The farmer has a mall

Chapter 147 Li Yi Visits

Chapter 147 Li Yi Visits

Although he said yes, but Gu Nanyan gave it unwillingly, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

So she pushed the matter to Cui Yao, and asked Cui Yao to talk to him.

Zhuangjia knew that Gu Nanyan wanted him to bleed, and he didn't intend to ask for it in vain.

And if this matter is reported to the emperor, there will be a bigger reward for her.

But there's no need to tell her these things, lest the girl turn a cold face at him again, and then highlight his rheumatism.

Gu Nanyan softened her heart purely because she would think of a hero in her world when she saw him.

But Cui Yao wouldn't be so easy to deceive. After several hours of arguing with him about the crops and wasting five or six pots of tea, he made him agree to give him the plow cart after the spring plowing was over.

The news of the plow truck spread quickly, spreading throughout Zhuangzi that night.

Many people who have never seen it with their own eyes expressed disbelief, and decided to go and have a look at the 20 people when they went to work in the field tomorrow.

So on the second day, except for Gu Nanyan's family, almost everyone in Zhuangzi arrived.

Cui Yao told everyone the precautions and asked them to try plowing an acre of land each.

The 20 people were divided into two groups. They had all seen Gu Nanyan's speed, and they were even more eager to try at this time, full of energy.

Seeing two people working on a plow cart and driving five carts at the same time, they planted five acres of land in just two quarters of an hour, and all the farmers were shocked.

The bearded man who was watching and chatting in the greenhouse area squeezed out from the crowd with a look of suspicion.

He shouted to Cui Yao: "Let me try, why do I feel so mysterious?"

Cui Yao didn't care, and made a gesture of invitation to him with a smile.

A moment later, the bearded man returned to the crowd with his legs fluttering.

"Really, is it true?" he muttered.

Then he suddenly looked at Guanshi Yuan who had been smiling and saying nothing.

"Boss, you can't favor one person over another. They are all from Zhuangzi, so why only send such good things to the princess's side?"

Everyone was still shocked, but after hearing the bearded words, they also calmed down.

"That's not it!" said the woman who teased Gu Nanyan with the beard that day.

"Princess can't just rely on her status to occupy all these things. You have to help us, Steward Yuan!"

"There are still so many vacant lands in Zhuangzi. If you have such a good thing, it will be easy for one person to serve five acres of land!"

"That's right, I think it's better to allocate ten acres of land to each of our households, so that after the autumn harvest, not only will there be enough grain for chewing, but the surplus can be sold for silver."

"How about ten acres?" Yuan Heizi curled his lips.

"Before the princess said that five acres per person was too much for you, so this meeting will really cheer you up."

Everyone was a little embarrassed when they heard the words, but they didn't want to back down when faced with such a good thing as a plow cart.

Steward Yuan raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"It's not that I don't help you, it's just that this iron plow cart was originally made by the princess. Whoever wants to use it is naturally the princess' decision."

"What?" The bearded man couldn't believe it.

"You are right in charge, how can a princess do this?"

"It was indeed done by the princess. To be more specific, it was actually the princess who drew the blueprints and asked Mr. Cui to find a blacksmith to make it."

Zhuangjia walked over slowly, looking at Cui Yao with complicated eyes.

This brat is definitely a profiteer.

He had to wait until the end of the spring plowing before giving him the iron plow cart, let alone talk about patent rights with him.

It is said that in the future, whatever Gu Nanyan makes, even the imperial court can only produce and sell it with her consent, otherwise it will be an infringement!
Crop wanted to slap him.

He knew that Cui Yao was the youngest son of General Cui, but he was negotiating conditions with the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty!
May I ask which courtier with a problematic mind will let a businessman grasp the lifeline?
Although this businessman is the current princess.

Crop exhaled bitterly, and was already thinking about how to persuade the emperor and all civil and military officials.

What he didn't know was that Gu Nanyan came up with the idea of ​​patent rights.

She didn't make this thing to make money, and she didn't plan to use it to make money in the future.

But this is just her idea. Once some money-seeking people use this as a tool to make money, then the meaning of her plowing will be gone.

So we can only talk about patent rights.

But this is ancient times, and she can't guarantee how much effect it will have by then.

