The farmer has a mall

Chapter 145 Waiting For One Thing

Chapter 145 Waiting For Something

Gu Nanyan set aside [-] acres of land as a shed area, and three blacksmiths built the shed bones at the same time, and finally completed the construction of the shed within a month.

The greenhouses are two meters high, and there are two sheds per acre of land, a total of one hundred sheds.

The people in the village have never seen it before, and they are very speechless about Gu Nanyan's behavior of "building a house" for the crops.

"Old Zhuang, what do you think the princess is doing? Why did you build a house when it was so good?" A man in his 30s was speechless.

"What do you know, she is a princess, and the things grown by the princess are naturally delicate, and they should live in a house!" A woman leaned against the wall, teasing as if watching the excitement.

Just after lunch at this time, a few farmers had nothing to do, sitting around the shed and chatting, when they saw a man emerge from the shed, they hurriedly pulled him over.

The man was walking with a limp, and he almost fell over when he was dragged.

"What are you doing! Didn't you see that you were working?" The man muttered dissatisfiedly, and angrily pulled his sleeves out of the hands of the person who was pulling him.

The man who pulled him had a beard on his face, he didn't care when he saw that he was angry, he laughed twice, and moved his stool to him.

"Brother, you are tired, sit down and rest quickly."

"No, the work is not done yet, don't stop!"

The lame man turned his head and was about to go back to work, but was stopped by the bearded man.

"Hey, you are so stupid, the princess is not here when the work is done, so who can show you the hard work?"

He tugged the lame man again: "Sit down quickly, I'll watch for you here, and if someone comes, I'll tell you."

The lame man was ungrateful and impatient.

"I'm supposed to do these jobs, why do I have to be seen by others? Tell me what's the matter, don't get in my way!"

Zhuangzi has more than 600 mu of arable land, but now only more than 200 mu are cultivated, and most of them are uncultivated.

The [-]-acre shed was originally vacant, and no one managed it. Gu Nanyan didn't want to waste manpower, so he recruited two families from outside who had fled to Beijing.

This lame man was the male owner of one of the households.

Seeing that he really wanted to leave, the bearded man hurriedly lowered his voice and asked, "I see you've been busy from morning to night, what are you doing inside?"

The greenhouse is translucent, and they can only see a figure from the outside, but they cannot see the movements of the people inside.

The lame man was puzzled: "What else can I do, farm the land!"

"What did you grow?" asked the bearded man.

"Then how do I know?" the man replied.

"I don't know what you planted it for?"

"I don't know why you can't plant it. The princess told me to plant it and I will plant it. I am here to plant the land. Why do you have so many problems? Why don't you bring me here if you have no business at all!"

The man was so impatient when he was asked, he lifted his legs angrily and left.

Beard: "..."

"This princess is a weird person, and the one who works for him is also weird." The bearded man laughed.

"What are you talking about!" Steward Yuan came over at some point, followed by Zhuang Jia.

"You still dare to chew the princess's tongue, you don't want to die, do you?"

Hearing the scolding, the bearded man scratched his head in embarrassment, and the few people who were sitting on the sidelines watching the fun also turned their heads in embarrassment.

"Aren't I just kidding, we all think it's... quite interesting when we see the princess building a house for the crops."

"Interesting?" Zhuang Zhu hummed.

"That's because you have never seen the world!"

"People are afraid of the cold, and crops are also afraid of the cold. People know how to wear clothes to avoid the cold in the house, so why not crops?"

"It's a pity that you are still peasants, and you don't even understand this truth. You might as well understand it like a little girl!" Zhuang Zhu snorted coldly.

Not only that, if it snows heavily or it rains for a long time, the crops will not be affected by the weather with these houses.

The bearded man laughed dryly: " mean, not only is the princess not messing around, but this method is quite useful?"

Crops nodded: "It's more than useful. If we use this method to grow food, the idle land in winter can also be used. Then there will be two harvests every year..."

The more the crops are talked about, the more excited they are, and what the people lack most is food.

