's business?"

"Besides, since those fruits are so rare, it is natural that not everyone can grow them. I think you should not waste your efforts, and it would be good to grow some food."

Li Pinggui felt that these two children were a little too ignorant, and they even dared to pry the corner of King Sheng's wall.

He is the emperor's own younger brother, and he can crush these two with just a flick of a finger.

When Cui Yao heard this, he curled his lips indifferently.

"Who do you look down on? The stuff was originally grown by Gu Nanyan, and even Fumanlou's goods are now sent directly from the plantation base to Guose Tianxiang, and Fumanlou buys from Guose Tianxiang and sends them to the capital. "

"No matter how powerful King Sheng is, he has to bow his head to us Nanyan!" Cui Yao was very embarrassed.

"You, what did you plant?!"

Li Pinggui was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyelids: "I planted it, do you have any objections?"

Li Pinggui: "..."

"What can I say?" He said awkwardly.

Just too surprised.

But thinking about it again, it's not surprising, this girl acts differently from others, plus she can pull out such a powerful crossbow...

Li Pinggui and Li Pinggui's eyes were so fat that they buried their eyes while laughing.

The corner of Gu Nanyan's mouth twitched, he suddenly thought of shopkeeper Wu, and wished he could pull them both to worship immediately.

These two are really tall...

It's not your own life, it's more like your own life!

"Girl." Li Pinggui rubbed his hands, and moved forward with a smile.

"You can be regarded as my sister. I think your shop is not small. You can't do it alone. Why don't you let me get involved and help you..."

"I bah... dreaming!"

Before Gu Nanyan said anything, Cui Yao quit.

"What kind of good thing do you want to drop money from the sky? I also want to ask if you can help. How can you help with your virtue of being afraid of offending people!"

Before Li Pinggui could open his mouth, Cui Yao said again: "Besides your body shape, can you help move goods or sell goods? I am a dignified young master of the general's mansion, and I am still a shopkeeper who takes wages. It's a beautiful idea to step on the young master's head!"

Li Pinggui: "..."

He just said that, why is Cui Yao so excited, it scares me to death!

Of course Cui Yao was excited. Gu Nanyan, who has been talking with his fists all the year round, must have lost his mind.

And who is Li Pinggui?

No one said anything bad about him!

If Gu Nanyan was fooled by him and really gave him shares, wouldn't he become this guy's subordinate?
Gu Nanyan is his bole, and he admires her from the bottom of his heart, and he is happy to work for her.

But this old dandy is no different from him, no one is taller than anyone else, want to stand on top of him?

That is absolutely impossible!

Seeing Cui Yao's appearance of an old hen protecting her cubs, Gu Nanyan was amused and touched.

Cui Yao has always been busy with the matter of Guose Tianxiang and Kamikaze delivery, and she has never cared about it.

(End of this chapter)

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