We can only try our best to prevent some senior officials and landlords from treating it as their private property.

As soon as Zhuangjia finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Cui Yao.

Uncle Cui Yao was also sitting there drinking tea, and seeing everyone looking at him, he spread his hands helplessly.

"Young Master is just an errand runner and doesn't know anything."

Although he already knew the purpose of the things on the drawing, he didn't know that the effect would be so good, and he was really surprised.

"Mr. Cui, can you help us tell the princess that we are all from Zhuangzi, so we can't favor one another than another."

"Yes, this village belongs to the princess, and we all work for the princess. If there is such an iron bump, the big guy will plow a lot of land, and the princess will also receive a lot of grain rent, right?"

That's what he said, but Cui Yao sneered.

He stood up carelessly and patted the dust off his clothes.

"At this time, I know that Zhuangzi belongs to the princess. Why didn't I see you have such an awareness when she said she was going to change the grain?"

He didn't wait for anyone to speak, and waved at them.

"The princess has her own reasons for doing things. You don't have to ask for what she wants to give, and no one can embarrass her for what she doesn't want to give."

"I advise you not to make trouble, and work honestly, or if she is in a good mood, she can give you this iron plow cart when the land here is all planted."

Gu Nanyan's character is actually a bit weird, just like this time, facing so many people's doubts, she didn't beat people like usual, but made something like a plow cart that the farmer couldn't refuse.

Cultivating land is what these people depend on for survival, and Gu Nanyan's move undoubtedly grasped their lifeline.

Everyone was a little uneasy when they heard the words, and at the same time looked enviously at those people pushing the plow cart.

The 20 people held their heads high and their chests high, their complacency beyond words.

Two days later, although these people worked unhurriedly, the one hundred acres of land were all planted.

This is probably the easiest time they have ever worked in their lives.

The shed area was almost done, and Gu Nanyan just wanted to take a rest when a guest was ushered in.

Li Yi sat across from Gu Nanyan with a relaxed expression.

"How is Yan'er recently?"

When Gu Nanyan heard this address, she trembled all over.

She looked at Li Yi suspiciously.

Gu Nanyan: When did I get so familiar with this guy?

Li Yi pretended not to see her eyes and slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Huang recognizes you as a righteous sister, so you are also my younger sister. If you need help with anything in the future, just ask."

Gu Nanyan smacked his lips and squinted at him.

"Well, what do you want to do here today?"

With this guy's personality, every time he comes to the door, he has something to do, so if he puts his posture so low today, maybe he has something to ask her for?
Li Yi was speechless, seeing Gu Nanyan staring at him defensively, the corner of his mouth twitched.

In the end, he said helplessly: "Brother Huang heard that you have made a time-saving and labor-saving farming tool, and he is quite interested. It's just that he is not convenient to come out in the palace, so he specially asked me to take a look."

The thing is that such a thing is good, but his main purpose is to take this opportunity to meet Gu Nanyan!

They haven't seen each other for nearly two months since the last palace banquet, but what does this girl's anti-thief expression mean?
"I already know." Gu Nanyan's eyes were cold.

The Dog Emperor misses her all day long!

It's only been a few days, and she hasn't warmed up the iron plow cart yet, old man Zhuang must have told them!
Gu Nan was full of smoke, and wanted to kick Li Yi out.

Li Yi saw that her complexion was not good, his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly said:
"Of course, that's what the emperor meant. The most important thing for me to come this time is to give you something."

Li Yi glanced at Long Yi, who hurriedly put a food box on the table.

"Last time I saw that you liked the dim sum at the palace banquet very much, so my king asked the imperial chef to make some and bring them here for you."

After he finished speaking, he opened the food box himself, took a piece of white snack and handed it to her mouth, looking at her expectantly.

"Are you okay if you taste it?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I almost forgot, did he still say that he wanted to marry her at the palace banquet last time...

 Thank you for the little cutie who has been supporting this book. I have seen all your messages, thank you everyone.

  To be honest, this is the author's first book, and I have no experience. If there are any poor writing, please forgive me, old and new readers.

  The author will accumulate experience little by little, and strive for better performance in the next book.

(End of this chapter)

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