Coupled with years of wars and food requisitions, most people are starved of food, and many people die of freezing and starvation every year.

But the cultivated land is still idle most of the time throughout the year.

It's not that crops have never thought of planting this method in the house, but they have been unable to do so.

One is that the cost is too high. How can people who are really hungry have the money to use it to build a house on the cultivated land?
The second is that because the sun does not shine in the house, the crops and fruits grown are small and few, and even the money for the seeds cannot be collected.

But now looking at these greenhouses, the crops are emotionally excited, and suddenly remembered what Gu Nanyan once said that wheat can also be planted in winter, and hurriedly walked into the sheds,
At this time, in Gu Nanyan's courtyard, Mrs. Liu was listening to Gu Nanyan reading Gu Laishhou's letter.

The last time I wrote back to Gu Laishhou, the letter mentioned the matter of letting their family come to the capital. Gu Laishhou was very active and expressed that he would leave as soon as possible.

The letter also mentioned the situation of the Gu family's old house. Since Gu Nanyan left and Gu Laishhou's family moved out, Gu Laifu and Gu Lailu started to toss again.

He knocked on Gu Laishhou's door every three days, and the big and small ones wanted to live in together.

He also said that this house belongs to the Liu family, and they are all Liu's sons, so Gu Laishhou can't take it all by himself.

These two people are dog skin plasters, don't try to tear them off if they stick on, of course Gu Laishhou won't let them in.

In the end, the disturbance was too much, and the whole family could not live in peace, so Gu Laishhou had to go to the village chief.

When the village chief found out, he fell backward in anger.

Everyone in the village knew that Gu Nanyan was the granddaughter of General Zhenbei, but he really didn't understand where these people had the courage to rob the house of the official lady.

Isn't this asking for money or life?
Remembering the county magistrate's entrustment, the village chief rushed to Gu's house in a hurry.

He also took into account that Gu Laifu and Gu Laifu were Liu's sons, and he didn't want to make things too ugly, but who knows that the two of them don't know what to do.

The village chief didn't care so much when he saw this, and just let go, if the two of them quarreled again, they would be kicked out of the village, and they would never come back in the future.

Not to mention the ancient times, even hundreds of years later, we must pay attention to returning the fallen leaves to their roots.

The people in the Gu family's old house were really shocked when they heard this, and finally calmed down.

However, Gu Nanyan did not tell Liu Shi about this, lest she feel bad.

"Third Uncle said in the letter that Gu Chengguang has already made an engagement, and the engagement is his husband's daughter, who will get married at the end of the year."

"The third uncle asked you at the old house to ask you whether you will go back then."

Mrs. Liu sighed: "Let's talk about it when the time comes. Didn't you say a while ago that you will go back when the Princess Mansion is completed?"

"If you happen to be in Mingshan County, let San'er bring a gift of two taels of silver, if not..."

"That's okay, let's make it up later."

Gu Nanyan only nodded and did not comment.

The two chatted for a while, and the crops came.

Mrs. Liu said hello and returned to her yard.

"Girl, last time you said that you can grow wheat in winter, is it true?" Before he could sit still, Crop asked impatiently.

Gu Nanyan was speechless: "How many times have you asked this question, and I've said it's all right?"

Crop heheed in embarrassment.

"I'm so excited. If it's true as you said, it will be a great achievement. By then, your girl will be famous in history forever!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Did the old man curse her? Aren't these two words used for dead people?

Zhuangjia didn't see her face, and asked about Chunzhong again.

"The government's seeds have already been sent to Zhuangzi. You have to hurry up, otherwise it will be difficult to feed if you miss the time."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "The seeds have been prepared a long time ago, but I'm still waiting for one thing. When it arrives, I will share it. There can be no delay."

Zhuangjia knew that she was successful in doing things, so she just reminded her casually just now, so she felt relieved after hearing her words.

At the same time, I was a little curious: "What is so important that we have to wait until it arrives to distribute grain seeds? Is it related to farming?"

(End of this chapter)

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