The farmer has a mall

Chapter 143 The Strange Ji Family

Chapter 143 The Strange Ji Family

"Ji Er's family, it's not the old man who blamed you. He knew that your girl was insane, so instead of locking her in the house, she was allowed to act presumptuously in front of the princess!" Zhuang Zhu said displeased.

Gu Nanyan is his "God of Wealth" now, and he still expects this girl to bring out more seeds. If this makes him angry, he will pat his ass and leave.

"Master Zhuang said that it is the women who are not disciplined strictly."

The Ji family was very good at admitting their mistakes, Gu Nanyan didn't know whether to sit down or continue to get up and throw Ji Yingying out.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was still frowning, Ji Rui hurriedly spoke.

"The Ji family is willing to obey the princess' order, and the whole family will plant the wheat seeds given by the princess. I hope that the princess will not remember the villain's mistakes and forgive her sister once."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed two more times, looking at Gu Nanyan with fear in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan scratched her head, always felt that this family was very weird, seeing her was like seeing a ghost.

Although she is now a princess, they seem to be visiting Lord Hades!
"I have handed over this matter to Guanshi Yuan. If you want to go to him to sign up, I don't care."

"But..." Gu Nanyan touched his chin.

"This is just a trial planting. The experimental field is only 20 mu, so only [-] people are enough."

Steward Yuan was taken aback. She never said before that the number of people would be limited, but now she is angry?

Gu Nanyan was not angry, but after seeing the crops, she suddenly felt that she might lose money this time, and the more she planted, the more she would gain.

She wants to buy seeds from the space. Originally, she wanted to buy some improved seeds to distribute. After all, the output value of this kind of improvement can reach at least two thousand catties per mu. She only needs to buy some seeds every year, and her income can be doubled.

But if so...

Gu Nanyan looked at the crops.

If the wheat planted had no ability to reproduce, the old man would pester her every day asking questions.

In order to avoid trouble, she can only buy the common and unimproved wheat seeds.

To her, the value of this kind of seed is not as high as that of improved seeds. Taking the yield of [-] per mu as an example, one mu of land can only earn ten taels of silver after digging labor.

Besides, for a fanatical researcher like Crop, she would have to laugh if she could leave a grain of wheat for her during the autumn harvest!

Therefore, in order to reduce his own losses, and to prevent too many seeds from arousing suspicion from others, Gu Nanyan decided to only plant [-] acres.

Farmers were still hesitating whether to sign up, but now they heard that the number of people was limited, coupled with the guarantee of crops, they immediately scrambled for it.

Seeing this, Ji Rui smiled wryly, seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't pursue their intentions, fearing that Ji Yingying would say something terrible again, he pulled Ji Yingying to cover her mouth and dragged her out.

Ji Yingying struggled fiercely, and Ji's mother comforted her with tears.

"Yingying, your brother is also doing it for your own good. Your uncle was dismissed because he made a mistake. We don't care about it. You go back with us obediently. Don't go out when the princess is here. Be careful if you really messed with her." Get angry and don't give us good fruit to eat."

Ji Yingying's eyes turned red when she heard the words, and she pulled away Ji Rui's hand covering her mouth.

"What do you know!" she hissed.

"If there is no uncle, our family will be mud legs for the rest of our lives, and we will not be able to eat enough to plant land every day. Only when uncle continues to be in charge, can I completely break free from this place and become a master!"

Ji Yingying hated her from the bottom of her heart.

I just felt that my own mother and brother not only didn't help, but dragged her down, and I was agitated in my heart.

She couldn't figure it out, where did Gu Nanyan come from, how could her uncle be resigned from the position of manager, without his uncle's help, would she still be able to marry that person?
On the other hand, Ji Rui stopped when he heard the words, and gave her a cold look.

"I know what you're thinking, and what uncle promised you."

Ji Rui stared at him heavily.

"But Ji Yingying, if you want to follow the path uncle said, you must break away from the Ji family, and you will have nothing to do with me, your parents, or the Ji family in the future. I can't leave you alone, and the whole family will be decapitated! "

Ji Rui's voice was serious, and Ji Yingying was stunned on the spot.

If she could follow the path that her uncle said, she would not feel sad at all even if she broke up with her parents.

What she didn't understand was why her brother was so excited, and how did he know what uncle had said to her?
"Brother, are you back too?" Ji Yingying asked cautiously.

"I just went up the mountain to chop firewood, but I can still be eaten by Xiong Xiazi. Why can't I come back?"

Looking at Ji Rui's suspicious eyes, Ji Yingying let out a soft breath.

She just said, if my brother is like her, he should know who she will be in the future, so how can he stop her and prevent her from getting ahead.

Ji Yingying relaxed a lot, and without Ji Rui's delay, she took the initiative to start walking home.

In fact, what mother said is also right, the most important thing for her now is to hide her strength and bide her time, waiting for that day to come.

Although some things may have changed because of her appearance, it did not hinder her.

Thinking of the future, Ji Yingying immediately felt better, so she didn't notice that Ji Rui's lowered eyes flickered.

Even Ji's mother looked at her with complicated eyes.

Gu Nanyan handed over the matter to Steward Yuan and went back to the house.

Bai Zhi and Cui Yao went to the iron shop in the town and asked about the shed bone.

And Bai Shao went back to the mansion to pick up Liu Shi.

Although Huangzhuang is a bit dilapidated, it is still Huangzhuang anyway, both the scenery and the environment are good.

What's more, the air here is also very fresh. It's been a few days since the beginning of spring, and the weather is getting warmer. It's just a good time to take Mrs. Liu here for a few days.

It's just that she didn't expect that even Hou Gu Ashlan and the others followed.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanyan was puzzled.

Can't get out of the city?
Ashlan chuckled: "The government canceled our brother's slave status. We saw that the old lady was going out of the city, and worried that it would be unsafe outside the city, so we escorted her all the way here."

The few people who eliminated slavery were obviously very happy, with smiles on their faces.

Gu Nanyan nodded, this man looks big and thick, but his heart is quite thin.

"Is the training okay?"

Ashlan was even happier when she heard the question.

"I have been training according to my master's instructions for the past few days, and the effect is really remarkable. Even this kid Suhebalu has grown stronger!"

Suhebaru scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, and seeing Gu Nanyan looking at him, he hurriedly expressed his opinion.

"Master, don't worry. I will definitely train hard, and I will definitely be stronger than Big Brother Hou Gu in the future!"

They Hu people all regard being tall and strong as their beauty, because such people are more powerful and stronger.

"I don't raise cattle, so what do you want to be so strong?" Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, thinking it was a little funny.

"These trainings are just to increase your mobility and endurance, you just continue training as planned."

She glanced at a few people, saw that they were standing straight, and nodded in satisfaction.

Military posture is also part of the training. It seems that Ashlan and the others are not lazy, and they have completed every task assigned by her earnestly.

She thought for a while, and said to the others: "Since you're here, don't go back. It just so happens that I will send out the weapons tomorrow, and you can find a remote place for training."

This group of people is not bad at all, and even because of the blood of the barbarians, their bodies are a little stronger, and they have almost practiced in the past few days, so they want to teach them how to shoot first while there are no idlers in the village.

Once they have taught everything, they can teach others.

Her special team slowly took shape.

Gu Nanyan thought that this place was too beautiful, so she happily asked Bai Shao to arrange a place for them, while she went back to the house by herself.

She said before that it is not embarrassing for one person to be in charge of five acres of land.

The reason why their efficiency is low is because the tools in their hands are not good. If they have good tools, it is still very easy for one person to have five acres.

Take out the charcoal and start writing and drawing.

(End of this chapter)

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