The farmer has a mall

Chapter 141 The Hero Holding the Hoe

Chapter 141 The Hero Holding the Hoe

This old man has a name that matches his status.


It is said that he changed it himself.

Because I liked to study the things in the field since I was a child, I changed myself a quite appropriate name.

Originally, the agricultural and mulberry water conservancy in Jianan Kingdom was under the management of the household department.

But it is pitiful that there are so few varieties of edible crops in China.

Coupled with the low grain output, the first emperor specially promoted the crops who were quite talented in farming at that time, and appointed him as the chief farmer, with an official rank of first rank.

Crop does have talent.

Just when everyone looked down on him as a man with clay legs, thinking that he had jumped into a existence higher than them, and he must have used some means to please the emperor, and thus got an official position, Zhuang Zhu prepared a potion.

This medicine can increase the germination rate by [-]%, and reduce the occurrence of insect disasters, greatly increasing the country's wheat production.

This breakthrough not only proved that the emperor had a good vision, but also silenced many people who felt that Chuang Jia's virtue was not worthy.

The common people are very grateful to him, and invisibly let the crop sit firmly on the throne of the chief farmer.

The civil and military officials had to compromise and admit the existence of this airborne officer.

However, this does not include Hubu Shangshu who has been deprived of power.

You must know that apart from Yantian, Nongsang Water Conservancy is the fattest piece of meat with the most oil and water. Suddenly, it was allocated out by the emperor, and the income of Hubu Shangshu and others was cut by nearly half.

How can these people be willing, one by one, they are trying their best to target crops, hoping to pull him down and take back his rights.

Zhuangjia is a very pure person, so pure that he is only interested in farming, and has no sense of those people's wanton framing. He still does his own thing and squats in the field all day long.

He only suffered from the late emperor who worked so hard to keep him.

Later, the ministers of the household department became more and more excessive, and even often went to the experimental field of crops to make trouble, and trampled to death the crops he had managed to support several times.

In a rage, crops reported to the first emperor, and wrote a letter of resignation requesting his resignation.

The first emperor was also very helpless, this kind of thing could not be stopped, he saw Zhuang Jia's tanned face, and then looked at the fat-headed Hubu Shangshu and others in the court hall, and his heart was a little angry.

So he took advantage of the situation and distributed the crops to Huangzhuang so that he could concentrate on researching the crops, but he did not approve his resignation letter.

However, Nongsang Water Conservancy did not return to his hands as the Hubu Shangshu expected.

Instead, it was decreed by the first emperor to officially become a separate and independent department, free from anyone's influence and control, and only Da Sinong had the final say.

The Minister of the Household Department stole chickens and lost a lot of rice, and spit out a mouthful of old blood angrily. Since then, he has hated crops even more.

This is also why this Huangzhuang is like a three-way zone, where a steward has the final say, and no one cares about what to do.

If it weren't for the fact that Huangzhuang had a solid foundation, it would have been ruined long ago.

"Cough cough."

Zhuangjia coughed lightly, and secretly glanced at Gu Nanyan.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken, the old man felt a little anxious.

Thinking of the way those people looked down on him when he was still in court, he thought Gu Nanyan looked down on him.

"Actually, although the old man resigned from office, the late emperor did not approve it. According to what King Sheng said, I am still the chief minister."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Gu Nanyan cautiously, with a little uneasiness in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan paused when he heard that, and looked at him suspiciously.

Is this old man going to compete with her for official position?

She was sitting upright, and said with a serious face: "Hello, I am a princess."

Although I don't know which is bigger, the princess or Da Sinong, but I can't lose my momentum no matter what!

Crops: "..."

His lips moved, and he really didn't understand what Gu Nanyan meant, so he couldn't help asking: "King Sheng once mentioned to the old man that the melons and fruits in Fumanlou were all grown by girls."

He took out a few dried strawberries and watermelon seeds from his sleeve, and handed them to Gu Nanyan.

