The farmer has a mall

Chapter 148 The Daughter-in-Law Runs Away With Someone

Chapter 148 The Daughter-in-Law Runs Away With Someone
Gu Nanyan ate the pastry silently, Li Yi looked at her with the corners of his lips curled up, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Marquis Yongle intends to buy a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables from you to bring back to Anyang Kingdom. Brother Huang asked me to ask you what you mean."

Gu Nanyan was surprised: "Whatever he wants to buy, he just buys it, and asks me what to do?"

She has never been involved in business matters, she is only responsible for building the base, and the rest is handed over to Cui Yao.

"Does he want a lot?" Gu Nanyan asked?

Li Yi nodded: "Indeed, there are quite a few, but he may have another purpose for doing this."

"During the palace banquet before, Marquis Yongle was very interested in your melons and fruits. He also heard that they were all grown in winter. He has already wanted to exchange seeds of other crops with our country many times."

Brother Huang never agreed, only saying that he could not be the master of this matter, but Yong Lehou thought it was just his evasion.

So some time ago, I went to Gu's mansion, but I ran away for nothing, Gu Nanyan was not in the mansion.

"He did this first because he wanted to see you. Since Brother Huang said that he couldn't be the master, he will come to you directly. Second, if you don't agree to give the seeds, he can still take seeds from the melons and fruits he bought. In this way, Naturally, the more you buy, the better."

Gu Nanyan frowned, the seeds don't matter, anyway, if they don't have the ability to reproduce, they are not afraid of being planted by others.

"The production in Mingshan County is not much at present, and the business of Guose Tianxiang is good recently. If there are too many, it may not be enough to sell."

She smacked her back molars, feeling like the duck in her mouth was about to fly.

"I built a [-]-acre greenhouse in Zhuangzi, and I have just finished sowing the seeds. It will take at least one and a half months to reap the harvest. When will the little boy return to China?"

When Li Yi heard her call Guan Hanfei "little boy", the smile on his face deepened.

"It's not sure yet, but it should be soon."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "Tell him, if you want to buy it, you can buy it, but it will take a month and a half."

Guose Tianxiang and Fumanlou are both long-term businesses, and she can't delay the store because of Guan Hanfei's one-shot deal.

Li Yi understood, and couldn't help laughing seeing Gu Nanyan's heartbroken look.

He said helplessly: "Don't worry, one and a half months is not too long, with Yong Lehou's temperament, he will definitely wait."

Besides, he was communicating with the emperor of Anyang on the issue of peace talks, and it would take half a month to go back and forth even if it was eight hundred li to expedite it.

"However, if the envoys return to the country, your grandfather will lead the Zhenbei Army to escort them along the way. Your [-] garrisons have already been selected, and you will have to decide how many people will be left."

Although the imperial decree allowed her to keep one thousand retinues, it was only on the surface, and she could keep more in private.

Gu Nanyan pondered, with her current financial strength, it is still very difficult to equip a whole team, so there is no need to keep too many people.

"Let's just keep one thousand, I don't have a place to house them if there is more."

As far as her small courtyard is concerned, even if every room is full of people, it cannot accommodate it.

Fortunately, there is still this Zhuangzi.

Li Yi was very surprised. You must know that even King Ning, who has no military power, has two thousand guards in the mansion, not to mention dark guards and dead soldiers who can't be seen.

But since Gu Nanyan said this, she must have thought of it, so he didn't say anything more.

"That's right." Li Yi said suddenly.

"Old General Gu asked me to tell you that your grandmother has almost recovered from her illness after taking your medicine, and now she can walk around as usual. He told you not to worry, and go back to the General's Mansion when you have time."

Gu Nanyan was startled, she had left a month's worth of medicine for Mrs. Gu before she came to Zhuangzi, and now she thought she had finished it.

"I see." She nodded.

"Also, Ge Shi died suddenly of a heart attack a month ago. Because she died in extreme pain and her face was horrifying, Master Gu hurriedly buried her, then took a military post and entered the barracks. She has not left until now."

It was rumored that the second master Gu and his wife had a deep affection for his wife, and he couldn't accept her sudden disappearance, so he decided to devote himself to the military camp and never marry another wife.

