The farmer has a mall

Chapter 142 What Is It?

Chapter 142 What Is It?


Standing beside her was a woman in her thirties who wrapped her head in a cloth scarf and hurriedly tugged at her arm with a disturbed look on her face.

"What? I'm not wrong!" The little girl raised her chin and stared at Gu Nanyan stubbornly.

"Are you saying that you are embarrassing others? Even a strong man can't finish five acres of land in a day, let alone women like us..."

"His Royal Highness didn't force you, you can continue to grow the grain seeds distributed by the government in the same way as before." Manager Yuan said dissatisfied.

He didn't object to everyone asking questions, but Ji Ying had been eccentric from the beginning, and now she dared to ask, who did she think she was?

If the princess is offended, then the whole Zhuangzi will be in bad luck!

The little girl named Yingying didn't hear the warning in Yuan Guanshi's voice. Seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, she thought that she had been tricked by him and dared not answer, so she couldn't help but raise her head high.

"I was asking the princess. Yuan Zhuangtou framed my uncle and became the steward. Can he answer for the princess now?"

"You..." Guan Yuan was very angry. Seeing that she was so ignorant of advance or retreat, she lost her original desire to calm down.

Since people think he's meddling in other people's business, then he just needs to shut up. Anyway, the princess doesn't seem to want to implicate innocent people like that, so it's better to teach this girl a lesson.

So Guanshi Yuan lowered his head, sighed helplessly, and took two steps back.

"Ji Yingying, if you mess around again, get the hell out of here!"

At this time, a boy of seventeen or eighteen came out of the crowd frowning. He was carrying a bundle of firewood behind him, apparently he had just returned.

"Don't forget, you are not the only one in the Ji family!" the boy said seriously.

After finishing speaking, he directed the firewood behind him, and saluted Gu Nanyan.

"Sister She is ignorant, she offended the princess, and hoped that the princess would think that she was young and ignorant, so she spared her this time, Ji Rui is extremely grateful."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down towards Gu Nanyan and kowtowed twice vigorously.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, and looked at the siblings with great interest.

When Ji Yingying saw her brother scolding her harshly and then knelt down to Gu Nanyan, she immediately became unhappy.

"Brother!" Ji Yingying's voice was broken, she stepped forward and grabbed Ji Rui's arm, trying to pull him up.

But how can a girl like her be so strong as a man? After pulling for a long time, Ji Rui on the ground didn't move at all.

Ji Yingying let go angrily.

"Why don't you let me tell you! Isn't it because she is a princess? I am not afraid of you if you are afraid of her. Uncle lost his job because of her. How will our family live in the future!"

"Now we are still being treated like animals. I must ask clearly today, why is she, is it because she is a princess that she can do whatever she wants!"

Ji Yingying turned her head and looked at Gu Nanyan with resentment in her eyes.

The uncle has no daughter, and has always loved her very much. He will bring her any good things for women that he gets on weekdays.

If she is wronged, the uncle will help her get justice, unlike her cowardly father, who only knows how to calm things down.

In her heart, uncle already exists like a father.

And because of her uncle, the people in Zhuangzi treated her like a guest, so she could say it like a little princess here.

Until Gu Nanyan appeared...

Uncle's position is gone, and this news has spread all over the place yesterday.

She ran to the city early in the morning, and the news was confirmed by her uncle.

At the same time, she also learned the news that her cousin was taken away.

Thinking of the haggard look of the elders who love me on weekdays, it seems that several wrinkles have appeared overnight.

Ji Yingying gritted her teeth.

She took a step forward with red eyes, just about to question Gu Nanyan again.

The woman who was obviously the same age as him, but looked down on her looked down on her, as if she was looking at an ant, without any emotion.

"What are you?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Ji Yingying's neck froze when she heard the words, as if she didn't hear what she said clearly.

"You, what did you say?"

"I said... what are you?" Gu Nanyan said slowly.

She picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, not bothering to lift her eyelids.

"Who gave you the illusion that you can question Ben Gong?"

Gu Nanyan felt that she might be too kind to let a little girl dare to bluff in front of her.

"Also, when talking to Ben Gong, you must first kneel down and kowtow to pay your respects, and you must add the word "Qi Report Princess" at the beginning of your speech, and..."

She looked at Gu Nanyan who stared straight at her as if she couldn't believe it.

"You can't look directly at Bengong's face, or your eyes will be gouged out with a spoon!"

Gu Nanyan was almost bored to death at this moment.

She just wants to find two people to help her farm, and it's not that they won't give money!

This girl rushed out like a fool, and if she hadn't seen that she was young and a woman, Gu Nanyan would have punched her and sent her flying.

When Ji Yingying heard Gu Nanyan ask her to kneel down, her face was still flushed red, as if she had been humiliated.

But when he heard the words of digging his eyes behind him, his face paled instantly.

"As a princess, how can you be so violent!"

Ji Yingying wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.

"Every time King Sheng came to see Grandpa Zhuang, he never made us kneel..."

When Li Yi came over, he was basically wearing casual clothes, so it stands to reason that no one would recognize him.

But he often ran here, and through conversations, everyone knew the origin of this young master, but no one told the truth.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, so the problem lies here!

She said how this girl is like an idiot, even the princess is jealous. After a long time, it was Li Yi who came here too diligently, which gave the girl the illusion that she was on an equal footing with the royal family.

To be honest, Gu Nanyan doesn't think that being a royal is superior to others. In her heart, anyone who can't beat her is scum!

But when she put on the airs of a princess for the first time, some people didn't buy it, which made her very upset!

"King Sheng is King Sheng. This is my territory, so I have to listen to my orders!"

Gu Nanyan wanted to hit someone, but found that the opposite was a girl, so it was not easy to strike.

Just like in the TV series, he waved his claws and exposed his arrogance, and the guards around him immediately rushed forward to carry out the ugly thing underneath.

However... she has no guards!
Gu Nanyan: "..."

What this princess did was really horrible!
She let out a faint breath.

Just about to throw her out with his own hands, Ji Rui narrowed his eyes when he saw her get up, and quickly got up and kicked Ji Yingying's leg.

Ji Yingying was caught off guard and leaned forward, plopped and fell to her knees.

The voice was so loud that even Gu Nanyan couldn't help grinning, deeply suspecting that this fellow's kneecap had been broken.

Ji Yingying grinned naturally in pain, but Ji Rui didn't care about her wailing, and pressed her head down hard to the ground.

Ji's mother on the side didn't object, and helped Ji Rui hold down her sister while shedding tears.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I'm afraid Ji Yingying didn't pick it up!
"Princess forgive me, Yingying has been spoiled by us. Ever since she suffered a serious illness a month ago, she has been a little disoriented after waking up and often talks nonsense. Her father and I have invited many doctors to no avail." Ji Yingying's mother Wipe away tears.

During that time, the daughter fell into the water and fell into a coma for three days and three nights after high fever. They all thought that her daughter was going to die.

Unexpectedly, she woke up suddenly, and then she was like crazy, hiding in the room all day and muttering something.

At first they thought their daughter was possessed by an evil spirit, so they found a famous witch from the city to exorcise the evil spirit, but with little effect.

With bitterness in her heart, she bowed to Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, please spare her this time. After returning home, the civilian woman will be strictly disciplined, so that she will not offend you again."

(End of this chapter)

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