The farmer has a mall

Chapter 144 Kamikaze Special Forces

Chapter 144 Kamikaze Special Forces
Gu Nanyan was busy until it was slightly bright before finishing the drawing.

So I slept until the sun was up and didn't get up.

Bai Shao brought her breakfast, and seeing Gu Nanyan's dark circles around her eyes, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her master.

"Miss, this servant has lost weight the past few days watching you come out. If there is something you can tell this servant to do, don't tire yourself out."

Gu Nanyan shook her head. There are some things that others can't do and she can only rely on herself. Fortunately, she has only been busy for the past few days and doesn't feel too tired.

"Where's grandma?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Bai Shao hurriedly said: "The old lady went out for a walk early in the morning, just came back and saw that the young lady hadn't gotten up yet, so she went back to the house."

Gu Nanyan heard the words and ate two bites hastily, then got up and walked into Liu's yard.

Mrs. Liu was chatting with her mother-in-law about the scenery of the village, and was very pleasantly surprised to see Gu Nanyan coming over. She stepped forward to grab her hand, and stroked her sideburns.

"Can I have breakfast?" Mrs. Liu lovingly pulled her to sit down.

"I've eaten." Gu Nanyan said.

"Grandma, did you get used to sleeping last night?"

Mrs. Liu laughed and said, "Why aren't you used to it? I used to sleep on the kang in the village. Compared to this place, it's like a nest of immortals."

Gu Nanyan nodded, and chatted with Liu Shi for a while.

"Did grandma write a letter to third uncle to tell her he's safe?"

"I wrote it." Liu said.

"On the day we moved, I went to the street to find a letter writer, and I should receive a reply in the next few days."

She looked at Gu Nanyan, and said with a loving face, "Is my niece looking for him?"

Gu Nanyan nodded and shook her head.

"I want to discuss with grandma. The third uncle has been in charge of the planting base in the village for a while, and he is familiar with all aspects. I thought about calling him to the capital, and I will hand over the village to him. .”

Mrs. Liu waved her hands when she heard the words, and said indifferently: "You can do whatever you want with this matter. You don't need to discuss it with grandma. He is working for you now. When you need it, just send a letter to let him come. If he dares to If you don’t come, you can tell grandma, grandma will go back to teach him a lesson overnight!”

Liu was joking with a smile, and Gu Nanyan couldn't help curling her lips when she heard this.

"What's more, with the virtue of the third child, if you know that you can come to the capital, you will be overjoyed. How can there be any reason not to come?"

Gu Nanyan nodded: "Then I know."

In fact, it wasn't all about Gu Laishhou.

It's just that she was very busy during this period, always leaving Mrs. Liu at home alone, and she didn't know anyone here, and she just tended the flowers and plants in the yard every day, and she might get sick after a long time.

And in the future, she will only get busier and spend less and less time with Mrs. Liu.

Gu Nanyan felt a little sorry, so she thought that Gu Laishhou's family would be called over, with Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law and her own niece accompanying her, plus Gu Chengzong and Gu Yueju, it would be very lively.

After the two chatted for a while, Gu Nanyan hurried out the door.

In a remote place in Huangzhuang, Hou Gu Ashlan and the others stood in a straight line with their hands behind their backs, their legs spread apart and their chins raised high.

Gu Nanyan stepped on a box with one foot, put on a beige camouflage uniform again, and looked at several porcelain bottles hanging in the distance.

"Do you know what weapon is the fastest in the world?" she asked.

Hou Gu Ashlan and the others looked at each other, and said without hesitation: "It should be a crossbow."

They Xihu also have a crossbow, if that thing is shot at, it will be very difficult to avoid it.

Gu Nanyan just shook her head and didn't give an answer.

Instead, he glanced at the five people.

"I will ask you again today, and it will be the last time I will ask you."

She said with a serious face: "If any of you want to go back to Xihu, or if you don't want to follow me, you can leave now."

