The farmer has a mall

Chapter 146 Iron Plow Vehicle

Chapter 146 Iron Plow Vehicle

Before sowing, the most troublesome thing is plowing.

In ancient times, it was not so developed, and we could only loosen the soil bit by bit with a hoe manually. This is also the most time-consuming and tiring step.

So usually a person can only plant two or three acres at most.

And what Gu Nanyan was waiting for was naturally her modernized artificial plow machine.

Steward Yuan and nineteen other people were standing by the field, and they were surprised to see Cui Yao bring several carriages and pull five strange carts.

"Girl, is this what you were waiting for?" Zhuang Zhu asked.

He has been studying the things in the field all year round, and at a glance, he knows that these few iron bumps are not simple.

Gu Nanyan asked someone to move the thing down, and explained to Zhuang Zhu: "This thing is called an iron plow cart. I saw it in a book and made a little modification."

The crops became more curious when they heard it, and walked around the plow truck.

"Girl, tell me quickly, how does this thing work?"

He pointed to the scroll wheel at the bottom: "What is this?"

This thick and large wheel is inlaid with several rows of curved thick iron sheets with sharp edges and a funnel-like thing on it.

The two sides of the wheel are connected to two thin iron pillars with an axle, and there are two pairs of handles on the top.

Gu Nanyan said: "As I said before, if each of you is responsible for five acres of land, do you feel that it is impossible, or even have already thought about it, and let your family members help you with the work?"

Everyone scratched their heads, they really thought so.

After all, this year's harvest is still unknown, but the money Gu Nanyan gave is real money!
In addition, she kept saying that the production capacity per mu would reach [-], and Mr. Zhuang was also giving her a guarantee. These people wanted to fight, even if two people in the family received one person's money, it would not be a big loss.

Seeing their appearance, Gu Nanyan knew she had hit the mark, and she didn't blame her. She just rolled up her sleeves and pushed the plow cart to the edge of the field.

The plow cart was nearly two meters long, but it was just an iron frame, so it didn't look bulky.

Gu Nanyan squatted down and started filling the funnel with wheat seeds.

"There are a total of five plow trucks here, and you will share one in pairs. If you move quickly..."

Gu Nanyan frowned.

"One hundred acres of arable land can be sown in one day!"

Everyone couldn't believe it when they heard the words, it was completely a fantasy to them.

Not to mention one hundred acres a day, it takes several days for each of them to plant one acre. It is simply impossible to plant one hundred acres in time for spring planting.

"Princess, don't make fun of us. You'd better send out the seeds quickly. We can do it well. In the end, we will only charge you alone."

"Yeah, I heard that the other Zhuangzi had already gone to work in the field two days ago. We are already late, and it will be too late."

These people are all men, facing Gu Nanyan, a little girl and a princess, they can only persuade them softly.

It's just that everyone's eyes are full of disappointment.

The princess is still too young, she only knows how to have fun, and she doesn't know what the emperor thinks, how can she take care of Huangzhuang if she is handed over to a little girl? !

Seeing everyone coaxing their children, Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes in her heart.

She didn't talk nonsense, after several funnels were filled, she got up and held the two handles, and said to everyone: "Look, I will only teach you once."

As she spoke, she pushed her hands forward, and the wheels of the plow began to turn.

The scimitar on the roller quickly plunges into the soil as it is pushed, and digs out a pile of soil. The opening of the funnel on the top just turns to the bottom, and the wheat seeds leak out from the inside. After the soil in front is dug up, the seeds are deeply buried. up.

Gu Nanyan easily pushed the plow cart and ran back and forth every 2 minutes, but after 10 minutes, he ran over an acre of land.

Everyone: "..."

The original joking expressions of the onlookers turned into surprise, and the scene fell silent for a moment. They all stared dumbfounded at Gu Nanyan running happily in the field, and even the crops, who liked to ask questions the most, did not move.

