The farmer has a mall

Chapter 149 Black Heart Boss

Chapter 149 Black Heart Boss
Gu Nanyan felt that the screen was filled with malice.

Even with her fearless character, she couldn't help shivering when she saw these set meals.

"Master, how is it? Are you very excited?"

"It's better to act than to be excited, so hurry up if you want to buy~" 888 looked excited, thinking about this month's monthly results, he jumped even more joyfully.

Gu Nanyan squinted at it, unable to say a word.

You tell me, who can afford this kind of package!
Also, you are still so happy that your boss is green like this, what is the hatred between you two?
Gu Nanyan clicked on the three set meals one by one and looked at them, and finally closed the light curtain with a hehe.

888 was a little confused: "Master, don't you want to buy it?"

Gu Nanyan: "If you don't have money, don't buy it!"


No, these three packages are carefully selected by it, there is no reason why this person should not be tempted.

"Well, there will always be money, master, please think about it again." 888 said coquettishly.

Gu Nanyan didn't respond, and 888 continued to insist: "This kind of opportunity is not common, next time there is such an event, I don't know how long it will take."

After that, he sighed with regret.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Any boss who has an employee like you is also unlucky, every day I look forward to the boss's wife running away!
Seeing that she was still uninterested, 888 was right with her fingers.

"Why don't I discuss it with the boss, and add [-]% to the "" items in the package?"

Unmoved, Gu Nanyan picked up the drawing book next to the bed and read it.

888: "Twenty percent?"

Gu Nanyan turned the page and continued reading.

888: "Thirty percent?"

Gu Nanyan yawned, put down the script and collapsed on the bed.

888 gritted his teeth: "Forty...forty percent, no more!"

Gu Nanyan opened his eyes, and said rather puzzled: "I'm just wondering, why do you want to add something to it, wouldn't it be good to just lower the price?"

888 looked serious: "Absolutely not, no bargaining will be made during the event!"

"Oh." Gu Nanyan glanced at it leisurely.

"If you don't pay it back, I won't pay it back, and I didn't say I would buy it."



What do you ask if you don't buy? !

It squatted pitifully on the bed and picked its fingers, but Gu Nanyan pretended not to see it.

As soon as she thought about the 10 taels that Ge Shi owed her, the mall offered three green set meals, each priced at [-] taels.

This dog is obviously cheating her, not only that, but I don't know if I can hear her heart, every time the price is so accurate, it is just what she can come up with.

"Actually, you can't hear it every time..." 888 muttered.

Gu Nanyan suddenly turned her head when she heard the words, staring at it with fixed eyes.

The startled Lv Tuanzi almost fell off the bed, but was caught by a white and tender hand.

888 was moved, and thought that although Gu Nanyan had a bit of a weird temper, he treated it well, and was afraid that it would fall.

Just as it was about to say thank you, it felt its body suddenly squeezed.

Gu Nanyan's fingers became tighter and tighter until 888 was pinched out of shape.

There was a cold light in her eyes, and a murderous aura shot out from her body.

"I can really hear my heart." Gu Nanyan narrowed his eyes with a smile.

She was originally a person who didn't like to get in touch with people, and she never shared her thoughts with others, but now that this bastard was blatantly eavesdropping on her thoughts, Gu Nanyan felt uncomfortable all over.

888 hadn't felt her murderous aura for a long time, and was instantly taken aback.

"What are you doing!" it screamed.

Feeling that Gu Nanyan's fingers were still tightening, it became anxious for a moment, and hurriedly said: "My body is made of the most advanced interstellar materials, ordinary attacks are useless to me, you release it quickly!" Let me go!"

Gu Nanyan was unmoved.

Although she didn't know where this guy came from and what purpose he had when he came to her, as long as it had a body, she wasn't afraid that it wouldn't kill it!
As if feeling the malice in Gu Nanyan's heart, 888 finally became uneasy.

It stands to reason that no one can harm it in this time and space, but I don't know if it's an illusion, it always feels the sound of electric current coming from its body.

Thinking of the strength of the person in front of him, although 888 still didn't believe that she could hurt him, he still struggled a few times.

Unexpectedly, the more it struggled, the tighter Gu Nanyan's grip became.

"Don't you know what I'm thinking, guess what I'm going to do?" Gu Nanyan drew a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Although she didn't know why, from the very beginning, she didn't like this flamboyant dumpling, even the mall.

But this was the first time she felt such a disgust for a person, or a thing.

888 looked at Gu Nanyan's icy eyes in a daze, heard a click inside his body, and couldn't help but break down and cry.

"Wow, don't kill me. I didn't do it on purpose. It's because you didn't close the consciousness link in the background. I won't dare to do it again!"

888 cried loudly, the strange thing is that Bai Zhi and the others didn't seem to hear it, and no one came to knock on the door until a quarter of an hour later.

Gu Nanyan let go of the hand holding it, and shook off the unknown liquid on his hand in disgust.

"What consciousness link?"

888 sat on the ground, hiccupping from crying.

"The customer service can establish an awareness link with the buyer to facilitate the reading of the buyer's purchase intention, which is the default of the system."

888 was about to die of grievance. This was the first task he accepted since he was born, and it was also his trial task.

If it can achieve a certain performance, it can be converted into a regular employee, otherwise it will be regarded as a defective product and eliminated and destroyed.

It stands to reason that the trial task should be the easiest. He only needs to step by step to lure buyers to buy what he needs, and he can easily graduate from the "practice class".

But it happened to meet Gu Nanyan!
Thinking of the performance of his friends in the same period, 888 just wanted to cry.

It felt that the boss must have disliked it to assign it such a difficult master.

"How?" Gu Nanyan wiped her hands and asked concisely.

After a while, Gu Nanyan sat cross-legged on the bed, and 888 squatted in front of her like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

"No matter what purpose you have, I hope that similar things will not happen again in the future."

888 nodded: "Understood."


"Also, don't steal my money anymore. Don't buy this kind of messy package in the future. As long as the price satisfies me, I will buy it even if there is no promotion."

Of course, she has the final say whether she is satisfied or not.

Gu Nanyan felt a little proud in her heart.

In her opinion, since 888 is a customer service, there must be a commission, otherwise, it would not be so hard to sell products to her.

Since there was a commission, it must be that the higher the price, the more he would get, that's why he asked her for a lot of money.

But after this incident, Gu Nanyan felt that as long as this guy didn't want to die, he would never dare to cheat her again.

Of course, it is impossible for her not to give it any profit.

"If there is something I want to buy in the future, you can directly quote the cost price, and I will add to you..."

Gu Nanyan snapped her fingers: "One percent profit."


"Don't think too little." Gu Nanyan said seriously.

"It seems that today's set meal, if the cost price is 10 taels of silver, one percent is 1000 taels!"

"You don't have to do anything to get 1000 taels for free. How much do you want to drop it? My money didn't come from the wind!"

After doing this calculation, Gu Nanyan suddenly felt that one percent was a bit high.

888 made a bitter face: "But my commission is only 1000% of the net profit, and I can only get 100 taels for [-] taels."

Gu Nanyan: "...Is your boss so black-hearted?"


You only give one percent, how dare you say that others are unscrupulous!

Gu Nanyan smacked her lips, and patted it reassuringly.

"It's okay, I will give you 20.00% more, so you will have [-]%? Are you happy?"

888: No!
"Happy." Want to cry.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied, and immediately opened the mall, ready to see what could be used.

But there was a rush of footsteps coming from outside the door.

"Miss, it's bad!" Bai Shao hurried into the room.

"A wolf has entered Zhuangzi, Master Zhuang was bitten!"

(End of this chapter)

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