"I still say the same thing, don't blame the past, and give each person ten taels of silver as travel expenses."

A few people were surprised, and didn't understand how Haohao brought up the matter of letting them go again.

"Master, but one of us did something wrong, don't be angry, I, Battelle, will help you teach him a lesson!"

From their point of view, Gu Nanyan must have said this because someone had done something wrong, otherwise they wouldn't suddenly bring up Xihu's matter again.

"You all performed well, and no one did anything wrong." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

Battelle was startled when he heard the words, a little confused.

But Gu Nanyan continued: "I just want to make sure, are you willing to stay? I said this is the last time I ask."

"If you choose to stay, you will be my most trusted men, Gu Nanyan. You will not betray me or your brothers for the rest of your life. If someone betrays..."

Gu Nanyan glanced around again, her eyes were cold.

"If someone betrays, I will chase him to the ends of the earth, and I will wring his head off, and I will never break my promise!"

"Never betray!" Hou Gu Ashlan spoke out first.

"I, Ashlan, swear to the gods that if I betray my master, you don't need to do anything. Please let me die in the mouth of wolves, bury me in the belly of fish, and suffer from being eaten forever!"

His eyes are firm, looking straight ahead, with determination in his eyes.

The others were equally determined, clenched their right hands into fists, and swore on their hearts.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction, bent down and opened the box on the ground.

Hou Gu, Ashlan and the others kept their eyes straight, and naturally looked forward.

Gu Nanyan took out a pistol from the large and small weapons inside, unloaded the clips in front of several people, and put the bullets in one by one.

"The things I'm going to hand over to you today are the most powerful weapons so far. I hope you can take good care of them, and don't lose even a single part!"

"This is our first military order!"

After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head and shot Wumucang at the porcelain vase on the tree.

With the sound of porcelain cracking, Gu Nanyan blew the smoke from the mouth of the wooden warehouse, and looked up at them.

"I declare that the kamikaze special force is officially established!"

"From now on, you will be the veterans of this army and the essence of kamikaze. I hope you will not let me down!"

"Yes! I will definitely live up to my master's expectations!"

The hearts of the five people were agitated when they heard the words, and even the shock of Gu Nanyan opening the wooden warehouse just now was suppressed.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction, and handed them the wooden warehouse under her feet.

The remaining big snipers and rifles were still put away.

The five of them held strangely shaped weapons in their hands, feeling a little excited.

"Master, how do I use this thing?" Suhebaru, the youngest, couldn't help asking.

He looked at Gu Nanyan with bright eyes. Just now, her neat wooden warehouse gave him an indescribable feeling. At this moment, the hand holding the wooden warehouse was trembling slightly.

Others are in the same situation, curious about this kind of weapon they have never seen before.

The purpose of Gu Nanyan's coming here today was to teach them how to shoot, so he didn't hide it. He taught them little by little from the posture of holding a wooden warehouse.

It wasn't until it was dark that Gu Nanyan took them back to their residence.

Among them, Suhebaru is the most gifted in shooting, but only in one afternoon, although he can't hit every shot, he can hit seven out of ten shots.

Gu Nanyan was very happy that there was such a man in the team who could be a Kamakura player, and he specially praised Suhe Baru, but he was very embarrassed to praise him, so he practiced harder.

Followed by Hou Gu Ashlan, his accuracy is also good, but slightly worse than Suhe Baru, but he is not unhappy at all, instead he humbly asks Suhe for advice.

Several other people also practiced very seriously.

In order to prevent these novices who are not used to guns from accidentally firing and hurting people.

Gu Nanyan told Hou Gu Ashlan to collect the guns and hand them over to her every day, and to distribute them during training.

Although everyone was reluctant to give up, they still cooperated and handed in every day.

Gu Nanyan saw that they had almost learned, so she stopped training with them and turned around to deal with the spring planting.

 There will be more updates tomorrow, depending on the situation, one or two chapters will be added, try to add as many as possible in the last few days
(End of this chapter)

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