Seeing that no one responded, Gu Nanyan couldn't help but frowned. Could it be that she was running too fast.Didn't these people see clearly?
Thinking of what she just said to teach only once, she stroked her chin, and just as she was about to call Ashlan and the others over, she felt her own arm being grabbed.

Standing next to her were crops, and when she was unprepared for the old man, she was dragged staggeringly, and she almost fell headfirst into the plow cart.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She hurriedly stabilized her figure and looked quietly at the crops.

She said that the old man had bad intentions, first cursed her to die young, and started to do it in just a few days?

Crop was also taken aback. He was so shocked that he felt a burst of ecstasy after reacting.

Seeing Gu Nanyan raising her foot to leave, he grabbed her reflexively, but he didn't expect to use too much force!

"You, are you okay?" Old Man Zhuang's voice trembled.

"Hehe, guess what!"

I almost pounced on GAI, you said it's all right?
Gu Nanyan suddenly felt that compared with this old man, those assassins and killers he had seen before were all scum!
Seeing that Gu Nanyan was indeed not injured, Crop could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He held Gu Nanyan's arm and pointed at the plow truck excitedly.

"Is this what you came up with?"

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes: "I said I read it from a book."

Crop: "Which book?"

Gu Nanyan babbled: "Nature and science!"

Crop: "Who wrote it?"

Gu Nanyan: "MUJI."

Crop: "Who?"

Gu Nanyan: "MUJI."

Crops: "..."

Did she have a man called a rooster who gave birth to a baby called a chick? !
This stinky girl, who can't even make up a better name, is talking nonsense with him here.

Zhuang Zhu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and felt that he could no longer talk to this girl in a short time, otherwise he would die easily.

So he turned his eyes away, turned his back to Gu Nanyan and pushed the Tie Li, who knew that he didn't push the light thing in Gu Nanyan's hands all at once.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan said leisurely: "I already said that two people should push, why are you so disobedient?"

If you are a lot of age, then you will break your waist.

Seeing Gu Nanyan's schadenfreude, Zhuangjiao looked at the plow truck on the ground and swallowed hard.

"Give one of these to the old man." He said directly.

Gu Nanyan smiled kindly: "No!"

This old man is really getting more and more aggressive, she has already given the seeds, so why doesn't he even let go of the iron bumps.

Zhuangjia knew that she would not agree. After getting along with her for a while, he has a good understanding of Gu Nanyan's temper.

So, the moment Gu Nanyan refused, Zhuangjia immediately put on a bitter face.

"Girl, you are a good boy. I don't know how many days I can live when I am old. When I was young, I was fortunate enough to be appreciated by the late emperor and worked as a farmer for a few days, but I was targeted everywhere. I can only hide in the In this small village."

Crop wiped away tears that didn't exist.

"This old man has dealt with the land all his life. He eats rough tea and light food, wears coarse linen clothes, and stands under the sun for decades, even in summer!"

After that, he rolled up his sleeves and raised his arms in front of Gu Nanyan.

"Look, when the old man was young, he was also a fair and clean young man, a flower in our village, but now he is so dark, it's all sun-dried!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Now that I'm getting older, I have problems all over my body. This leg hurts when it's rainy, and I can't even stand upright. And this waist, bent over and working in the field all day, is stretched now. Not straight away, and this arm, do you see the scar on it, it was cut by a sickle, it was almost useless! And the stomach..."

Gu Nanyan pressed her temples, and her eyelids twitched when she saw that Zhuangjia really went to lift her clothes.

This fellow is skilled in tactics and has a rich voice and emotion. I'm afraid he was not a rascal when he was young!
Although the farmers didn't care about these things, and there were still men working shirtless in summer, Gu Nanyan couldn't bear to look directly at them.

She was really afraid of getting a needle eye!

So he grabbed the crop's hand.

Zhuangjia looked at Gu Nanyan quietly with his eyes, and when he saw her looking over, he quickly showed a bitter and hatred expression.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Give it, I'll give it!"

孽 孽!
 There is another chapter that will be released later, the cuties who can’t wait can wait until tomorrow morning to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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