"I've tried these things before, but I didn't even sprout a single sprout. I don't know what went wrong during the process?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, the old man was not polite, she used this thing to make money, and he actually asked her about business secrets when he came up.

Steward Yuan also seemed to feel that something was wrong, so he hurried forward and tugged on the sleeve of his adoptive father.

Crop was impatient at being pulled by him, and shook his hand with a look of disgust.

"What are you doing! I'm not trying to steal her business, why not plant it for fun?!"

Steward Yuan: "..."

Are you just kidding?I'm afraid that once you plant it, you will have to disperse the seeds, and then tell the world how to plant it!

Don't say anything about offending the princess when the time comes, you're so old to smash a little girl's job, are you embarrassed?
Zhuang Jia obviously felt embarrassed, but he was really unwilling to reconcile, and struggled again and again. In the end, he could only look at Gu Nanyan aggrieved.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Growing up so big, it was the first time that he was looked at by an old man.

She suddenly thought that before she came here, there was such a persistent old man in her world.

All his life, he has been studying how to make the people of his country have enough to eat and not go hungry any more. His contribution has not only benefited the country, but also benefited the whole world.

Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return in ten years.

Although the old man can't wield a knife and a gun, and has never been on the battlefield, he used a hoe to lay down a world for the people of the country, which will benefit future generations endlessly!
Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan suddenly felt a little sore in her heart.

She sighed faintly: "Although those in your hands are seeds, they are no longer seeds. No matter how many years you study, they will not bear fruit."

Her fruits only bear fruit but not seeds, and the things in his hands are completely sterile, so how can they grow things?
Zhuangjia didn't understand, and looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

Gu Nanyan didn't know how to explain it, so he thought for a while and took out a small bag of melon seeds from the space.

"This is another variety of fruit. These seeds can germinate. You can use them first, and I'll send you some later."

Seeing that the seed looked like he had never seen before, Zhuangjia's eyes flashed, and he quickly reached out to take it, as if someone was snatching it from him.

"Thank you so much, princess." Zhuangjia said cheerfully, carefully looking at the seeds again and again.

After a while, he carefully wrapped it tightly, stuffed it into the skirt of his clothes and covered it with his hands.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at him speechlessly, he coughed lightly twice.

Seemingly feeling embarrassed to take her things in vain, he said to Steward Yuan beside him, "I'm old enough to deal with the wheat seeds. Our family will plant the wheat seeds from the princess this year!"

Steward Yuan had expected this to happen, so he nodded with a smile.

Then he went back to lobby those farmers: "You know this old man, he has always been strict about farming. Her Royal Highness is someone trusted by King Sheng, and King Cheng and I have been friends for many years. Naturally, this old man also believes in Princess."

"I know what you are thinking. It's nothing more than fear that changing the grain will affect the harvest."

He turned his head and pointed at Gu Nanyan: "But this is the princess! I believe that if one day you really can't eat, the princess will not turn a blind eye."

"What's more...there is still one tael of silver per month!"

"You do the math. After the two years' harvest has been paid up, the rest will be distributed to everyone. Is it enough for you to pay a tael a month?"

Everyone fell into deep thought when they heard the words.

Enough is certainly not enough. The original harvest was not too small, but the head tax here has more than doubled, and the food left after paying the tax is just enough to feed the stomach.

Not to mention one tael of silver a month, the total sum is only about two taels.

After Zhuangjia's speech, many people hesitated, and a few households who were close to Zhuangjia wanted to go to Yuan Guanshi to leave their names.

"It's nice to say, Grandpa Zhuang, don't forget, the princess asked one person to be in charge of five acres of land. This is simply embarrassing!"

The little girl who was muttering just now spoke again.

"Who knows if the princess will punish us if we can't complete the five acres of land, don't steal chickens and lose a lot of rice, and we will be punished if we don't get the moon silver!"

  Add more tomorrow┗┃┃┃┛

(End of this chapter)

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