The farmer has a mall

Chapter 139 Gu Nanyan's Cousin

Chapter 139 Gu Nanyan's Cousin
One is because she can trust Cui Yao, and the other is because she really has a headache about those trivial things.

She also seldom communicated with Cui Yao about the store's problems.

Therefore, it has never been discovered that, to Cui Yao, the two stores are like a child he pulled up with his own hands. At this time, he is afraid that her unscrupulous employer will dismantle the child's arms and legs and sell them.

Gu Nanyan scratched her head, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

In fact, she had already drawn up a contract to give Cui Yao [-]% of Guose Tianxiang's shares. This would not only reassure him, but also make him work harder.

It's just that I haven't had a chance to meet him, and I haven't brought it out yet.

Li Pinggui also knew that this matter was a hot topic, and he just tried it out, seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't object to Cui Yao's words, he smiled embarrassingly and shut his mouth.

Cui Yao sat down angrily.

It so happened that Yuan Zhuangtou brought his son over at this time, seeing the strange atmosphere in the room, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

It was Yuan Heizi who took a step forward and saluted Gu Nanyan.

"Back to the princess, Cao Min and his father went to find Guanshi Ji, but Ji Guanshi refused to come, saying..." He was a little confused, and secretly looked at Gu Nanyan.

"What?" Gu Nanyan knew that Ji Quan's father would not come over, so it was not surprising.

"He said...that your cousin was not feeling well, that his legs and feet were inconvenient, so no one would watch him, and he also said..."

"I also said that if you are not satisfied, we will go to your mother and talk about it together."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head very apprehensively.

Yuan Zhuangtou was also very helpless, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead in the cold weather.

The princess will be their master in the future, and this manager doesn't know what's wrong with him, but he doesn't tell anyone, and even says his son is the princess's cousin!
If this offends the princess, their entire village will suffer.

But his son is so stubborn that he insists on saying the exact words exactly.

Yuan Zhuang raised his head, seeing that Gu Nanyan's expression hadn't changed, he was secretly relieved.

"Since Steward Ji has a sick person in his family, let him rest. From now on, Yuan Zhuang will temporarily take over the stewardship." Gu Nanyan said lightly, taking a sip of tea.

Ji Quan did a lot of evil to harm others and himself, and he was no good at all, but his father was so kind, he didn't feel guilty, and even put on the airs of an elder with her.

Gu Nanyan sneered, turned his head to Bai Zhi and said, "Go and find Guo Hongyi, and tell him that someone pretends to be a royal relative, and ask him how to deal with it."

Bai Zhi responded, pursed her lips and went out with a smile.

When Yuan Zhuangtou heard that Gu Nanyan asked him to take up the post of steward, his lips trembled with excitement.

"This... can grass people do it?"

Gu Nanyan didn't look at him, but asked, "Can you read? Can you understand the account book?"

Yuan Zhuangtou nodded quickly: "Yes, yes."

"That's fine. I will recruit a few more supervisors as soon as possible. I will trouble you for the next few days."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhuangtou bowed down in fear.

"Caomin dare not. It is the blessing of Caomin to be trusted by the princess. He will definitely do his best to take care of Zhuangzi."

Satisfied, Gu Nanyan asked him a few more questions, and asked Yuan Heizi to take her to the place circled on the drawing.

Li Pinggui seldom exercised at all. According to his words, the distance he walked today was more than that he walked in a year in the past.

So he didn't follow anymore, let steward Yuan lead the way, and went to the guest room to rest.

Gu Nanyan and Cui Yao wandered around the field for nearly two hours, taking measurements and making plans.

It was not until it was dark that we returned to the resting place.

Bai Zhi came back a long time ago, told Gu Nanyan about the situation, and heard that he had brought him to the Ministry of Punishment, Gu Nanyan expressed his satisfaction.

After the two maids took care of the wash, Gu Nanyan sat at the table and began to design the inner structure of the greenhouse.

In Shangshan Village before, in order to save time and cost, the skeleton of the greenhouse was built with bamboo. Although it was built quickly, it was not strong.

But now that it is almost the beginning of spring, the role of the greenhouse is not so important.