Some people also said that it was Ge's disobedience to women, and she was ashamed and indignant after being discovered by Gu Shen. Gu Shen couldn't afford to lose this man, so he hid in the barracks.

However, everyone in the General's Mansion remained silent, and all the servants were even more silent, only saying that they were carried to Ge's house on the night of Ge's death.

After that, the mansion didn't even hang a white cloth strip on his body, as if there was no such thing.

This seems to verify the second statement even more, so the rumors are even more outrageous, and various versions emerge in endlessly.

The one that is closest to the truth is the version of the storyteller in the largest teahouse in Beijing.

He said that Ge Shi was not Gu Nanyan's mother, and he treated her badly since she was a child, and even tried to kill her when the old general was not at home. Fortunately, Gu Nanyan escaped cleverly.

When she came back again, Ge Shiyou didn't give up and attacked her again, but was caught by the old general and the second master.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Ge Shi bribed the maid Hongmei to ask for a pack of arsenic, and committed suicide by taking the poison that night.

The storyteller spoke vividly, and the listeners listened with gusto, and no one ever stopped him.

Even the general's mansion didn't stop him.

Some people even saw Mr. Gu Er in the teahouse. After listening to the story told by the storyteller, he left a reward of ten taels of silver and left without saying a word.

This matter spread all over the capital for a while, until now people still mentioned it from time to time, lamenting Miss Gu's life.

After listening to Li Yi's description.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Can't tell, Gu Shen really knows how to act.

Li Yi looked at her with a half-smile, and seeing her rolling her eyes indistinctly with disgust on her face, she almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Gu Nanyan looked at him suspiciously, Li Yi quickly cleared his throat with a calm expression on his face.

"Ge Shi also deserved what she deserved. It is not an exaggeration for this king to say that she was skinned and torn apart. Yan'er must not feel sad for this kind of person."

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

Why is it that this guy's eyesight is not good at such a young age!

Where does she look sad?
She just wondered if Ge Shi died, and whether her 10 taels of silver would also be wasted.

Gu Nanyan gritted her teeth, it's impossible to fall through the cracks, the daughter's debtor's father pays back, the Ge family is gone, and Master Ge is still there.

She has grown up so much that no one dares to take her account, not even the dead!
Seeing Gu Nanyan gnashing his teeth, Li Yi really wanted to pinch her tender face, but he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would break his hand.

Li Yi rubbed his fingers helplessly.

What did you say?

The road is long and long, and he still has a long way to go after his wife!
The two talked again, and the crops came.

He and Li Yi went to the field together, Gu Nanyan didn't bother to move, and went back to the backyard directly.

After returning to the room, when she was the only one left in the room, Gu Nanyan looked at Yuan Tuanzi who suddenly jumped out with a straight face.

888 exudes a strong green light, bouncing up and down in front of Gu Nanyan's eyes.

Gu Nanyan felt his eyes were dazzled.He grabbed the green dumpling and squeezed it hard.

Well, judging by the feel, the dumpling is still the same dumpling, but why did it suddenly change clothes?

"Master, master, there is good news. The wife of the owner of the mall ran away with someone. The boss is crazy. Buy one get one free for all products, buy big and get small, don't miss it when you pass by, the opportunity is rare and never comes again~"

After 888 finished speaking, the green light on his body lit up.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she looked at 888 strangely.

Sure enough, every kind of master has such a dog's leg, and she has seen this kind of activity for a long time.

May I ask what kind of insanity is it that makes such a thing so joyously publicized? !

Gu Nanyan turned on the system light curtain, and as she expected, all the lights of Marysu in the mall turned green, and they were very bright.

Looking at the details of the event again, I saw a few lines of green characters written on it.

"The following packages are available for purchase in limited quantities, please choose one of them, and repeated purchases are not allowed."

"Package [-]: Infertile and infertile children and grandchildren package."

"Package [-]: Suffering is Fufuru Donghai set meal."

"Package [-]: Longevity, Hundred Years and All Diseases Package."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

 Chapter 2 will be later, cuties, don't stay up late, watch it tomorrow morning.

  oh da ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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