Since she was not in a hurry to use it, she wanted to make all the shed bones out of iron.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, picked up a brush and began to draw.

Let's talk about Ji Guanshi, who is spinning around in a hurry at home at this time, he never thought that Gu Nanyan would dare to have his son arrested!

Ji Guanshi gritted his teeth.

He was originally a country boy with mud legs. When he was young, he didn't pay attention to his work, which hurt his life.

Ji Quan was the only son he had before he was injured.So very spoiled.

In addition, his wife's sister's daughter suddenly became the wife of the general's mansion, and he begged to come, so Ge ​​Shi found him such a good job in Huangzhuang.

As his monthly income became richer, he doted on his son even more, even if he hung out with some dubious gangsters all day long, Ji Guanshi just pretended not to see him.

Those people all knew that Ji Quan's cousin was the wife of the general's mansion, so naturally no one dared to mess with him.

After coming and going again and again, he developed his temperament of being arrogant and domineering.

Until one time, they were blocking a young daughter-in-law in the house and wanted to do something wrong. The male owner of the family came back suddenly. Seeing this, he lost his mind in anger, picked up the ax in his hand and started hacking.

This group of gangsters were also fooled, they pushed Ji Quan to the front in the confusion, and an ax hit him head-on.

Ji Quan's face was disfigured, and he became gloomy all day long. Although the person who beheaded him didn't get well in the end, he couldn't let go of his hatred.

So when the wound was almost healed, he ran to the family's house in the middle of the night to take revenge, and chopped up the man's brains.

The little daughter-in-law was stimulated, and within two days she hanged her neck and followed.

After Ji Quan was arrested, Ji Guanshi panicked and begged Ge Shi again.

Ge Shi didn't want to talk about it at the time, but he couldn't bear Ji Quan's mother running to the general's mansion all day long, crying so loudly every time.

He even ran to Ge Shi's mother and said that she would not recognize anyone when she flew on a branch, and that she could even ignore her cousin's life.

It just so happened that Gu Shen was not at home at that time, in order to keep her clean, she tried to rescue him.

People are rescued, but they can no longer stay in the capital.

So Ge Shi sent him to Mingshan County, firstly to seek refuge, and secondly to monitor Gu Nanyan to prevent her from having a good life.

Unexpectedly, three years later, Ji Quan's limbs were bruised, and he was carried back limp.

Guanshi Ji couldn't believe his eyes as if he had been struck by lightning.

Mother Ji fainted on the spot.

He searched all over the city for doctors, but all of them were helpless and only asked him to prepare for the funeral.

He looked at his son lying on the bed, humming in pain in a coma, and gritted his teeth and went to the general's mansion.

He didn't know where Geshi sent his son to do what, but he knew that Geshi couldn't ignore it!

He asked Ge Shi to hire an imperial doctor for his son, but Ge Shi didn't know if Ji Quan had said anything to him, fearing that he would tell about Gu Nanyan, so he agreed.

But the imperial doctor could only sigh helplessly after seeing it.

When Ji Guanshi was in despair, the imperial doctor mentioned the genius doctor Dou of Prince Cheng's mansion.

Ge Shi was also forced by him to have no choice but to beg in front of Gu Yao helplessly.

Although Gu Yao didn't like this second daughter-in-law, he was not ambiguous about the matter of human life.

In the end, Ji Quan saved his life under the treatment of Doctor Dou, but he became a monster without arms or legs.

Thinking of this, Ji Guanshi's expression darkened.

When Ji Quan woke up and saw his own appearance, he went crazy.

He wanted to ask his son what he had done in the past few years, but he couldn't find out.

Later, the news of Miss General's Mansion's return spread among the people, and only then did he know that Gu Nanyan was in Mingshan County!

As soon as they contacted each other, Ji Guanshi knew that this matter had nothing to do with Gu Nanyan.

He originally wanted to go to Ge Shi and ask her to find a way to get rid of Gu Nanyan.

It's just that there was some problem with the imperial grain he sold some time ago, so he had to put aside the matter of revenge for the time being.

Unexpectedly, before he could do anything, Gu Nanyan had his son arrested.

Guanshi Ji took a deep breath, sat there and waited until dawn before rushing to the general's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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